Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 294 Yukiko's Collapse

Things don't always go smoothly and as you wish.

Especially for those who have bad intentions.

Yukiko originally planned to take the opportunity to drive home to show the young man Shimizu Koji her superb driving skills, but she didn't expect that she would fall down before she even walked out of Kisaki Eri's office.


With a lot on her mind and a tired lower body, Yukiko's legs suddenly softened when she went down the stairs and she stepped on nothing.

Yukiko's eyes were horrified and her mind was blank. This was something she had never expected. Moreover, the stairs here were one-way up and down. If she fell down, she would probably roll directly to the street.

Behind her, because Yukiko was a little anxious and didn't want to be with someone, Shimizu Koji was at least seven or eight steps away from her.

Seeing Yukiko scream and suddenly fall down, Shimizu Koji's heart suddenly tightened and he rushed down quickly.

But at this distance, he was too late!!

And in a flash, at the critical moment, suddenly, Shimizu Koji only felt his consciousness pause, and then, Yukiko, who was about to hit the ground, seemed to be hugged by something around the waist, and suddenly paused for a second.

And it was this extra second that Shimizu Koji, with his speed far beyond that of ordinary people, finally grabbed Yukiko before she fell to the ground.


Let's not talk about anything else. Shimizu Koji was stunned when he heard the sound, and then he panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab Yukiko's waist again.

Yukiko was still in shock, and she didn't come back to her senses until Shimizu Koji completely helped her up.

After coming back to her senses, she looked at the dull eyes of Shimizu Koji in front of her, and was stunned for a moment, then she followed Shimizu Koji's line of sight and looked down at herself.

Maybe it was because she had gotten used to the feeling of the breeze a few hours ago, and now she didn't notice it at all.

White, very white, very white.

Big, very big, very big.

There was no need for too many modifiers, such a simple visual impact was enough to shock people, and, especially the faintly visible, a few red and clear claw marks

Which bastard did this? !

With a "snap", Yukiko instantly raised her arm to block her sudden exposure, and the sound produced by the collision between her arm and her body was like the waves caused by her movements, lingering in the air.

Well - not only that, this

Why does the elasticity look so good! ?

In an instant, all kinds of incredible and messy questions occupied all of Shimizu Koji's twelve-core processor, so that he had no extra brain capacity to think about the strange feeling just now.

And Yukiko, who was almost out of breath at this time, blushed, panicked, anxious, embarrassed and angry.

She, she will never buy this kind of skirt again!

How can it be so easy to tear? !

The bra is still there, but its function is very limited, at least for Yukiko, it is very limited.

Shimizu Koji even had a strange illusion, this, this will suffocate, right? !

His consciousness was in a trance, as if he had experienced suffocation in his dream not long ago, and his breathing suddenly became uncontrollably heavy.

This is too foul

Before, Shimizu Koji, who had never seen such a scenery with his own eyes, was greatly shocked.

These chaotic thoughts were only a short moment, Shimizu Koji shook his head and immediately woke up again.

"Sorry Yukiko--, you, you wear my clothes first."

Shimizu Koji quickly took off his coat and handed it to Yukiko, but Yukiko didn't even raise her head, covered it with one hand, took it with one hand, and turned around quickly.

And this time, Shimizu Koji was shaken by her back again.

The claw marks that were vague before, as if he had seen it wrong, appeared in front of him completely, clearly, intricately and chaotically.

Shimizu Koji's pupils shrank sharply. Somehow, his legs suddenly softened and he shuddered uncontrollably. At the same time, he could not suppress the panic in his heart and quickly looked away.

Is it him?



Shimizu Koji's mood was ten thousand times more complicated than before. He had countless bold and terrible guesses in his mind, but no matter which one, he couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

At least, in this short one or two minutes, his processor was not enough to complete the reasoning and decision of this matter.

And these, in fact, even Yukiko herself didn't know, well, these on her back, even if she washed once afterwards, but in a hurry, she still made a mistake.

After a moment, Yukiko tidied it up, using Shimizu Koji's coat, reluctantly, it was tidied up.

During this period, if it was under normal circumstances, Shimizu Koji might have taken the initiative to ask if he could help her tie a knot behind her back, but now Shimizu Koji didn't dare to make such a joke, because he couldn't confirm the truth of the matter at all, whether it was as he guessed.

But, but why did it turn out like this?

This, this is Kudo Shinichi, the mother of Conan. And Conan. To be fair, except for some defects in this guy's character, he is still quite good to him. In fact, Conan probably treats him as a close companion in his heart.

A rare and strong sense of guilt was brewing in Qingmizu Koji's heart. Now he only hoped that it was not what he imagined.

"What did you see?!" Yukiko didn't know what she was thinking about when she asked this question. Anyway, she was really broken now.

"Ah me, I didn't see anything."

Shimizu Koji shook his head quickly, and then turned around quickly. He was now more panicked than Yukiko.

Seeing this in Yukiko's eyes, while she was slightly relieved, she couldn't help but feel a little confused and a little funny.

Koji Shimizu seems to be unexpectedly innocent?

This was a side that she had not expected at all, but in fact, it was just her imagination. If she really wanted to know that Qingmizu Koji's mind was full of messy things, I am afraid that she would really want to kill him.

However, at this moment, Yukiko had no interest or energy in teasing Koji Shimizu, and there was an unexpected silence between the two.

Until they got into the car, Shimizu Koji also took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat. Yukiko did not stop or object, but just sat in the back obediently.

The entire journey was silent.

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