Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 287 A little test of one’s skills (please vote for me)

Since the incident in Osaka, Koji Shimizu's strength has grown further. Not only has his Sharingan improved, but more importantly, his swordsmanship has improved.

Koji Shimizu felt from the very beginning that what suppressed the growth of his swordsmanship was not the swordsmanship and the heart of the sword as Tetsumi Michiko mentioned, but an invisible and intangible feeling, like It is a shackles.

And with the improvement of his soul power and the promotion of Sharingan, not only his observation ability, but also his strength and other aspects have been improved. The previous shackles seem to have been lifted a lot.

Just like a few days ago, he was able to wave a wind wall composed of violent wind sword energy. Although it was small, he could already control this extraordinary swordsmanship.

Cohen stood behind Koji Shimizu and had a panoramic view of everything. He, who was always as steady as an old dog, was stunned at this moment.

As Koji Shimizu sheathed his sword, there was a loud "bang!" and the tall cliff fell straight down.

In an instant, the entire mountain forest became restless, with crows squawking, the sound of running in the woods, and the birds and beasts disappearing.

Cohen walked forward in a daze, lowering his head. The cut surface of the cliff was as smooth and clear as lake water. The huge rocks that fell down below and the crushed trees all proved that what he saw was true.


He suddenly understood the value of the words "kendo master".

I didn’t quite understand it before, but now I understand why the organization would like a so-called swordsman.

So, the question is, why did Belmode ask him to take Shimizu Koji on such a mission?

Cohen was shaken by his previous suspicions.

Belmod is a woman who is so mysterious that it gives people headaches. Even if Koji Shimizu is her forbidden love, it will not surprise anyone.

When Cohen heard that Shimizu Koji only knew a little bit, although he couldn't figure out the origin of Shimizu Koji, he already regarded him as a relative of Belmode and asked him to help guide the area.

This kind of thing is not unusual. The organization always needs to add new blood. It is recommended by its own people, as long as the origin is innocent.

But now, so, what is he here for?

Could it be that Koji Shimizu was actually sent by Belmod to scare him?

Even Cohen, who was taciturn and didn't like the power struggle in the organization, couldn't help but think more about it at the moment.

Although he has indeed been slacking off recently, he has basically completed the tasks assigned by Belmode on time.

It couldn't be possible. Belmode really wanted to take advantage of Gin's absence to get involved in their operations department, but Gin would be back soon.

For a moment, Cohen's mind was confused by Koji Shimizu's "casual sword", but Koji Shimizu didn't know what Cohen was thinking.

But if he knew, Koji Shimizu might actually be interested in talking to him about these things.

"How about this?"

"And it looks like everyone inside should have come out as well."

Koji Shimizu's tone was relaxed. Of course, executing such a sword now was actually almost his limit. Compared with his previous strength, it was already exaggerated.

Cohen came back to his senses after hearing the sound, and followed Koji Shimizu's gaze to look at the blue castle below from a distance. Visible to the naked eye, there seemed to be a commotion inside.

Looking back, suppressing the shock in his heart, Cohen swallowed, "Wait, it still doesn't work, it's too far here."

"Too far?" Koji Shimizu's eyesight is naturally far beyond that of ordinary people, but even without opening his Sharingan, the figures in the castle can be seen with the naked eye at this distance.

Eight hundred yards, which is just over 700 meters.

"You——, can't hit?"

Qingshui Koji paused and said tentatively.

Although he tried his best to make his tone not sound like ridicule, or even serious, Cohen still raised his eyebrows fiercely, feeling strongly offended.

Saying that a sniper can't hit is like saying that a man can't get up. It's an absolute insult.

In fact, even Koji Shimizu, who has rich experience, does not have much experience and knowledge in sniping.

Cohen tried not to let himself get angry, because he didn't dare to get angry in front of Koji Shimizu, who looked like a stupid young man.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the slightly curious Shimizu Koji, Cohen explained: "Nowadays, the effective range of snipers is generally only 400-600 yards. My longest shooting record is 550 yards during training."

