Zhang Feng after handling the affairs of Qianfu.

I took Qian Chuaner and Ma Zhou and the others back to the Academy in a hurry. The moment the crowd had just left, the gate of Chang'an City was also deeply locked.

Looking at the brightly lit Chang'an City.

Zhang Feng waved his hand and said: "Back to the mountain!"

Since the farewell at the gate of Tang Mansion, he never saw Li Chengqian and Cheng Chumo and the others again, Zhang Feng also I know that although he has avenged his revenge today, the mess that has fallen will definitely require someone to take care of it.

So I didn't think much about it.

Along the way.

Gao Kan is on guard for the whole city. I don't know where he got a Dualbladed Halberd, with his horse at this time and his burly figure has several points of General.

Behind Gao Kan, a crowd of people are also dangling following Zhang Feng's carriage and walking up the mountain.

Although everyone didn’t say a word along the way, everyone’s eyes looked strange. The reason for the strangeness was that Zhang Feng was surrounded by a weak person since he left the Qian Mansion. Thin, dark-skinned teenager.

This young man has several points of Qian Wanli's shadow, but no matter how everyone asks, he seems to be frightened, clinging to Zhang Feng’s robe, and hiding behind Zhang Feng. not say a word.

And Zhang Feng did not explain too much.

After all, explaining everything now is in vain.

Moreover, Zhang Feng is also thinking hard about the next countermeasures and the way to go in the future.

Today, such a big thing happened, and the big hands behind the Tang Family still did not stand up. Even the people from Surname Wang didn’t react too much, not to mention those behind the Bai Family Gao Family. Great Clan.

It seems that they don't know everything about today, and they have nothing to do with them.

But, the more so, the more Zhang Feng feels that things are a little trickier.

At this time, no one stood up to say a fair word for these four companies. What does this mean?

This shows that they have already thought about the consequences of all this. In other words, they have already thought of the consequences of everything they did today!

This is the scariest place.

From the very beginning, start planning.

Then what are they planning?

Phosphate fertilizer?

This thing is just an excuse to deceive the world that's all, this thing is bound to be implemented in large quantities, and whoever dares to stop it is to resist the decree and act with the people of the world. Enemy, no one really dares to do this kind of thing.


What are these people planning?

This is where Zhang Feng most wants to not understand. It says that it is best to deal with him at this time. The reason Zhang Feng dares to come to Qianfu is actually because he wants to be a bait. See if these people will get the bait, but the result disappointed him. These people still didn't move.

So what are they plotting?

Medical skills?

Or the smelting method of steel?

Or is it his Merchant's way technique?

The reason why Zhang Feng thought of Merchant Art was mainly because of Qian Wanli's death.

If Qian Wanli hadn’t died, Zhang Feng wouldn’t really think too much about it, but Qian Wanli died. That is to say, the key at this time is to find out whether Qian Wanli was killed by mistake. It was killed by others deliberately.

This is the breakthrough at this time.

There is also the Mijia,

Why did the mother-in-law Mizhi kill all the important people in the clan before he left?

In this case, as long as someone confesses, his Mi Family will not die!


All this is but.

At this time, it was like a mountain, and Zhang Feng was a little out of breath.

But there is one thing Zhang Feng knows. Today, what he did will surely have the effect of striking the mountain to shake a tiger. Those who want to attack him, or to Mt. Kui People who have coveted ideas are bound to dare not come again.

The danger that follows is bound to be even more dangerous.

At this time, all his layouts, from firecrackers, to strong crossbows, compound bows to armor manufacturing, have to be accelerated.

Zhang Feng also thought of a more important point.

That's the idea that he had a little bit in his mind before, now it's time to arrange it.

That is the formation of special warfare squad.

I thought of this.

Zhang Feng opened the curtain and was about to call Old Ma to ask, but before he could speak, he heard Old Ma say: "Lord Dean, the Academy is here!"

With that said, Zhang Feng realized that he didn't know when, everyone had already arrived at the entrance of the Academy on the mountain of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning.

At the gate of the Academy, Yu Shinan and the others, already lighting the lantern torch early, and the entire Academy students are waiting, and the one who took the torch's rays of light and swaggered the entire Mt. Kui The flushing.

Turning around and looking up and down, the same is true in the Street Market under the mountain.

All merchants, as well as Foreign Merchant, seem to be spontaneous, holding torch high, standing on both sides of that dark road.

At this time.

Zhang Feng slowly raised the curtain of the car, and after everyone saw Zhang Feng, they let out a long sigh of relief.

"The dean is back!"

"Welcome the dean back to the mountain!"

"Welcome the dean back to the mountain!"

A loud roar of excitement, like a blast of thunder, the explosion of Mt. Kui, even the soldiers on the upstairs of Chang'an City could hear it indistinctly.

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