Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 262 Status determined by strength

Flaming red lips, golden, silky hair, snow-white, like a young girl's skin, delicate and charming facial features, as an internationally famous star, her appearance, every frown and frown is touching, and her acting is natural and flawless.

For the ideals and survival of mankind - this is so meaningful.

Shimizu Koji cooperated very well, opened his mouth slightly, and showed a shocked expression.

And his eyes were burning, and his strong curiosity and desire for knowledge seemed to be a little too much. Belmode turned her head and almost couldn't stand it.

Her face was a little hot, maybe it was the special innocence shown by Shimizu Koji that made Belmode feel a little awkward.

Putting aside some situations, Shimizu Koji and her angel have many similarities, and this uncontaminated innocence is particularly obvious.

Shimizu Koji needs her guidance.

Belmode quickly reaffirmed her idea. Shimizu Koji's strength was a powerful help to her. For Shimizu Koji, with her guidance, he could not only understand the world more deeply, but also grow up.

Shimizu Koji's inner self was like a piece of ice, pure and transparent. Most people dared not approach it. If it was polluted by messy things, it would be a pity.

"Let's go, let's go out."

Following Belmode, the two came out of the laboratory. The lights in the corridor were dim, and there was only the sound of their footsteps. This underground space seemed to be unusually large.

"In many cases, we are not understood, and because of secular morality and laws, many of our research is difficult to proceed in a normal way."

Belmode said softly as she walked.

"I think you should understand this, right? Since it's for the sake of mankind, naturally, someone will inevitably have to sacrifice."

"Human experiments are actually something that most biological sciences in the world cannot avoid, but compared to those scientific research teams with deep backgrounds who serve a certain force, we don't have such conditions."

Shimizu Koji nodded silently, and Belmode paused as she spoke, as if she hesitated.

She changed her tone and added, "Of course, we are not an organization that purely fights for human ideals. The world is not as simple as black and white. Just like raising these scientists and recruiting those who can work for us, those killers and people with certain abilities, all of these require money and even various conditions."

"We can also do whatever it takes to achieve our goals."

"Well, this way-I like it very much, and I don't like being constrained by others, so joining this organization should not affect my normal life, right?"

Shimizu Koji's quick acceptance was still beyond Belmode's expectations, but if you think about it carefully, what she said is indeed enough for a boy with a personality like Shimizu Koji.

"No, not at all. In this organization, you don't have to listen to anyone's orders except the boss. Of course, you won't come into contact with the boss for the time being."

"You just need to listen to me~."

Vermouth stopped, turned her head, and gently touched the side of Shimizu Koji's neck with her slender jade fingers.

She looked deep and stared at Shimizu Koji closely, "Do you think you can accept what I said?"

Vermouth's action seemed to be just a show of intimacy, which was also in line with her mysterious temperament and did not make people feel abrupt.

However, feeling the coolness on her fingers, Shimizu Koji was calmer than ever before. All of a sudden, it was as if he had died a dozen times, and there was no ripple in his heart.

"Before answering this question, I have a question for you."

"Oh? Tell me."

Vermouth frivolously retracted her fingers, as if nothing had happened, but from her slightly relaxed eyebrows, it was not difficult to see that her mood had improved a lot.

Shimizu Koji passed the last level. Of course, Vermouth never doubted anything, but just habitually tested.

Shimizu Koji was a rough gem she discovered on her own initiative, not those people who came to her on their own initiative with their own purposes.

However, some things that happened before, including Shimizu Koji's identity information that was suddenly covered up or even changed, made her feel something was wrong.

However, after investigation, these were not a problem. It was normal for him to attract some people's attention with his strong strength, handsome appearance, and entanglement with the daughter of a chaebol.

That was why she had to strike first, and it seemed that she was the first to succeed.

She was very satisfied.

"Why are you so special to me? If it was strength, then five million US dollars should be able to buy a lot of thugs to work hard."

Belmode's eyes changed when she heard this. It was not surprising that Shimizu Koji had this question, and asking it directly was indeed in line with his character.

Her temperament suddenly became a little heavy, and her eyes also revealed some obvious memories. "On the one hand, I really value your strength. You should also know that your kendo skills will attract a lot of attention."

Qimizu Koji nodded and looked at her quietly, wanting to see what kind of nonsense Vermouth could make up this time.

Surprisingly, he was not bored with this "intrigue" process. At least, it was pleasing to the eye to be with a beautiful woman like Vermouth.

And Belmode was indeed making up lies, "I had a younger brother who died very early in an accidental shooting incident. At that time, I had no ability to protect him."

"I look like your brother?"

"No." The corners of Belmode's lips curled up, as if she was waiting for Shimizu Koji to say this.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to find a reliable helper for myself."

Koji Shimizu was speechless. Belmode was not as scary as Haihara Ai said. At least now, she was quite interesting, even quite naughty.

"Listen to you? What will happen if I don't?"

"If it were anyone else, I'm afraid no one would dare to ask this question."


"We are not a reasonable organization, but based on your strength, you do have the qualifications."

Belmode smiled, as if she didn't care, but in her heart, she was determined to take down Koji Shimizu.

Shimizu Koji's strength is what she covets and needs, but it also limits her.

If I had to say it, I'm afraid even if Gin comes, I can't threaten Shimizu Koji. For someone so powerful and unencumbered, threats would be counterproductive.

Gin is not a fool. If the boss knew about it, he would not let him mess around.

Qingmizu Koji's innocent life experience, his kendo prowess, and the violent wind barrier he cut with one sword, there is no doubt that this is the product of 'another world'. This is the talent that their organization desperately needs, and this kind of talent is in billions of dollars. None, it is extremely rare, and the most important thing is that it is indeed difficult to control.

Just like Goemon, after she reported it to the organization, the organization secretly offered countless olive branches to the other party, and the conditions were even more favorable than those she offered to Koji Shimizu, but they were undoubtedly rejected.

Needless to say, not only them, but also various other organizations have also offered olive branches to such characters, but in that extraordinary realm, worldly temptations have almost no effect.

Shimizu Koji's situation is extremely special. He is still young, still has his own desires, and his worldview is not mature enough. He is still very malleable, and he is a perfect piece of jade.

It was precisely because of this that Belmod decided to absorb Koji Shimizu into the organization.

She was confident that Koji Shimizu, an orphan boy, would regard her as the light in his life.

Shimizu Koji doesn't have to be loyal to the organization, but as long as he is sincere enough to her.

"If you refuse, give me a suitable reason. Is that okay with you?"

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