Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 291 An accident that changes fate (please vote for me at the end of the month)

Sautéed sea cucumber, steamed lobster, kabayaki eel, boiled abalone, fried cod, raw cut cloud seeds and tuna sashimi

Fei Yingli's dining table is not big, just a dining table for two people, so these dishes almost fill the entire dining table.

However, these are not the most eye-catching, or in other words, they are no longer the most attractive to Shimizu Koji.

After coming out of the kitchen, Koji Shimizu's eyes changed and became a little straight, staring intently at a historical-looking jar placed on the coffee table.

It's not that he doesn't have concentration, in fact, the pure energy is almost overflowing, and it is too dazzling in his field of vision.

"Eri, what is this?" After Yukiko sat down, she couldn't help but look at Concubine Eri curiously.

She gently twitched her white and tender nose, and the air was filled with a refreshing fragrance that she couldn't resist at all.

After Fei Yingli put all the dishes and chopsticks on the table, she raised her head and glanced at Yukiko. She smiled softly and said, "Well, Yukiko, aren't you curious? After all these years of high-intensity work, I haven't been like you." Take care of yourself”

Before Fei Yingli finished speaking, Yukiko's eyes gradually lit up. Until Fei Yingli said "It's all because of its effect", her two eyes were already so bright that it was almost impossible to look at each other.

"Ms. Fei, are you saying that seven or eight years ago, after you helped a client win a lawsuit, the other party gave you this jar of wine as legal fees?"

Qingmizu Koji's words did not arouse Fei Yingli's too much concern and suspicion.

Fei Yingli nodded and told the story, "Yes, I refused the first time. It was an elderly woman."

"Her son was hit and killed by a rich man's daughter while driving drunk. At that time, due to the status and power of the rich man, and the fact that the grandmother could not even afford hundreds of thousands of yen, there were no other reasons. What kind of lawyer is willing to take over this case, even the prosecutor? Well, I think Koji Junyou should also understand. "

If it were Xiaolan, Fei Yingli would never say that. As a mother, she naturally wants Xiaolan to stand behind her and bear the dark side of the world. Even if this situation is actually not good for Xiaolan.

As for Shimizu Koji, Feiyingli doesn't have those worries and doesn't have so much to cover up. Not only does Shimizu Koji look stable and mature, Feiyingli has already learned a lot about his character and concepts after meeting him two or three times. understanding.

However, Shimizu Koji actually didn't pay much attention to what she said about prosecutors and lawyers.

"Then, what happened next, where is that grandma from?"

"Huh? Are you interested, Mr. Hao Er? Why, can it be said that even a child like you can't resist this alluring aroma of wine?" Fei Yingli joked with a slight smile.

When hearing the word "child" from her mouth, even Koji Shimizu, who was a little anxious, couldn't help but feel a little weird. Wait, Fei Yingli didn't intend to let him drink this bar? !

This is not possible!

"That grandma has passed away, and according to her, there is only one jar of wine. She is the host of a shrine. I heard that the shrine was destroyed twenty years ago. An unexpected fire destroyed it.”

Shimizu Koji couldn't help but remained silent for a moment, "I see."

And Fei Yingli seemed to have seen his thoughts, including Yukiko's little expression of eagerness to try, wanting a lot but embarrassed to speak. She smiled slightly and said softly, "Yukiko, you almost want me to drink it." I want to drink it and it will be written on my face! Besides, Haoji-kun, I won’t forbid you to drink this wine.”

"Because, no matter how much you want to drink, you can't drink much." Fei Yingli smiled mysteriously, stood up, walked to the coffee table, and in front of Yukiko and Shimizu Koji, opened the oak paper wrapped in oil paper that was obviously installed at the back. seal.

The rich fresh aroma is suddenly stronger and more attractive than all the previous seafood flavors combined.

The fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. This aroma that can almost attract people's soul absolutely proves this sentence.

Fei Yingli carefully took three small glasses and carefully poured half of them into each glass.

The color of the wine is green, and the clarity seems to be mixed with a few hints of green, which is very magical.

"Come and taste it."

Fei Yingli placed the wine glass in front of the two of them. Shimizu Koji and Yukiko didn't hesitate and picked it up directly. The small glass was only one-third full.

