Qian Tong was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "Dean, what did you say?"

Zhang Feng patted Qian Tong on the shoulder and said: "Grant It’s better to give people to fish than to give people to fish. I’ve been thinking about how to compensate, and ten thousand li brother......"

"Plus the old lady is really kind to me, which touches me. It’s quite deep. Before I saw Qian Chuan'er, I really didn’t think about what I want to give you. But since I just met Qian Chuan'er, I made up my mind to collect Qian Chuan'er as a descendant of Merchant’s technique. What do you think?"

Qian Tong was stunned.

Hurrying to turn pale with fright: "Lord Dean, I know that you affectionate and true to my family ten thousand li, you are a rare man of affectionate and righteousness. If it weren’t for you today, ten thousand li’s hatred , There is no retribution, but now the ten thousand li's great vengeance has been retributed, and now that the Nobility Rank is present, the little old man is already satisfied, how can he still bear the hospitality of the dean? If this is passed on, How would the world think of me Qiantong?"

"The world would say that Qiantong was taking the opportunity to blackmail the dean, which is despised by the world, and I know the dog’s temperament, he is so stupid. , If you follow the dean, then..."

"No! This matter absolutely cannot work!"

It's not that he doesn't want Qian Chuan'er to pick up his Legacy.

After all.

At this time Qian Wanli, the only hope of Qian Family is gone, and at this time Qian Chuan'er is the only seedling of his Qian Family, he naturally hopes that Qian Chuan'er will be brilliant, but Qian Chuan'er Because of the pain of losing a mother in Tong Prefecture and being ridiculed by people since childhood, under these two symptoms, I was completely foolish.

Even the famous doctor Cháng'ān can't help it.

This is Brain Diseases.

And where does Qian Chuan'er know the art of merchants?

This is undoubtedly not Zhang Feng comforting him.

So Qiantong’s life and death will not agree.

If this is agreed, how will people treat his Qian Family that day?

How will he face the people of Cháng'ān in the future?

Zhang Feng, upon seeing this, knew that Qian Tong would say this, and sighed: "Uncle, you don't be impatient first, it was not the time to talk about this, but you also know , I have a lot of things. In addition to today’s incident, I may not go down the mountain for a long time, but today I also see the dispute in my uncle’s house. I want to help my uncle sincerely, but the money is indeed It will only bring some calamity to my uncle."

"As for Qian Chuan'er, I really want to accept it, not for other reasons. If you don’t believe me, you call Qian Chuan'er. Let him do the calculations in person?"

"You know, just now, he gave me a big surprise! I thought that ten thousand li might do well in the future with merchants. But... after seeing Qian Chuan'er, I became more determined. Qian Chuan'er will not be born for ten years. I am Great Tang. No, even if it is around Great Tang, no one can match his business skills!"

Where did Qian Tong know that Zhang Feng would actually give Qian Chuan'er, a child he almost forgot, with such a high evaluation?

Meeting Zhang Feng at this time. Seeing that he was so sincere, Qian Tong felt the mixed feelings in his heart even more. Looking at Zhang Feng’s eyes, Qian Tong asked seriously: "Dean Zhang, What you said is true?"

Zhang Feng pointed to the backyard and said, "Why Uncle Qian call Qian Chuaner?"


Since Qian Wanli went to the Academy, Qian Tong has basically never stopped inquiring about Zhang Feng's affairs. From Qian Wanli's mouth, I learned that even the smartest Li Qian and Du Dabing in the hospital have never heard of it. Zhang Feng's evaluation was too high, and he was thinking before, in Zhang Feng's mind, what kind of person would be considered a genius.

So today, when he learned that Zhang Feng actually had such a high evaluation of his stupid son, how could he dare to believe it?

The two hurriedly returned to the small courtyard.

Qian Chuan'er naturally noticed Qian Tong's arrival, and hurriedly hid in the mezzanine behind the sheep shed to secretly watch the two of them.

Qian Tong immediately roared angrily when he saw this, "Come out, not come out yet!"

Zhang Feng hurriedly stopped and said: "Uncle, don't do this, it will be scared His!"

Qian Tong said hurriedly: "Dean, how can the dog without virtue be treated like the dean?"

Zhang Feng ignored him, but instead charged him with money. Er beckons with the hand said: "Chuan'er, come to Elder Brother?"

Qian Chuan'er still looked at Qian Tong not daring to move, seeing Qian Tong getting angry again, Zhang Feng squatted busy. Lower body said: "Kuan'er, you tell your father about the three hundred sheep that Elder Brother just said, and wait for Elder Brother to take you to eat delicious food."

"It's delicious. "

hearing this, Qian Chuan'er eyes shined, but after taking a look at Qian Tong, he retracted again.

Qian Tong said with a bit of hatred: "The dean told you to say, just say, Daddy won't scold you."

Seeing this, Qian Chuan'er is here. Slowly let go of his guard, and a little frightened, said what he had just said to Zhang Feng and the plan he hadn't finished talking about.

This one.

Qian Tong is stupid.

He seriously doubted that the timid boy standing beside him at this time was not his stupid son.

After a long while, Zhang Feng asked: "Uncle, now, do you know what Chuan'er is capable of?"

"But... after all..."

"No but! You have to know, Zhang Feng, in addition to business skills and teaching, but also some medical skills, plus Divine Doctor Mr. Sun is also on my mountain, don't you believe me I, still don’t believe that Divine Doctor Sun won’t succeed?"

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