Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 286 Fishing Man

An hour later, there was a bridge in the suburbs.

The traffic flow came and went, but it was much smaller than the traffic flow in the city. Koji Shimizu parked the car on the side of the road and looked around. Just as he was about to take out his mobile phone, he saw a middle-aged man on the stairs of the embankment next to the bridge. The man gradually came up.

Baseball cap, goggles, white hair, square nose, yes, that's the guy.

However, there was a fishing rod, a small bench, and two lively fish of unknown species, but they looked delicious.

This, the person from the organization?

Koji Shimizu looked a little strange.

"you are late."

Although Cohen had never met Shimizu Koji, Shimizu Koji's eyes did not conceal his emotions, so the connection was successful.

His voice was light and no emotion could be heard. Without waiting for Koji Shimizu's reply, Cohen added to himself: "But it doesn't matter, it's just a small task. No one except Gin will care about such details."


"You are a newbie, you don't understand yet, but you will soon."

"The rare good days should be coming to an end soon, do you want a fish?" Cohen sighed inexplicably, and suddenly raised his hand to signal. Koji Shimizu was slightly surprised, but he was not polite and directly reached out to take one.

The fish was packed in a special bag with water inside, and it looked like it weighed three to four kilograms.


"You're welcome, - Sako."

Under Cohen's goggles, his eyes were fixed on Koji Shimizu's face.

This face, so young, made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He wasn't exactly a baby face, but he definitely looked no older than twenty. Cohen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. A young man of this age might be a prickly guy.

There is a lot of young blood in the organization, and even the guys in their twenties are all frizzy. For someone like Shimizu Koji, it will probably be even worse.

Cohen frowned, but didn't say anything, because in the organization, everyone's code of conduct is don't ask anything.

Shimizu Koji turned around and put the fish in his car, then parked the car in a nearby parking lot.

When he came back, Cohen had just packed up his original fishing suit and sat in the driver's seat.

Cohen's car is just an ordinary Toyota sedan, and the reason why Shimizu Koji doesn't drive his own car is because his car is too conspicuous.

"mission target."

After getting into the car, Cohen drove directly without waiting for him to fasten his seat belt, and conveniently, he threw two character information forms into his arms, which were like commission orders.

Shimizu Koji didn't care at first, but after looking at it twice, his mood suddenly became strange.

The palace is full, the palace is noble

Wait, is this-?

Shimizu Koji quickly recalled that experience. If he remembered correctly, Mamiya Mitsuru did hire murderers at that time. At that time, he was even laughing in his heart. He paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight, but the result was that Have to queue up.

The co-authorship came to him.

But what is the situation with the nobles in this palace? Koji Shimizu picked up the message from Takato Mamiya, and on the side, Cohen also watched his movements. Seeing him turn to the second one so quickly, he mentally confirmed that Koji Shimizu did have a frivolous character, and said: "Under normal circumstances, the organization would not execute two murder commissions like this at the same time."

"However, as you can see, they are a father and son, and they pay each other to kill each other. It's really interesting."

Shimizu Koji already didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, indeed."


In the forest, the dense greenery can also make people breathless. If Cohen had chosen a road with no path at all, if he had known that it was like this, Shimizu Koji would probably have agreed to his original proposal - let him decide.

Instead of going up the mountain to snipe.

"Can you use a gun?"

"Only a little."


Cohen glanced back at Koji Shimizu curiously, but still didn't ask anything.

Along the way, he didn't see anything extraordinary about Shimizu Koji. The sword did look like a famous sword, but times had changed. Cohen didn't think that a simple swordsman could directly use such a young sword At this age, such a level earns its own code name.

Although there was not much involution in the organization, it still made him feel like his life was in vain.

It was indeed the first time for Koji Shimizu to touch a sniper rifle. He now had a knife on his waist and a long bag with a sniper rifle on his shoulder, which made him fully armed.

After stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, I walked for more than ten minutes and finally saw the light.

Cohen took the lead, followed by Koji Shimizu. There was a cliff. Looking down, you could clearly see the entire blue castle surrounded by the forest.

"Let's go, let's change places."


Shimizu Koji, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help turning his head when he heard this. Cohen, with a cool expression on his face, just pointed to a cliff below, "It's good there. It should be four hundred yards from the target point. It's too far here." Far."

Shimizu Koji followed his direction and couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his eyes. This time, walking in such a barren mountain would probably take another two or three hours.

But this is a very common thing for Cohen, a veteran sniper.

"I don't think it's necessary. It's pretty much the same here."


This time it was Cohen's turn to wonder, what are the same things?

Well, for the sake of "only a little bit" just now, he didn't care about it with Shimizu Koji, "It's at least 800 yards away from the target point, and -"

Cohen said, stepping on the edge of the cliff under his feet, "The edge of the cliff here is too prominent, and it is impossible to find a suitable sniping point."

"However, if you want to practice your bird-shooting skills here, that's not impossible. Anyway, this mission is actually very simple, and you won't be asked to shoot when the time comes."

"Oh? Then what am I here for?"

"You have to ask Belmode about this. Maybe she wants you to get used to the organization's environment? You look very young."

Cohen spoke calmly, without explaining much.

Koji Shimizu glanced down at the ground at his feet. He couldn't see anything wrong. Cohen seemed to be aware of his doubts and actually smiled, "Wait a minute, I told you, you don't want to wait with your gun raised." The target appears?"

When Cohen said this, Koji Shimizu understood. If you lie down, the edge of the cliff is too high and too protruding, making it difficult to snipe down. If you keep holding a sniper rifle that weighs several kilograms, it will indeed be tiring, and the accuracy of sniping will be compromised. will be affected.

And it's not that he doesn't understand this, it's just that gradually, he is no longer able to think normally.

"Hold it for me and stand in the back."

Shimizu Koji handed his 'own' sniper rifle to Cohen, including the bag. Cohen took it with a confused look on his face and watched Shimizu Koji unsheath his sword. Although he was confused, his instinct still made him obey Shimizu Koji. With persuasion, he retreated behind Qingshui Koji.

The sword flashed, and with a "clang" sound, the sword was sheathed.

A simple and unpretentious sword, Koji Shimizu intended to show his strength. In this organization where it is obvious that whoever has the big fists can keep his word, it is best not to be underestimated.

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