The president of the slave trade association and the captains of some caravans often have some strength, and they can find the Hassan before their death, although it does not make any sense!

Even with a large number of personalities, the lowest strength is b, equivalent to the lieutenant colonel or colonel of the navy headquarters, or at least [*] million pirates with a bounty, in front of Hassan who will be stronger at the time of the assassination, some slaves in the mere The chairman of the chamber of commerce and the captain of the caravan have no resistance at all!

The chairman of the slave trade association and the captains of the caravan died one after another, and the weaker thugs and sailors died silently!

Even though death has come, they still know nothing.

However, sudden death in ignorance can be regarded as the last kindness that Saga and Hassan have given to those thugs and sailors!

Today, blood spilled all over the shampoo field!

Saga stepped towards the No. [*] area of ​​the Chambord Archipelago. Every time he walked forward, some Hassan figures silently merged into the weak Hassan's body from all directions!

Before Saga took the weak Hassan to the Chambord Islands, except for some Hassan who had been scattered all over the world and had special tasks!

Even all the Hassans in the kingdom of Vardin have all returned to Hassan's body before this day!

The weak Hassan is getting stronger!

Just before Saga and Weak Hassan came to the Population Auction House in Area [*], Hassan, the last split-off on the Chambord Archipelago, also returned to Weak Hassan's body? !

General Kizaru also suddenly appeared in front of Saga at this time.

One-Kizuna, who has been following Saga's figure with a domineering look, has solved all supernovas in a short period of time.

"Ah, what you are supposed to do is to buy a few slaves, or do you have any relatives who have been sold as slaves?"

Kizaru stared at Saga and asked in a deep voice, but when he looked at Hassan, who was weak beside Saga, his eyes were inexplicably dignified again!

Although Kaizuka is not the top, he is still very powerful and domineering. After the weak Hassan got out of Kaizuka's sight, he was unable to do so at all.

Feel it!

Even Saga has always been within his perception, but Hassan, who seems to be very weak, has become an exception!

The weak air Hassan's breath blocking at least A+ grade now is not fake.

It is impossible to hide in front of Kizaru, but to hide one's body and breath out of sight, isn't that easy?

"Sure enough, none of the guys who follow the king of the strongest kingdom in the world are simple?"

Kizaru said secretly!

At this time, I looked at the general Kiabou who suddenly appeared at the entrance of the population auction house!

The thugs of the human auction house were trembling and trembling!

They didn't recognize Saga!

Even though the news of Saga has caused a sensation in the sea several times, ordinary people are very

The thugs of the Human Auction House with the Heavenly Dragons and Wang Xia Qiwuhai Doflamingo's back are fearless generals of the navy, but is Kizaru a general?

"Is the Navy going to completely clean up the Human Auction House?"

The thugs of the Human Auction House were extremely worried. They were just about to call the head of the auction house, Disco, when suddenly, the closed door of the Human Auction House suddenly opened wide!

A large number of rich businessmen and nobles who are participating in the human auction began to panic and prepare to leave.

Just now, Disco, the leader of the Human Auction House, who was obsessed with auctions, and many rich businessmen and noble families also learned that the world noble family, the Heavenly Dragons, the Roswald Saint family had been killed by the world's strongest kingdom king, Saga. !

With the death of the Heavenly Dragon, which is enough to cause a sensation in the world, and the rage of the World Government and the immediate dispatch of the Admiral of the Navy, these rich businessmen and noble families are not in the mood to continue to buy slaves leisurely!

Anyway, let's leave the Chambord Islands that may be affected first....

But after watching the door open, the generals Kizaru, Saga and weak Hassan standing quietly at the entrance of the Human Auction House!

Those aristocrats and wealthy businessmen were stunned at first!

Then some aristocrats who didn't recognize Saga began to walk straight forward swaggeringly.

They are aristocrats, and even if they buy the slave trade that is ostensibly banned by the world government, the navy has no reason to attack them at all!

On the contrary, the navy is obliged to protect them!

"Just, why is the Admiralty General appearing at the door of the Human Auction House?"

"Shouldn't he be busy chasing down the thugs who killed the Draco?"

An aristocrat thought strangely, the next moment, before he recognized Saga, his head flew into the sky together with the heads of several nobles who were swaggering forward!

Kizaru stretched out his fingers as if he had just reacted, and made a resisting action, but after seeing that the heads of the nobles had fallen to the ground, he directly stretched his fingers to Saga!

Above the finger of the yellow monkey, a little light is constantly flickering!


"It's terrifying!"

Kizuna frowned and said in a deep voice.

And Saga just waved his hand indifferently as if he had crushed a few flies, and said softly,

"No business, no harm!"