Cohen seldom communicated with people, especially laymen, but now, Koji Shimizu, a layman, was still his teammate.

This made it difficult for him to explain clearly to Koji Shimizu that his 550-yard shooting range was already very impressive.

It was very frustrating, especially when I saw Koji Shimizu still frowning in thought after hearing this.

"Let's put it this way, the only person who can shoot at a distance of eight hundred yards with this rifle is not even Gin. The only person I have ever seen is Rye who has defected to the organization."

Cohen said, in his opinion, Shimizu Koji couldn't understand the words, but he could only explain it like this. He was really not good at explaining things to others. To a certain extent, he was even better than Shimizu Koji before. Pure - explanation? One shot collapsed.

Gin, rye, Shimizu Koji listened to his ears, his heart moved slightly, and his eyes also looked at the rifle in Cohen's hand at this moment, a lightweight sniper rifle. It really didn't look as fancy as in the movies and TV shows. The impact, except for the sniper scope, is more like an ordinary shotgun.

"I want to try."

Whatever he is afraid of, when he saw the look in Koji Shimizu's eyes, Cohen already had a hunch that he would say this.

It was a rare tangle, but thanks to the protection of the goggles, Koji Shimizu couldn't see his face clearly.

"Did you know that wind can also affect the accuracy of sniping? At this distance, if you are facing the target, no matter how accurate your aim is, it will only be tilted to an unknown place." Cohen, an honest man, was already a little angry. It can be heard from the wording that is no longer rigorous and orderly.

"Wind? I think I know it very well. Let me try. If it doesn't work, we will go down and chop them down."

Listening to Shimizu Koji's simple and rude remarks, Cohen held his breath and couldn't say a word. He no longer knew what to say.

It can only be said that Shimizu Koji fits his imagination perfectly, a young and frizzy guy who doesn't know the heights of the world, and is even more stupid than Benga who covets the position of Gin.

And Koji Shimizu did this not just to avoid the trouble of taking a long detour. Cohen's guess just now was actually quite accurate, and Koji Shimizu probably figured it out. This was more of a display than a test.

However, even Belmode probably didn't expect that he would end this performance with a sniper rifle.

But this is indeed Koji Shimizu's own problem. He should have asked Cohen to listen to him from the beginning. They should lurk in directly and end the mission in the simplest and fastest way instead of shooting on this hill. .

"My lord, what happened?!"

Mamiya came out of the castle in a panic. He and the noble Mamiya wanted to kill each other, but they didn't know that they both wanted to kill each other, and they didn't know that at this time, the murderer they hired was already in place.

In the courtyard, looking at Mitsuru Mamiya who was gradually approaching behind him, a trace of disgust flashed in Mamiya's eyes, "I don't know, it doesn't look like an earthquake."

Mamiya Mitsuru breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and walked to Takato Mamiya, "Where are the servants? Why can't I see them?"

"Ah, I asked them to go back to their rooms first."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Mamiya 'father and son' were talking without words. Suddenly, a sound of "咻——" was heard in the air, and a bloody hole burst open in the heads of Mamiya Mitsuru and Mamiya Takato at the same time.

They both fell to the ground.

"Kill two birds with one stone and save a bullet."

On the edge of the cliff, Shimizu Koji climbed up from the ground. As he spoke, he looked at Cohen who was also lying next to him, observing with the sniper scope of another rifle.

Cohen's face was unabashedly shocked, as well as an incredibly mixed emotion of shock.

Only a little

Only a little

Only a little


He was preparing for the worst to clean up the mess. After all, it was just an ordinary bounty mission. To let a guy with a little knowledge come up and challenge an 800-yard sniper attack, Cohen could guarantee that if Gin was there, Here, I will definitely give Koji Shimizu a shot first.

"Sako, are you really a human?"

Cohen's tone sounded particularly difficult. He slowly stood up and raised his head, while Shimizu Koji simply smiled and did not answer.

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