Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 264 Yukiko, the awkward first meeting

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Tokyo's bright night has just begun. At least, when leaving Shinjuku, the bustling commercial streets are brightly lit, like a sleepless night.

The idolized girls on the roadside, if it weren't for Koji Shimizu who was so handsome, they might still have the courage to step forward and introduce themselves.

Mihua Town, Kudo's house.

This street was as dark as ever, with only one streetlight more than ten meters away. The pale and weak fluorescence was even worse than none at all.

The cold wind whistled, which seemed to indicate that the weather was about to turn colder. The fallen leaves were falling and moving on the ground with the wind, making a rustling sound, adding an even more terrifying and eerie atmosphere to the silent street.

As an excuse, a taxi slowly stopped, and then, with a bang, a heavy door slammed. If it weren't for the fact that several ten thousand yuan bills were flying in front of him far beyond the distance, the taxi driver would definitely have muttered a few words. Even if you have a bad temper, you may even curse and cause conflicts.

Carrying a suitcase and wearing a large windbreaker, Yukiko Kudo stood at the street corner and stared like a traveler returning home. The taxi behind her slowly drove away, leaving her alone.

The rare long curly hair is a rather strange hairstyle that most women cannot control, but on her body, it made a woman in her thirties and a child already a high school student look a bit... Very playful and cute.

If she were to change into a school uniform, apart from the majestic look on her chest, some people would believe her even if she said she was a high school girl.

Looking at the illuminated Kudo residence from a distance, Kudo Yukiko was stunned for a while, and then suddenly seemed to remember something.

"By the way, Shinichi said last time that he rented the house to one of his junior students."

The coldness on her face, which was as cold as the cold winter in December, instantly broke the ice. Kudo Yukiko's expression became visibly tangled and had a headache. She was so angry that she completely forgot about it.

But it's already eleven o'clock in the evening. It's too dangerous to walk out from here and take a taxi. Although the security in Japan is better than that in the United States, at night, there is no difference between the two.

After frowning and struggling for a while, the wheels of the suitcase began to roll. Kudo Yukiko walked firmly towards her home. Yes, this is her home. There are so many rooms in the home, and she can't live without her. A place of refuge?

Moreover, she really wanted to meet this tenant by the way. In fact, Conan didn't tell her and Yusaku Kudo much. He just said that a junior fellow student with whom he had a good relationship was homeless, so he decided to rent the house to him on his own. Got him.

Anyway, Kudo and his wife have already settled in the United States and will not return to China. Naturally, they have no objection to Conan's decision.

"Ding dong——"

The doorbell rang, and Haiyuan Ai, who was reading a magazine on the sofa in the living room, was startled when he heard the sound.

Shimizu Koji just called her and it would take more than ten minutes. Moreover, Shimizu Koji wouldn't knock on the door when he got home.

She instantly became alert.

The organization, no, it's impossible. The organization has no reason to be here. Kudo Shinichi's home has been searched very clean by the organization, not just the two times she came.

Moreover, if you are an organization, you will never choose to ring the doorbell when you see the lights on the house.

Breaking into the void? Robber? Thief?

Waiting and guessing, flashed in Haiyuan Ai's mind, and without giving her any more time to think, the doorbell rang again.

At the gate, Kudo Yukiko simply adjusted her clothes. She heard footsteps in the room, and her expression began to change.

Serious, indifferent, smiling, she pouted, as if she was struggling with something.

However, when the door slowly opened and a bright light was revealed, Kudo Yukiko instantly calmed down and became elegant and dignified. With a faint smile, she looked ahead. Then, she saw nothing.


"Oh hello, may I ask, who are you?"

Haibara Ai was like a little girl who was afraid of strangers. The door was only opened a crack. She asked curiously, but her eyes kept looking around Kudo Yukiko's body, especially the suitcase in Kudo Yukiko's hand, which made her subconsciously He frowned.

When Yukiko saw Haibara Ai, her original mental preparation was instantly disrupted.

Where did this little girl come from?

She quickly put on a friendly smile and bent down to say hello to Haiyuan Ai.

"Oh, oh haha."

"I am Kudo Yukiko"

Yukiko talked a lot enthusiastically, but Haibara Ai only remembered her self-introduction at the beginning.

It turns out that this is not a woman that Koji Shimizu provoked by flirting with women outside.

The doubts and defensiveness in her heart were instantly eliminated, and she opened the door completely without saying a word.

ten minutes later.

In the living room, Haibara Ai was the only one left again. She still had to wait for Shimizu Koji, while Kudo Yukiko said hello to her and went upstairs to put away her luggage and clean up the room.

Well, maybe, most likely, they will call Conan to ask about their affairs. I hope that guy won't talk nonsense.

When Hui Yuan Ai thought of this, his eyes couldn't help but have a hint of 'murderous intent'.

"I'm back~."

The lights were on at home, which was normal. Before leaving, Koji Shimizu gave the key to Haibara Ai.

So it was rare that he actually needed to say hello when he came home, which was a rather novel experience.

After changing into slippers at the entrance, when he heard the patter of footsteps, Shimizu Koji turned his head and saw Haibara Ai walking out of the living room wearing slippers.

When Haibara Ai saw Qingshui Koji looking a little happy, she couldn't help but froze, a little puzzled. She didn't know what Qingshui Koji was doing, but Qingshui Koji was happy, just for pure happiness, and for no other reason.

If I must say, this operation was very successful, and there are still people at home who have been waiting for me to go home, which is indeed worthy of joy.

"Long wait~."


Just as Haihara Ai nodded in response, in the blink of an eye, Qingshui Koji walked directly in front of her. She felt bad for a moment, but there was no chance to escape.

"No, no, I have it at home - uh uh."

"Miss Haihara, is-?!!!"

Five minutes later, in the living room.

The blush on Hui Yuan Ai's face was still there. She wanted to be angry, but she couldn't because there were still outsiders.

Koji Shimizu sat on the sofa next to her, his expression slightly embarrassed.

Opposite them, Kudo Yukiko was the same, very subtly embarrassed, everything was kept in silence, and this subtle silence could not be broken unless anyone spoke first.

"Well, you guys have a pretty good relationship. Shinichi has already told me about Miss Haihara's life experience. Well, it's normal, hehehe."

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