"Not to mention, the name Human Auction House,"

"Really, make me miss it!"

Zeng Jin's 'Saga', and his friends, were trying to save a merman who was caught by a slave boat under the human auction house, and suffered heavy casualties. The pirate who offered a bounty was later hunted down by the navy and almost died on the sea!


"Is that so?"

The light on Kizaru's fingers dimmed slightly. 3.5

As an admiral of the navy, he has a very clear understanding of Saga's past intelligence materials.

"But as an Admiral,"

"I can't just sit back and watch you kill those nobles in front of me!"

Although the light on Kizaru's finger was dim, it did not disappear completely!

It's okay to sit and watch Saga kill a few, but I really want Saga to kill all the rich businessmen and nobles who participated in the human auction!

Even if Kizuna is a general, there will be a lot of trouble!

Kizuna hates trouble.


"There is also this commodity store, but Tianlong people often pay attention to it, give recognition, and also hang the banner of the king's Qibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo,"

Eight' "Could it be that the dignified admiral is going to watch the thugs who killed the world's noble Tianlong people act recklessly here?"

Disco, the leader of the Human Auction House, also had a bitter face, with large drops of sweat dripping down his face, holding a connected phone bug in his hand, and said forcefully calmly!

Disco had already recognized Saga's figure, and at this time, he had just received a forcible recruitment order issued by the World Government. He was killing several Tianlong people for Saga, and he was so afraid that Doflamingo looked at him in front of him. The phone bug in the call, I was in a cold sweat..

"Damn, this disco guy is cheating on me?"?

Chapter [*] This is really a big move!

He was terrified of Kaido, and Doflamingo had a deep fear in his heart for Saga, the king of the most powerful kingdom in the world, who directly cut off Kaido's horn and blinded him in one eye. [*] sentences Mom...?, I want to blurt it out!

But the phone bug in the middle of making calls forced Doflamingo to keep his composure!

Saga, who was able to inflict heavy damage on the Four Emperors Kaido and dared to openly kill the Tianlong people, is undoubtedly easier to deal with Xiao Ming!

Xiao Ming is very self-aware of himself, and he is also very aware of the horrors of Kaido and the monsters in Valdin!

"Disco, people occupying and selling this kind of stuff is long outdated!"

"What's trending right now is a smile, a smile!"

"Also, I have already handed it over to you at the Population Auction House. Your shop has nothing to do with me.

Doflamingo hurriedly dumped the pot, and then decisively hung up the phone bug!

"Late D Fou mouth F D F,

"Can you defeat the four kings of the strongest kingdom in the world who dare to kill the Celestial Dragons?"

"This sea is finally boiling!"

"A new era, is it finally coming?"

"However, I don't want to mess with those monsters,"

"The world's strongest king businessman is really looking forward to the world government.

Brother Doflaming 28 wiped a few drops of cold sweat off his head, and then said with a big laugh!

At the same time, the Qiwuhais scattered all over the world have different expressions after receiving the compulsory recruitment order from the World Government-Government!

Inside the castle on Kraigana Island, the world number one who is cooking for himself with his own cross knife slicing cucumbers? The great swordsman and eagle-eyed Joracol Mihawk Qing-Qing hangs up the phone. , continued to cook his own lunch, but his eyes flashed a bit of coldness quietly,

"Is there a swordsman of the first pillar of the Kingdom of Vardin and a great swordsman of knights?"

"What fun!"

Hawkeye Joracol Mihawk loves to kill his boredom by fighting powerful swordsmen!

And since the red-haired broken arm, he has not met a suitable opponent for a long time!

Sand Crocodile Crocodile was overjoyed when he received a mandatory call-up order and learned that he was going to attack the Kingdom of Vardin!

One - has been secretly causing a lot of trouble to Crocodile's plan, and the Kingdom of Vardin, which has a great threat to Crocodile, if it is not for Crocodile's lack of strength.Crocodile has long wanted to completely destroy Vardin!

"Perhaps apart from the huge country of Alabasta, Vardin, the most powerful kingdom in the world, can't let it go!"

A gleam of light flashed in Crocodile's eyes!

Even though Alabasta's plans have not yet succeeded, for Vardin, Crocodile has already ignited his ambitions.

He doesn't think that after the World Government has summoned the king's Qiwuhai to make all-out efforts, Saga and Waldin's monsters can continue to exist in this sea!

'The one standing on the top of this sea is always the world government!

Crocodile, the sand crocodile, has long been enlightened.

This is also the main reason why Crocodile, the sand crocodile, lurked in Alabasta with all his heart after he failed to challenge Whitebeard, while planning for Hades, while trying to find a way to make himself the future king of Alabasta.


"Have you killed the Tianlong people?"

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