Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 265 Do you know the art of disguise?

Kudo Yukiko's mind was filled with the extremely impactful scene just now. In her more than thirty years of life experience, she had never seen any kind of storm.

But the scene just now still makes her still unable to recover. Even her superb acting skills in the past cannot cover up her inner emotions.

Haihara Ai's petite body was held in the air by Koji Shimizu, a tall boy who was 1.8 meters tall. They embraced each other affectionately, like a newly married young couple. When she came down the stairs, she could see clearly to see everything that happened between the two.

But if she hadn't had an emergency call with Conan beforehand, Yukiko would have most likely chosen to call the police. Even now, the option of calling the police is still lingering in her subconscious.

When he looked at Koji Shimizu, he unconsciously avoided it.

Even though she knew that Haibara Ai was an adult who had shrunk like her Shinichi, she had never met Miyano Shiho, so it was still difficult to accept it for a while.

"Kudo, madam, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here just now."

Koji Shimizu apologized sincerely, but his hidden meaning was not concealed at all. Kudo Yukiko glanced at the very angry Haibara Ai, and her acting skills gradually came to the fore.

"No, it's nothing. As a young man, it's understandable. However, Mr. Shimizu, you still have to pay more attention to Ms. Haihara's current situation."

"I see."

"Oh, by the way, just call me Yukiko."


When they met for the first time, they were forced to discuss such a topic, and as one of the parties involved, Haibara Ai just wanted to explode on the spot.

She now regrets very much for giving Koji Shimizu that opportunity to sneak in. That damn guy has no sense of shame at all!

I still want to hold her hand! dream!

Without mercy, Haibara Ai opened Qingshui Koji's hand, moved his buttocks, and sat a little further to the side.

Shimizu Koji smiled faintly and didn't care about anything with her. If I had to say it, Haibara Ai entered the state very quickly just now, and even started to enjoy it actively. If Kudo Yukiko hadn't disturbed her, the time they might have been entangled would have been Much longer than last time.

Yeah, but these definitely cannot be said.

"Is Ms. Yukiko coming back to China this time?"

In fact, it seems a bit impolite to ask this question. After all, someone else is the landlord, and he is also a rent-free landlord. But Shimizu Koji really has nothing to talk about. At least this sudden meeting with Kudo Yukiko made him almost completely unable to find her. What topic.

There was no way he could praise Kudo Yukiko for being beautiful in front of Haibara Ai, even if it was just a polite way of saying it.

"Ah, actually it's nothing. I just want to go back to Japan for a visit. Shimizu-san, can I interrupt you for a few days?"

"You're joking, you can stay here as long as you want."

Shimizu Koji smiled slightly, "However, tomorrow I will pick up a distant cousin of mine to stay here temporarily. I hope you don't mind."

"Did you get the disguise thing?!"

The silent Haibara Ai suddenly interrupted. She had been disconnected just now. After subconsciously asking, she came back to her senses and saw Kudo Yukiko opposite. She immediately reacted and wanted to cover her mouth, but... It's too late.

And her actions like this made her look particularly cute in an instant.

Shimizu Koji also didn't expect that Haibara Ai, who had always been steady and reliable, would suddenly do something like this to him.

Well, blame him.

Looking at Haihara Ai's still red side face, Qingshui Koji easily held her little hand this time.

"Okay, it's okay."

Kudo Yukiko saw all this, and the doubts and curiosity in her heart naturally and inevitably arose and accumulated. She was extremely curious, not to mention that Shimizu Koji was going to bring someone to her home.


She blinked strangely and looked at Koji Shimizu quietly, waiting for his explanation.

"Well, my cousin's situation is a bit special and it's not convenient for her."

As Koji Shimizu talked, he felt a little unable to make up anything.

In other words, the more concealed it is, the more suspicion it will arouse. And at the beginning, he and Haihara Ai just wanted to hide this matter from Conan's big mouth.

Pulling Haibara Ai's little hand, she looked over curiously. Shimizu Koji did not hesitate and said directly: "Explain the situation to Ms. Yukiko. I think she should be able to understand."

It’s not that he has deep trust in Kudo Yukiko, who he just met, but it’s just that for any normal person, Koji Shimizu would not find it difficult to understand.

In particular, his mother, Kudo Yukiko, who is well aware of Conan's big-mouthed nature, should be able to understand their meaning easily.

Kudo Yukiko has a mature, steady, dignified and elegant temperament, and she still looks very reliable.

"Ms. Yukiko should also know Xiao Ai's identity."

"Well, Shinichi told me a long time ago, but today is the first time we meet." Kudo Yukiko nodded curiously. She just called Conan and confirmed the identity of Haibara Ai, but Haibara She knew about Ai's deeper identity, that is, as a member of the organization, earlier.

Kudo Yusaku also knew about this.

"Her sister is also a member of that organization and is still alive."

Conan didn't tell everyone about everything. The matter of Miyano Akemi was a regret in his heart, so naturally he wouldn't talk nonsense about it.

Kudo Yukiko nodded blankly, and upon seeing this, Shimizu Koji knew that she probably knew nothing about this matter.

However, it is just a waste of words.

"So, that's what it looks like."

Kudo Yukiko's eyes were full of sparkles, and even Haibara Ai beside Shimizu Koji was in a complicated mood at the moment. The previous shyness had now quietly disappeared.

Koji Shimizu briefly told the story of how he rescued Miyano Akemi. Although he did not go into too many details and used too many words to describe something, for Yukiko and Haibara Ai, this story was It's still thrilling, and very moving.

"Giggle~, now I can understand a little better, why Miss Haihara, who Xiaoxin said is difficult to get along with, fell in love with you, Koji."

"You are her hero~."

Kudo Yukiko's gossip came unexpectedly. Her teasing tone and eyes were so natural and pure, completely different from the elegant and dignified person just now.

Haiyuan Ai blushed and lowered his head subconsciously.

Kudo Yukiko's words were correct, but no one had ever said this directly, and she had always felt so in her heart, but she had never been able to accurately pronounce the word 'her hero'.

Koji Shimizu just smiled and remained unchanged in the face of all changes. Kudo Yukiko is considered their elder, and it is difficult to respond to such gossip.

"Gee, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, Xiao Ai, can I call you that?"


"I understand what you mean now. Your worries are justified. Xiaoxin is indeed a little unsteady in this regard."

"I support what you are doing, and I promise that I will never tell him about this."

Kudo Yukiko smiled lightly, and her body was filled with an aura that made people subconsciously want to be convinced.

However, it was only for a moment.

"But you have to take me with you. And, without further ado, let's do it tonight. It's still early and I'm not jet lagged."

Yukiko looked at her watch and suddenly became lively again. She got up from the sofa, stretched out a little, and glanced at Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai, who were still a little stunned, "Why, still What are you doing? Don’t you believe me?”

Ah this

It was difficult for Shimizu Koji to understand Yukiko's unexpected brain circuit, and so was Haibara Ai.

"Okay~, I will help you."

"Um, I'm taking the liberty to ask, how can you help me?"

"I know how to disguise myself."

Yukiko smiled playfully, winked, and gave Koji Shimizu the final blow.

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