Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 288 Invitation

"I never thought that a man like Yusaku would have such a situation."

"But I still think this may be a misunderstanding, Yukiko, don't think too much."

Hiki Eri comforted softly.

Across from her, Yukiko didn't look like someone who needed comfort, at least that's how it looked.

"Oh, I'm used to it. After all, compared to me, a washed-up female star who has been off the screen for more than ten years and no one cares about her, he is still a popular novelist with a flourishing reputation. He can't refuse the evening parties and banquets every day. You should also know the environment in the United States, Eri. Those women, even if I were a man, I'm afraid it would be difficult to refuse~~."

Yukiko complained, but she didn't have the resentment that ordinary women have when they worry about their husbands cheating.

She pouted her lips, didn't look very angry, and could eat snacks in small bites.

However, after chatting for an afternoon, Hiiki Eri, who knew Yukiko very well, knew at this moment that Yukiko certainly cared about it in her heart, otherwise, she wouldn't have run back to Japan so directly.

She smiled slightly and said nothing more, but she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Time has passed, and more than ten years have passed. Nothing remains unchanged.

She has taken over so many family dispute cases over the years, and has seen enough. This is really nothing special, but it makes people feel a little emotional.

Hiki Eri's eyes changed, and she glanced at Yukiko's face that pretended to be indifferent, which even she would find cute. Suddenly, a light flashed in her mind, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Speaking of which, so you asked Shimizu-kun to dress up as Yusaku before, and I really didn't see it at that time."

When Yukiko heard this, she put down the knife and fork in her hand, raised her head suspiciously, and glanced at Hiki Eri's face, "Eri, you are not going to tease me about this again, are you?"

"Hey, I haven't said anything yet, but it's still hard to believe that the person on the sofa at that time was..."


Yukiko's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she stared fiercely with her eyes wide open, and she seemed to almost slam the table.

The private tea party between the two besties, the scale of the chat is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary times.

"What does it matter? It's just a misunderstanding anyway. You have already explained it." Hibari smiled faintly, picked up the soup bowl and took a sip.

"Yes, I have already explained it. Why do you bring it up again?"

"I just want to talk to you about Shimizu-kun."

"Him? What's wrong with him?"

Yukiko blinked curiously, and Hibari looked at her steadily, but didn't speak immediately.

"I heard from Xiaolan that he is living in your house now." Hibari's tone became a little serious.

"Oh, this, Shin-chan rented the house to him before, I just came back to stay for a few days temporarily, I can't chase him away."

Yukiko didn't care, but she seemed to have guessed what Hibari wanted to say, her eyes became a little strange, but she didn't ask directly, but continued to add, "And, in fact, there are more than just me and him in the house now, there is another one, one of his... um, it seems to be a distant cousin."

"Oh?" Hibari Hibari's brows relaxed a lot.

"Ah, Hibari, no, you don't really think that I will do something irrational because of that kind of thing!" Yukiko looked a little angry, but not like that.

"Besides, Koji-kun is just a high school student."

Hiki Eri smiled faintly, no longer serious as before, "Yes, it is precisely because he is still a high school student, Yukiko, you must not be careless, you should know more or less about boys of this age, even if Shimizu-kun looks mature and reliable, there are many crimes of this type."

"Especially you, Yukiko, I can guess without thinking too much, you'd better restrain your charm and cuteness at home, and don't tease or tease him."

Hiki Eri spoke in a steady and slow pace, and at the end, she rarely blinked playfully, which was really a beautiful sight, but unfortunately no one could appreciate it.

Opposite her, Yukiko, who wanted to refute at the beginning, was now a little stuck and speechless.

Hiki Eri said those things before, but later... Well, indeed, she should pay attention to it, thinking back to what happened in the morning.

Although it seems that Shimizu Koji gave her a very good impression in both appearance and actual interaction, but who can say for sure, just like what Kisaki Eri said just now, a boy of this age.

Yukiko's face became a little unnatural, her eyes flicked left and right, and finally, she changed her tone, "Well, I know, let's not talk about this, let's talk about you and Maori."

Hearing this, Kisaki Eri's face froze, looking at Yukiko's big weird eyes, paused, and couldn't help sighing, "What is there to say, it has come to this point."

"Yes, it has come to this point!" Yukiko seemed to be in high spirits all of a sudden.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years, I really didn't expect you to get to this point, separated for more than ten years, Eri, you are really crazy, even if Xiaolan is here, you are so accommodating and compromising, look at what Maori Kogoro has become."

"I really didn't recognize that Maori, who looked like a perverted uncle in the subway in the morning, would actually be the high-spirited police officer at the beginning."

"Okay Yukiko, stop talking!"

Yukiko stuck out her tongue, and Fei Yingli lamented, holding her forehead helplessly, "I actually have nothing to regret. If I have any regrets, maybe I shouldn't have given up the opportunity to study at Harvard."

"Being a childhood sweetheart was a mistake in itself, but I, who made an important decision that affected my life, am not qualified to attribute this fault to others."

Yukiko swallowed in a daze, her eyes gradually becoming a little confused.

"Let's go shopping."


Five p.m.

"Moxi Moxi?"

"Oh? Shall I pick you up? Okay, no problem. I happen to be nearby. Well, I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Red bean paste~? That's great. We're waiting for you, Haoji-kun~, mu—— beep, beep, beep."

After hanging up the phone, Shimizu Koji had a strange expression on his face, mu——?

He didn't know what Fei Yingli and Yukiko had talked about today, but it was not difficult to guess the mua that Yukiko had abruptly blocked, and it was more concerning than her previous out-of-the-box personality.

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