Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 263 Target: Akai Marie

A conference room.

Koji Shimizu didn't expect that Bellmod was going to give him a task just after he joined, but it was not hard to predict. After all, if nothing happened, Bellmod would not bring him to this place, and he could keep in contact with him through a single line. , asking him to do things for her without knowing anything.

Of course, that would be very difficult. Shimizu Koji had no reason to listen to her, even if he knew her identity.

Working casually will make you look cheap. Everything Shimizu Koji did tonight was not only a disguise, but also a display of strength. And the result was exactly what he thought, he gained enough voice. Instead of being a little thug.

That five billion is just the icing on the cake. Without strength, others can take ten billion, but with enough strength, the other party will consider your mood and needs.

And Belmod's idea was also very simple. She was not recruiting workers for the organization, she was doing it for herself. Therefore, Shimizu Koji's obvious disloyalty was not at all considered by her.

She doesn't need to let Koji Shimizu come into the boss's sight at all. Moreover, even if Koji Shimizu is noticed by the boss, the effectiveness of this extraordinary swordsman and the treatment of ordinary killers are naturally not the same. of.

Maybe Koji Shimizu will have a bigger say than her.

After all, there is no need to doubt too much about Koji Shimizu's loyalty. He ignores the law, kills without blinking an eye, and has no discipline. Even if he is strong enough, he will never be accepted by those who claim to be righteous. This is what they fear most. people.

Belmod found it a bit funny when he thought about it. If Koji Shimizu fell into the hands of those people, he might one day be displeased with his immediate boss and behead him with a knife. This was very possible.

As for herself, Belmode felt that this possibility was very slim. They could not say that they understood each other completely, but some of their concepts were unexpectedly similar.

They were very real and honest with each other, not hypocritical politicians and bureaucrats who did things in the name of justice. Koji Shimizu didn't care about killing people, let alone the so-called justice, so there was no reason to attack her. .

There was no way that his girlfriend, whom he had never met before, would try his best to say bad things about her to Koji Shimizu.

That’s too farfetched.

"You want to learn the art of disguise?"

"Well, is it difficult?"

"It's not difficult. If you want to learn, I can teach you at any time. In this case, it will be very helpful for this mission."

"Are you willing to teach me? This must be a very precious skill, right? If you can perfectly disguise yourself as someone else, didn't you just say that you are called the Thousand-Faced Witch? This should be your special skill, right?"

"Giggle~, disguise skills also require long-term practice. Just changing a face, many people can do it, but the voice, tone, habits, eyes, and even subconscious movements, these all require years of practice. Counting practice and imitation, and your strength, whether you learn this technique or not, will not affect my status. "

Belmode behaved generously, and this was intentional on her part.

She wanted Qingshui Koji to feel her sincerity, her kindness, and her 'love'. Over time, Qingshui Koji could not say that he was loyal to her, but he would definitely regard her as a very important person.

Orphans are like this. Although it doesn't sound good, for them who are empty-hearted and emotionally lacking, this kind of emotional value is more moving than a golden mountain in front of them.

And when that time comes, she can easily ask Shimizu Koji to do many things for her.

"Can I learn it tonight?"

"Aren't you going to go back? Besides, if you don't rest, I still have to sleep."

The eagerness shown by Koji Shimizu was actually a bit sincere. He didn't expect that Belmode could also learn the art of disguise and was willing to teach him. This would be faster than if he went to find Kuroba who didn't look very reliable. Fighting is much more convenient and faster.

"Our mission this time will last about a month. You can prepare for two days and we will set off during the summer vacation."

"It's summer vacation again?"

"Huh? You are a student, don't you know?"

Shimizu Koji fell silent, picked up the information in his hand, and continued to read.

It's said to be information, but it's actually just a handwritten piece of A4 paper.

[Mission target: Akai Marie]

"Actually, I was supposed to set off for this mission a week ago. However, I think your height and figure are more suitable for this mission than mine."

"You're not afraid that I'll screw it up."

"That doesn't matter. It was just a rumor to begin with. If it really fails, just pretend that we didn't find the target."

Belmod said nonchalantly, Qingmizu Koji was startled and looked at her, indeed a little surprised.

"Why, no one is watching us. You are mine. Do I still have to ask you to take responsibility? The organization is not as serious and rigid as you think. It is still very free in many cases. Well, at least follow me. You don’t have to worry about those troubles.”

"What trouble?"

"I suspect you are an undercover agent or something."

Belmod shook his head and chuckled. After speaking, he picked up the coffee and took a sip.

When getting along with Koji Shimizu in private, Bellmode is often deliberate but natural. She is not as condescending as she is in front of outsiders. How she is when she is alone is how she is now.

Sometimes, only sincerity can replace sincerity.

If she had the sincere help of Koji Shimizu, it would be possible for her to have the right to say no to the organization one day in the future.

She was really looking forward to that day.


"The Sixth British Army Intelligence Bureau, also known as MI6, is famous for training spies and agents, and Akai Marie is one of them. Her husband and son also tried to obtain the secrets of the organization, so , she was inevitably involved, and the organization has always treated its enemies without mercy."

"But if you want to kill her, don't you have to go to such trouble?" Qingmizu Koji asked casually.

He gradually became more casual, but his casualness was a disguise hidden under his age that was difficult to detect.

"She is very strong and has an agent's sense of smell, which has allowed her to escape the organization's pursuit time and time again."

"If you bring a gun and weapons, unless you can hide them out of thin air, she will spot you at a glance. Then, there is a high probability that we will not even see her, and the mission will fail."

Qingshui Koji nodded when he heard this. He could understand this. The instinct for danger is the instinctive consciousness that every strong man who lives on the edge of life and death should have.

"I see."

"When the time comes, act according to circumstances. If you can achieve your goal by other means, that's fine."

"No, I think this is quite appropriate."


"Death by a romantic kiss is an interesting ending for an agent who is not supposed to have a love life."

Koji Shimizu's tone was calm and he put the information back on the table.

When Belmod heard this, she couldn't help but look at him again, and her eyes gradually became a little weird. She originally planned this because she had her own bad taste in it. She didn't expect that Shimizu Koji would have such thoughts.

They really got along surprisingly well.

However, what Shimizu Koji actually valued was another thing. In order to conceal his purpose and not make himself appear so obedient, and also to prevent Belmode from changing his plan, he wasted a lot of words and went around in a big circle. .


"So, next, I want to play the man Akai Mutake?"

"Well, during these two days at school, you can come to me in the infirmary and I will guide you during this period."

"It's really you."

"I didn't want to hide it from you. After I said 'The Witch with a Thousand Faces', you stared at my hand for a long time. I guess you discovered it when I sent you home that time. I was accidentally raped by that person that day. The two girls lost their disguises."

Belmod waved his slender fingers frivolously, and Shimizu Koji also nodded silently.

"After that, I hope there won't be any more investigations like this."

"No problem, there is nothing to investigate about your life experience. I just wanted to know more about you. I will explain it personally to the organization later, so you can rest assured."

Belmode paused, seeming to have remembered something interesting, and raised the corner of his mouth again, "It doesn't matter if you don't trust me. If there is any sneaky guy approaching your house, you can kill him with one sword. His life, I will help you deal with the trouble afterwards."

"I will."

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