Qian Chuan'er is a bit stupid in the eyes of the world.

But these are all appearances. This is because the child has been closed since he was a child, and he has lost his father’s love since he was a child. In addition, in this era, such a child suffers the most. The eyes of the people of the world. ,

Whatever you want, you can close yourself.

What he showed was not what he was eating, but an expression of his immaturity.

If such a person is properly cultivated, it will definitely give the world a blockbuster within ten years!

Because he longs to be recognized and longs for love.

In the society of later generations, such a character is called autism.

And what Qian Chuaner unintentionally showed in the merchants was just to get Qiantong's approval that's all.

After all, his father is a cashier.

Starting from this aspect is also the most recognized by Qiantong, but it seems that Qiantong has put a stupid label on Qiantong from the very beginning.


Thinking of this, Zhang Feng asked subconsciously: "Chuan'er, I want to ask you something!"

Qian Chuan'er asked disapprovingly: "Yes It’s not a matter of eyesight?"

"no no no, let me ask you, if you have three white-headed sheep, how much can you sell?"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng glanced at Zhang Feng suspiciously: "If you have three hundred sheep, why should I sell it?"

Zhang Feng was shocked. ,

asked: "I just ask, you tell me, what do you think."

Qian Chuan'er hearing this, then said: "If it was me, there would be For these three hundred sheep, I will select only the best and strongest sheep to stay. Even if there are only fifty sheep, I will have three hundred sheep in the coming year, and the remaining two hundred and fifty sheep, I will sell his sheepskin to the Foreign Merchant. I heard that when I was in Tong Prefecture before, the mother said that a sheepskin would cost 20 cents!"

"When the time comes I'm putting Meat is rented in a butcher shop in Cháng'ān. I only sell for five cents a catty of meat. Even if a sheep is only 30 catties of meat, I can sell it for one hundred and fifty cents, 250 heads, I can also sell 37,000 wen, plus lamb bones and offal, etc. I can sell mutton for 40,000 ren, which is forty silver tael."

"Sheepskin If one is twenty wen, two hundred and fifty sheepskins can also be sold for 5,000 ren. This is still producing Cháng'ān. If you go to Tibet Turkic, the money will have to be turned over..."

Qian Chuan'er was extremely excited when he talked about this.

It seems that at this moment in front of him is not a piece of grass, but a place of money.

This made Zhang Feng even more curiously asked: "Chuan'er, who have you learned about this before?" Qian Chuan'er looked suspiciously at Zhang Feng. : "Do you still need to learn this?"

Now, Zhang Feng stopped asking.

At this time, Zhang Feng can't wait to bring Li Qian and some idiots here, let them see, what kind of prodigy this is, compared with Qian Chuan'er, what kind of Li Qian is riding a horse?

What is Du Dabing? ,

That's all scum!

This is simply a born math master, and a born merchant god!

Losing Qian Wanli, which makes Zhang Feng very guilty.

This is for the brother.

He always wanted to help Qian Family, but he couldn't find a way. But at this moment, seeing Qian Chuan'er like this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but have a bold idea.

"Kuan'er, don't you want to go to a place with Elder Brother? Elder Brother has a lot of Elder Brother there, and there are so many delicious and fun things?"

"Don't go!"

Qian Chuan'er shook his head and refused Zhang Feng.

This made Zhang Feng somewhat unexpected.

"Noble Son Zhang!"

"Dean Zhang?"

At this moment, Qian Tong’s whispered cry was at the door of the small courtyard Sounded.

Interrupted Zhang Feng's thoughts.

Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, and glanced at Qian Chuan'er. The moment Qian Chuan'er heard this voice, there was a flash of excitement and excitement in his eyes, but after a moment, he felt sad again. Come down.

Zhang Feng saw a pain in his heart.

"Don't want to see your dad?"

Qian Chuan'er shook his head fiercely: "Daddy said, he must not go out of the yard."

After speaking, Qian Chuan'er lowered his head aggrievedly, not daring to look at Zhang Feng.

When Zhang Feng saw this, he shook his head and stood up, moved towards the courtyard gate.

When I saw Zhang Feng, Qian Tong instantly felt relieved, but seeing that Zhang Feng came from that direction, I couldn’t help but said a little worriedly: "Dean Zhang, how can you condescend to go there? Waiting for the place of pickling? The little old man is abrupt."

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Zhang Feng was busy helping Qian Tong up.

The two moved towards the front yard while discussing the next thing, Zhang Feng said: "Uncle, ten thousand li things, it is always my Academy's loss to him, I also heard Now, the Ministry of Justice will send you some of the money that Tang Family has checked. There are also four family properties. After the Ministry of Justice has checked it, someone will come to you, but..."

while speaking, the step one of the two stopped, Zhang Feng said: "Academy, after all, it’s just an Academy. I don’t want to take care of other things and leave them to Old Li. When the time comes I will let people talk about the white paper business in person in the future. I have decided that before ten thousand li will be handled by your Qian Family......"

"Dean Zhang!"

Qian Tong knelt down in front of Zhang Feng with a puff of emotion and said: "Dean Zhang, your kindness to my Qian Family, my Qian Family has no retribution. Now the ten thousand li's revenge has been revenge, and I have already given enough. That's too much. If you are giving it, the little old man is afraid of being worried!"

Zhang Feng lifted Qian Tong from the ground.

Qian Tong is right.

After thinking about it, I gave up: "that's all, since my uncle said so, then give up, but there is something I want to ask uncle, is the money string in the backyard your Young? Master?"

Qian Tong naturally knows that Zhang Feng and Qian Chuan'er have met for the first time. Turn pale with fright said: "The dean was frightened. Unfilial son was born stupid, and I hope you will forgive me! "

Zhang Feng said: "No, I mean, I want to accept him as Direct Disciple!"


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