Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 292 The Aftertaste

Fei Yingli and Yukiko didn't drink much, maybe three or four cups, but this was far beyond what ordinary people could bear, so they were the first to fall.

But at the same time, it was also because of this that they were the first to wake up.

Yukiko woke up leisurely, but before she opened her eyes, she felt a strange feeling.

My hair hurts so much, as if it was pressed by something, hiss——, my body feels cold, why is it so cold?

Opening her eyes, Yukiko was surprised to find that the top of her head was facing the ceiling, and underneath her body, although it was velvety, it was obviously a carpet.

As soon as she sat up for a moment - her hair hurt, and Yukiko felt as if she was struck by lightning, her beautiful big eyes widened.

The clothes were 'missing', but visible to the naked eye, there were many pieces of cloth of different colors scattered on the ground beside her, as if they had been torn apart by wild beasts.

What shocked Yukiko the most was indeed the traces left by wild beasts. The bright red claw marks on the skin in front of her were as if they had been burned with a soldering iron. The little white starlight beneath her body was like the white dew at night. Scattered on the plush carpet, so dazzling, stimulating, and suffocating.

In particular, these traces seemed to have a huge force staying on them, and Yukiko's brain went blank on the spot.

She opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a single syllable. She panicked and covered her body with her hands to get warmth. But when she turned around in panic, her consciousness that had just regained consciousness was instantly lost.

The air is filled with the fragrance of green grass after rain.

What came into view was the strange postures of Fei Yingli and Shimizu Koji on the sofa.

The current situation of the two of them was the same as hers, but not the same. Koji Shimizu was still unconscious and twitching slightly. From Yukiko's perspective, the scene she saw made her unable to breathe.

And in this dazed moment, Fei Yingli, who was under Koji Shimizu, suddenly groaned twice, her pretty face blushed unnaturally, Yingxiu's brows furrowed and relaxed, her eyelashes trembled, Fei Yingli slowly opened her eyes. Blinded.

For a moment, big eyes stared into small ones, and three seconds later, with the steamy movement of Shimizu Koji, Fei Yingli finally opened her eyes suddenly, and her pupils - earthquake.

However, at the critical moment, Yukiko covered her mouth and stopped Fei Yingli's strong resistance.

After getting up from the carpet and finally suppressing Fei Yingli's movements, Yukiko lowered her head and looked back. Then, a few more wisps of saliva-like starlight appeared on the carpet, making her emotionally tense. live.

Broken down, but still holding back tears, Yukiko carefully but angrily helped Fei Eri and Shimizu Koji move away from her.

"Yes, Yukiko——."

The blush on Fei Yingli's face had long disappeared, and what was left was just pale.

And like Yukiko, when she stood up, she seemed to be carrying boundless starlight, and she took two short steps.

"No -, it's okay, Yingli, I, I'm fine."

Yukiko's voice was horribly dry. If she had to compare, she would have a harder time accepting this reality than Fei Yingri.

And if the situation when the two of them woke up was reversed, she would probably have a mental breakdown.

"First, let's find two pieces of clothing -" Yukiko's voice paused. Her usually cute face could only be seen with angry sadness and gnashing little tiger teeth.

"Yingli, do you have any sleeping pills or anything like that here?"

"? Ah? Yes, Yukiko——?" Fei Yingli's pupils shrank.

"No, it's not what you think." Yukiko's face turned red visibly, and she turned to Shimizu Koji who was still red on the sofa, "We can only go out and buy his clothes. It's best to buy them exactly the same. of."

Everything is left unsaid.

After Yukiko stopped Fei Yingli from shouting and reckless actions, the two people's thoughts had actually come together instantly.

Obviously, this was an accident, an accident that was unspeakable and no one could blame. If it had to be said, the three of them were all the culprits of this accident.

But now that the matter has come to this, the only remedy is to hide it. After all, Shimizu Koji's condition doesn't look right at first glance.

If it was an ordinary drunkenness, there is no doubt that the two of them would never believe any drunken nonsense due to their years of experience.

People who drink alcohol are very conscious.

However, this time was an exception. Fei Yingli's face turned green and white for a while. Apparently, she had gone through all this in her mind, and Yukiko had already taken the initiative to open her legs and went to her bedroom to look for clothes.


Tangled and hesitant, regretful and upset, it was not until Yukiko brought the clothes to her that Fei Yingli finally sighed deeply and became discouraged.

There is no other way. You can't. Just kill Shimizu Koji just because of this. They are not that cruel. Shimizu Koji, thinking about the effect of that jar of wine, it is obvious that this simple and honest boy is not guilty of this. .

"Let's go."

Yukiko collected a few fragments on the ground. From her perspective, she couldn't say that the style of Shimizu Koji's clothes was memorable, but it was pretty much the same, so she only needed a few fragments to find the corresponding color.

The two quickly cleaned up, but the time was very tight, and they didn't have time to do much cleaning work for themselves, because they also needed to go downstairs to buy sleeping pills. This was a race against time - a race.


Thirty minutes later, Fei Yingli was the first to come back alone. She was in a particularly uneasy mood, but fortunately, the living room and the sofa were still almost the same.

Shimizu Koji lay on it, motionless. Absolutely, she remembered it very clearly.

Looking past Koji Shimizu, a blush flashed across Fei Yingli's complex expression.

Time waited for no one, so she took a quick look and didn't hesitate anymore. She carried a small bag and sat directly next to Shimizu Koji.

After pouring the water, she looked at the instructions and saw two pills for adults. Fei Yingli hesitated and took three sleeping pills.

Doubling it is a bit dangerous, but 1.5 times is definitely bearable for this guy as strong as a calf, and maybe it’s just right.

After pouring the medicine and water, Fei Yingli was in trouble again. Shimizu Koji was lying on his stomach.

It is not difficult to turn over a sleeping person, and she is not a delicate little girl, but turning over the current Shimizu Koji——

Two minutes later, Fei Yingli gritted her teeth and did it anyway.

And when Qingshui Koji turned over, the thing that was dangling around seemed to have some crystals on it, which suddenly blinded Fei Yingli's eyes.


After coming back to her senses, Fei Yingli yelled angrily. Fei Yingli's action of pouring the medicine seemed a bit impatient. After all, it was too dazzling to see.

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