Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 293 Something seems wrong?

The world is so warm.

Whether it's up or down.

This was all the feelings Koji Shimizu felt while sleeping.

When Youyou woke up, there was no messy smell of alcohol in his nose, but there was just a faint fragrance, and even a little milky fragrance.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling, brown wooden furniture, and a big-ass, big-screen TV opposite. This was—oh, yes, this was Fei Yingli’s home.

Did he finally fall asleep?

——So comfortable.

His whole body was warm, but there seemed to be waves of coolness, as if in his sleep, a few pairs of cool little hands massaged his muscles all over his body, and even - stood up slightly and looked at the body under him. On the pants, the feeling here is particularly obvious, as if it is real.

But, why is this so high and so solid?

Qingshui Koji blushed and pressed the button hurriedly. This was the living room of Fei Yingli's house. This was not a big embarrassment.

In fact, there was indeed a big embarrassment, but it was not him, but Fei Yingli and Yukiko, who had been pushed in more than three hours ago with the effort of Bala. The two of them almost broke their teeth.

Qingmizu Koji stood up, and all the bones in his body made a crackling sound. The harvest this time was definitely not small, but before Qingmizu Koji had time to observe and verify, he seemed to have heard this subtle movement. He was originally whispering in the bedroom. Fei Yingli and Yukiko all appeared in the living room in an instant.

The carpet, sofa, and even the coffee table were all clean and spotless. The stars that had been scattered before had turned into toilet paper and disappeared into the toilet in the bathroom.

Afterwards, while Shimizu Koji was sleeping while drinking medicine, Fei Eri and Yukiko were both secretly crying and squeezed out a lot more when they were washing themselves.

However, there is no guarantee.

Therefore, they were very panicked now, but they did not dare to show anything in front of Qingshui Koji.

"Haoji, you're awake."

Yukiko smiled with difficulty, but her acting skills were still very strong. At least Shimizu Koji couldn't find anything wrong if he didn't pay too much attention.

However, Yukiko's voice sounded a little strange, as if she was gritting her teeth. But looking at the gentle smile on her face, Shimizu Koji felt that it was probably his own illusion.

"Well, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Anyway, let's apologize first. Shimizu Koji recalled what happened before. His memory stayed at the moment when he drank the jar of wine in one big gulp. In addition, the situation when he woke up just now, so , he has to apologize.

The expected polite words like 'It's okay' and 'It's okay' did not appear. Fei Yingli and Yukiko's expressions looked a little strange, which made Shimizu Koji stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but look at them curiously.

"Huh? Is there something on my face?"

You're a big-headed ghost!

Yukiko cursed in her heart, Fei Yingli took a deep breath, smiled slightly, and shook her head gently, "No, no, it's just that it's really a bit troublesome. After all, Haoji-kun, you 'vomited' all over the floor."

"Eh?!" Shimizu Koji was a little shocked.

But it seemed very reasonable, and there was no need for Fei Yingli to lie to him.

Good guy, this time, I really caused big trouble for others. Thinking of the vomit after drunkenness, Shimizu Koji did feel a chill.

No wonder, no wonder this living room looks as clean as if it has been washed several times.

And his clothes--sure enough, there were stains like food residue visible to the naked eye.

This, but why did he have no impression at all, and there was no such uncomfortable feeling of bloating at all?

Koji Shimizu was a little confused, but he didn't think much about it. After all, it's hard for normal people to think too much, so a quick apology is the best way to go.

"This, this, I'm really sorry." Koji Shimizu had just woken up and was still a little confused. He seemed to be really harmless, even a bit like a boy next door.

And when they thought about the way this guy was manipulated by him at will, Yukiko and Fei Yingli turned away unconsciously.

Fortunately, Yukiko reacted quickly enough and did not cause Shimizu Koji to have further strange doubts. "It's good if you know! It's really troublesome to help you pack those things!"

Very good, this kind of disgust, this kind of complaint, Yukiko feels that there is no problem with her acting skills, it is very similar to the normal state of getting along with Shimizu Koji before, but she also deeply understands that the previous atmosphere of getting along with her is absolutely impossible. No more going on.

She could no longer look directly at Koji Shimizu. The huge difference between the surface and the inside of this guy made her tremble just thinking about it. Especially the feeling of his hand was completely lingering in her mind.

Fei Yingli didn't dare to touch it at first. She gritted her teeth and held it with one hand, almost frightened to death.

Yukiko couldn't help but want to run away. She just asked her friends to buy her air tickets!

"Well, now - it's already eleven o'clock." Koji Shimizu raised his hand, glanced at the time on his watch, and then looked at Yukiko hesitantly.

What he meant was very clear, and this made Yukiko and Fei Yingli feel relieved in their hearts.

Fortunately, their precise deployment was flawless and did not reveal any flaws. Koji Shimizu didn't notice anything at all.

"Yukiko, it's true, it's getting late. You guys--well, but Koji-kun, you were drunk."

Almost at a loss, Fei Yingli quickly changed her voice, showing a tangled look, "It doesn't matter, I can drive, and I drank very little, and I was completely sober. Besides, I wanted to drive him last time." Hao Er hasn’t even let me drive my car yet.”

Yukiko's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly she smiled playfully.

When Fei Yingli, who knew her character well, saw this, she raised her eyebrows and quickly tugged at the corner of Yukiko's clothes, "Yukiko, don't mess around."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Just give him a little lesson. Yingli, are you willing to let this guy take advantage of you, and we can only swallow it? Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety."

Yukiko was very insistent, and Fei Yingli looked sideways at the curious and confused Shimizu Koji over there. Her eyes especially stayed on Shimizu Koji's lips for two seconds, recalling the left and right ones she discovered when she was cleaning. two traces

"——Okay, Yukiko, just don't be too messy."

It's really hard to say who took advantage of whom. The body is comfortable, but when it comes to this kind of thing, no matter how open-minded and intelligent a woman is, it's hard to feel comfortable mentally.

Shimizu Koji looked at the two people who were whispering in front of him. Although he was confused, he still didn't think much about it. His mood was also inexplicably messy now. He didn't know why, but after seeing Fei Yingli and Yukiko, he There is an indescribably messy and complex feeling.

Especially when he just woke up, Shimizu Koji always felt that something was missing or something was not quite right, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Therefore, he planned to sort out his thoughts after returning home, and now he just let it go.

"Bye, Yingli."

"Well, bye, Yukiko."

"Ms. Concubine, thank you for your hospitality."

There was no response, Fei Yingli had already closed the door.

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