Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 290 Fei Yingli’s Collection

"Wait, what are you doing?!"

It was too late, but it was too soon. Koji Qingshui took action like lightning and suddenly grasped Fei Yingli's wrist tightly, stopping her terrible behavior.

In the kitchen, the two of them stared at each other. Yukiko, who was busy working on the side, also turned around after hearing the sound and looked over curiously.

Fei Yingli was holding a bottle of soy sauce with the lid opened. If it had been a little later, the steamed lobster that had just come out of the pot would have turned into lobster soaked in sauce.

Fortunately, there was still a shell to stop Fei Yingli's persecution. Koji Shimizu stopped Fei Yingli and quickly took out the lobsters from the plate that had accumulated on the bottom of the plate.

When Fei Yingli saw this, her expression became a little subtle, complicated, and entangled, and she hesitated, "Um, is there something wrong?"

"I checked and lobster meat tastes great with soy sauce."

Shimizu Koji hesitated for a moment, and Yukiko on the side came over and covered her mouth in surprise, "Eri, why do you have so much soy sauce?!"

"Ah? Is it much?"

Seeing Fei Yingli blinking her eyes innocently, neither Shimizu Koji nor Yukiko answered her question, but both turned to look at the fried sea cucumbers fried by Fei Yingli alone.

The dish was out of the pot, and it looked pretty good. Koji Shimizu took out a pair of chopsticks, and Yukiko silently did the same thing.

Fei Yingli just looked at it, but in fact, she was already sweating profusely, but she pretended to be calm and smiled happily on the surface.

She rarely cooks herself. Most of the time, Kuriyama Midori cooks, or goes out to socialize and eat. It’s not that she doesn’t know that there are some minor problems with her cooking, but Fei Yingli also believes in herself. She This time I have paid great attention to the application of condiments.

A kind of sourness rushed straight to the sky, followed by a salty aftertaste. Yukiko took a sip and her face immediately turned green. If Fei Yingli hadn't looked at her expectantly, she might have died on the spot. Able to spit it out regardless of image.

Shimizu Koji felt the same way. He was not a superman. With the damage to his sense of taste this time, he could clearly feel that his health bar had been reduced by at least five percentage points.

My heartbeat slowed down for a while.

A soul-shaking taste, absolutely!

In a tacit understanding, Yukiko and Shimizu Koji looked at each other again, and then turned to Fei Eri, who looked expectant, anxious and a little guilty.

"Ahem, Yingli, Koji and I are enough in the kitchen, how can I let you, the master, do it?"

"By the way, we have been chatting for a long time and have forgotten to buy something to drink. Yingli, how about you help me prepare some drinks or something?"

"Well, Madam Concubine, I'm sorry to bother you."

Although he was still very straightforward, Shimizu Koji still made a decisive decision - to drive Fei Yingli out of the kitchen.

This cooking technique is not as good as his!

However, this is really unimaginable.

Queen, okay, queen, you really don’t have to cook by yourself. Thinking of Fei Yingli’s title, Shimizu Koji silently complained again.

Fei Yingli looked left and right, her face unavoidably a little embarrassed. The three of them who were high-spirited and chatting enthusiastically just now, she was kicked out of the queue in an instant.

"Okay, I understand, then I'll go prepare some drinks."

Fei Yingli's eyes changed. She was actually much more relaxed, because the food she bought was enough to show her sincerity. The words she accidentally said before, as if she was asking for free prostitution, made her feel ashamed.

But now, she felt strangely embarrassed, and felt even more guilty and ashamed.

What could this be? She had promised that the treat would be a way of thanking Koji Shimizu for his help, but instead of going back and forth, someone else came to her house to act as a cook for her.

At this time, Fei Yingli completely lost the aura of a queen, and was only filled with embarrassment.

She had to think of a way to make up for it. She nodded, not daring to look into the eyes of Yukiko and Shimizu Koji. Fei Yingli didn't even have time to take off her apron, so she turned around and walked out of the kitchen.

In the kitchen, as soon as Fei Yingli left, only Shimizu Koji and Yukiko were left.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Yukiko stuck out her tongue, smiled and shook her head and looked at Shimizu Koji, "Actually, I have heard of Eri's cooking skills before."

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be like this."

"There is no cure."

Koji Shimizu gave an evaluation that seemed a bit excessive, but Yukiko hesitated for a while, but nodded in approval.

"She didn't realize, and probably wouldn't realize, how exaggerated the amount of spices she was using."

Yukiko didn't believe that Fei Yingli had never cooked or that others hadn't taught her. Koji Shimizu thought the same way, so she came to the conclusion that there was no cure.

"It's as if a kind of curse has been planted." Qingshui Koji recalled Fei Yingli's clear eyes just now and said helplessly.

As he spoke, he picked up the plate of sea cucumbers prepared by Fei Yingli, rinsed it with water, turned around and threw it back into the pot.

I can only say that luckily it was seafood. If it had been other ingredients, it would have been really hopeless.

"Maybe Eri has a strong taste." Yukiko couldn't excuse her best friend.

He said casually, then turned around and continued busy with his own business.

The two were busy in the kitchen, sometimes crossing each other, touching, dividing labor and collaborating. Koji Shimizu silently helped with details time and time again, which made Yukiko feel a little absent-minded from time to time.

"Koji, do you often cook by yourself?"

"Huh? No, I only know a little bit."

Koji Shimizu wasn't lying. He did only know a little bit, but the tacit understanding in cooking, such as handing out the right seasonings at the right time and taking over when it was time for him to stir-fry vigorously, was actually A profound habit that he and Haihara Ai developed.

Yukiko looked at him strangely, and looked away without saying anything more.

Outside the kitchen, Fei Yingli was not idle.

Originally, she wanted to go downstairs and drive to buy some drinks, but halfway there, she suddenly remembered something. After thinking about it carefully, she turned back.

In Fei Yingli's bedroom, it is almost impossible for Shimizu Koji to set foot. Maybe Yukiko still has some hope, but it is unlikely today. Moreover, even if he steps in, it is absolutely impossible to find and open Fei Yingli buried in the closet. of a small safe.

Carefully taking out the safe, Fei Yingli showed hesitation, but in the end, she still had firm belief.

And if it was just Koji Shimizu, it would not be enough for her to treat her like this, but by chance, Yukiko was also there. Moreover, thinking of the chat with Yukiko during the day, Fei Yingli felt that her best friend needed a little bit of her. of comfort and help.

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