Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 289 The beginning of the threesome

Shimizu Koji received Fei Eri and Yukiko in Ginza.

Ginza is a huge commercial area, and not all of it is famous for luxury brands. From 1-chome to 5-chome, if you really think about it, it is actually no smaller than rice cakes.

Koji Shimizu couldn't figure out the consumption level of Fei Eri and Yukiko, but Yukiko could definitely spend a lot of money here.

As expected, Yukiko's shopping bags do seem to have a few more shopping bags than Fei Yingli's, but both of them are full, and you can't tell the difference without looking carefully.


"Good evening, Shimizu-san."

"If the lawyer doesn't mind, you can call me by my name."

Koji Shimizu reached out and took part of the handbag from the two of them, and said as he turned around and put it in the trunk.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Koji."

Fei Yingli nodded slightly, and on the side, Yukiko also put the remaining shopping bags by herself, and as soon as she stood in front of the trunk, her eyes lit up.

"Eh?! Koji, is this the fish you bought? No, did you catch it? This box looks so beautiful. Is this cod?"

"Cod?" Fei Yingli came up curiously.

"Pacific cod." Shimizu Koji added calmly, but he didn't know about it before. He asked about it while chatting with Cohen on the way back.

"Pacific cod? Hey, if I remember correctly, this fish has a very famous dish called..."

"Yunzi, a very precious ingredient is the testicles of cod. It's almost winter recently, and this fish is almost the best time to eat." Fei Yingli said softly. It seemed that she was very interested in these things. He knows better than Yukiko.

"Oh yes, her name is Yunzi."

"Koji-kun, have you had dinner?" Yukiko suddenly changed her voice.

Fei Yingli frowned, but relaxed instantly. Qingshui Koji glanced at the two of them and shook his head gently, "Not yet."

Yukiko suddenly became happy, "That's just right, let's have another dinner together! That's it! Eri, can you do it?"

Saying that, Yukiko turned to Fei Yingli again, Fei Yingli nodded helplessly and agreed, "Then go to my house, I'm buying some ingredients on the way, um, just in time, I just want to thank you for your help before, Koji. "

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, her face suddenly turned red. She seemed to feel something was wrong. She added in a rare haste, "Of course, in order to express my gratitude to Mr. Hao Er, I will pay for this cod."

If she wasn't careful, she almost took advantage of Koji Shimizu openly. She even said it was to thank Koji Shimizu, which was really shameful.

Fei Yingli glanced at Yukiko angrily, blaming Yukiko for affecting her thoughts. Yukiko was a little confused. It had nothing to do with her.

"Ah, that's no need. Madam Concubine, you are too polite. In fact, I am still a little worried. I can't finish such a big fish by myself."

Naturally, it was impossible for Shimizu Koji to agree, but his politeness was also very fake. Of course he could finish the fish. Not only did he have Mingmei and Xiao Ai at home, but there was also Dr. Agasa next door. If that didn't work, he could still call Conan and the other ones. There are three primary school students.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird. The three of them put their luggage away and got into the car without saying anything more.

Shimizu Koji followed Fei Yingli's directions, and it didn't take long before he arrived at the rice flower 1-chome.

Downstairs of Feifei Law Firm, Koji Shimizu drove the car into the parking lot next to it and stopped. After that, the three of them carried large and small bags together and entered the narrow stairway of the firm.

It was already time to get off work, and on the way back, Fei Yingli had also called in advance. Kuriyama Midori had left, and the office was deserted. Fei Yingli took the key from the second floor, and led Shimizu Koji and Yukiko walked towards the third floor.

Shimizu Koji mainly carries the ingredients. Now he not only has the cod he bought for free, but also a lot of things that Fei Yingli bought on the way. Of course, the main thing is seafood, because Shimizu Koji loves to eat seafood. This is what Fei Yingli bought. Yingli bought it after asking about it.

Otherwise, Shimizu Koji estimated that he would buy a lot of vegetables, and they would be very expensive ones.

Fei Yingli almost always buys the expensive ones, such as double-sized abalone, tuna, eel, red snow crab, blue lobster, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that this meal costs several thousand yen per bite.

Even Koji Shimizu, who didn't take it seriously before, is really looking forward to it now.

Walking into the room, unexpectedly, the style in the room is completely different from the office downstairs. The office Koji Shimizu has been in once, and it has a very Western style, but upstairs, the furniture is all made of simple brown wood. Color, whether it is the floor, the cabinet next to the entrance, or the coffee table and TV cabinet in the living room.

There is a Japanese elegant style.

The three of them changed into slippers in the entrance hall. Fei Yingli got a pair of blue slippers for both Yukiko and Shimizu Koji, which was a very neutral color.

In the living room, large and small shopping bags were piled on the floor. Fei Yingli went to the kitchen first, but Yukiko did not follow immediately. Instead, she looked at Shimizu Koji. The two seemed to have discussed it tacitly.

"Then let's go cook~, Koji-kun, you can watch some TV here by yourself." As she said that, Yukiko wanted to reach out and take the bag in Hiroshi Shimizu's hand.

"Hey, let me help too. These things are not easy for you to deal with."

Shimizu Koji lifted the bag in his hand. The legs of the big crabs still alive inside looked scary. Yukiko was also entangled for a while, but finally nodded in agreement.

Kisaki Eri had already tied an apron in the kitchen. When she saw Yukiko and Shimizu Koji walk in, she was stunned and obviously very surprised.

"I'll help with some simple processing." Shimizu Koji smiled slightly, his eyes were clear and pure.

Kisaki Eri heard this and blinked, and her eyes gradually softened.

Although there is no saying in Japan that "gentlemen stay away from the kitchen", in fact, under male chauvinism, men not cooking has almost become an instinctive cognition of the Japanese.

Yukiko was actually quite surprised, but she has lived abroad for many years, and she is not as sensitive to these things as Kisaki Eri who has been living here.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Koji-kun."

"Leave it to me."

"Gangbade~!" Yukiko's voice was full of energy, and for a while, the atmosphere in the kitchen was harmonious and lively.

Outside the window, the night deepens and the lights come on. Although it is a small building on the third floor, as far as the eye can see, the beautiful scenery, the neon lights of the city and the sky dotted with stars and the moon are all in sight.

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