"Cheers." Fei Yingli completely became the leader, and several people started drinking before they even moved their chopsticks.

Yukiko felt a little scared when the wine reached her mouth, because there was no doubt that it was white wine.

Fei Yingli noticed her concerns, "Yukiko, don't worry, it's not spicy at all, it's very soft and delicious, otherwise, I wouldn't serve it to you."

Fei Yingli blinked and seemed to be in a good mood.

Sharing is undoubtedly a high-level human emotion, especially when this sharing is recognized, the satisfaction it brings far exceeds some ordinary desires.

Therefore, although it is a very precious thing, at least for the moment, Fei Yingli does not feel regretful, but is very happy.

There was a back and forth between the two best friends, but Yukiko finally closed her eyes and drank it all with the encouragement of Fei Yingli. The entrance was soft, and an indescribable refreshing feeling filled Yukiko's mind instantly, and then spread to her limbs. Hundreds of skeletons.

And Koji Shimizu on the side, after one sip, his eyes turned red, in every sense of the word.

After this sip, although it is not as good as Osaka absorbing a shikigami and a person's soul before, it is at least one-tenth. And this is just a small glass of wine. The jar that Fei Yingli picked up just now is The sound of wine, at least, is still two or three kilograms, three or four kilograms!

"Hmm~~~, okay, so comfortable!!"

"Ms. Concubine, can I pay for this jar of wine? It's 100 million yen."

? ah

Koji Shimizu spoke unexpectedly, which shocked both Yukiko and Fei Eri.

What, what, buy? One, one hundred million - yen? !

Seeing Koji Shimizu's serious eyes that didn't seem to be fake, Fei Yingli blinked and subconsciously looked at her best friend Yukiko.

Yukiko was equally confused.

After a while, Fei Yingli finally recovered from the shock. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingshui Koji curiously, "Kōji-kun, don't you feel, um, satisfied? You, you still want to drink?"

Fei Yingli's statement was a bit strange, but Yukiko on the side could probably understand what she meant. After drinking this small cup, she felt a strange feeling of "fullness", but she felt that it was not impossible to continue. However, at this moment Their faces had gathered a faint blush.

As for Shimizu Koji, he really looked like a normal person.

"Although this wine doesn't taste as spicy as ordinary white wine, it's not a low-alcohol wine like sake. It has a lot of staying power. I usually only drink a small glass of it."

"I think I can still drink - some." Shimizu Koji directly interjected, but after a pause, he did not finish the sentence.

He was afraid that after he finished speaking, Fei Yingli's seemingly relaxed tone might change her attitude and drive away the person.

Fei Yingli stared at him carefully again, and then at Yukiko who was still a little eager to try, "Okay then, if you buy it, you don't need it, it's just a little drink, but don't force yourself to drink. "

Fei Yingli reminded her indirectly, while Shimizu Koji and Yukiko were also very cooperative and nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Fei Yingli turned around and took the jar directly to the dining table.

Shimizu Koji did not continue to show his eagerness. Instead, he chatted with Yukiko and Fei Eri.

And it was not just him who made this choice, but also Yukiko. The tacit understanding between the two of them could be said to have reached its peak at this moment.

Cups were exchanged, glasses were exchanged, and before they knew it, there were fewer and fewer dishes on the table. The atmosphere between the three of them became more and more lively. Visibly, their faces were all flushed.

As the night became rich and deep, Koji Shimizu's vision gradually blurred, and his consciousness gradually began to become trance-like.

Dimly, he felt that his cheeks were very hot, and there seemed to be a kind of crazy power rushing around in his body, unable to be vented or absorbed.

On the dining table, the charming laughter and laughter suddenly fell silent. When I turned around, it turned out that the two beautiful ladies were already lying on the sofa.

However, even though his body was a little out of control, Koji Shimizu still instinctively picked up the jar and drank the remaining wine in one gulp.

Then he took three steps at a time and fell into the soft sofa.

The world has since entered a chaotic darkness, but gradually, the vaguely audible heavy breathing suddenly sounded in the hazy atmosphere, and then gradually became more intense.

The neon world outside the floor-to-ceiling windows with one-way perspective is equally charming and moving.

"Well~, um~~~"

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