Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 261 The Holy Light on Belmode

What did he want? Koji Shimizu had naturally thought about this question carefully before coming.

Since he is an outsider and is not in the balance of good and evil in this world, no matter which side he chooses or what he does, he will inevitably break the original balance.

When one organization is eliminated, another dark organization will inevitably appear. The olive branch thrown by Belmode gave Koji Shimizu a new way of thinking.

He wanted to enter the game by himself. To dominate the so-called balance of this world.

That is, step by step, climb to the highest level, so that all stable and unstable factors are under his control.

He can be a helpful big brother next door, or a cold-blooded killer who kills without batting an eyelid, or a number of other identities. There is no conflict between these. This is what he has done before.

However, it is obvious that his true thoughts cannot be expressed. According to Haibara Ai, the status of the boss of this organization is extremely respected and extremely mysterious. Only the most senior members of the organization are qualified to contact the boss directly.

So, no matter how tolerant this organization is, there probably won't be any members like him who want to be the boss hanging around here.

After all, many people can't even meet the boss and only know how to follow orders, so why would they want to be the boss?

Although Belmod showed great trust in Shimizu Koji, he even brought him directly to this place, which should be their base.

But from beginning to end, Belmode never told him any information about the organization, including her code name, the organization's most striking feature, which was named after the wine.

As for the name Calvados, unless no one specifically explains it, most people will not associate it with wine.

Shimizu Koji hesitated and thought for a while, and the three of them kept walking, "Actually, I was just doing it for money at the beginning, or strictly speaking, I wasn't very interested in money. I just wanted to Do something meaningful and interesting.”

There was a hint of confusion and coldness in Qingmizu Koji's eyes. He suddenly seemed to be much alienated from the world. At least in the eyes of others, his sudden melancholy was an incomprehensible emotion.

However, for Belmod, her eyes flashed, and she felt more and more satisfied in her heart.

"Calvados, go and do your work."

In one sentence, the confused Calvados was obediently sent away.

"Come with me, I will prove to you that your choice is not wrong."

"Although it's not that accurate, I feel that what our organization is doing must be meaningful and interesting to you."


Shimizu Koji's curiosity was indeed aroused. He didn't expect that Belmod would react like this. Can you prove it to him?

He thought that they would continue to tie him up by throwing money at him like they did at the beginning, or that, just like the image he deliberately created, he was a young man with a weak outlook on life, and he could do whatever Belmod said. Believe it seriously.

But, the other party wants to use what the organization has done to prove it to him?

"Come with me."

Belmode smiled faintly, turned around and walked towards the side road, but what she didn't know was that Koji Shimizu had an advance understanding of her and this organization, not to mention the seemingly ignorant young man in front of her. , what I was thinking about was how to be her boss.

Three minutes later.

An office with a strong scientific research atmosphere was busy inside. A group of men and women in white coats did not stop their work because of the arrival of Koji Shimizu and Belmod.

This is completely different from Gin. Although Belmode is not very popular in the organization, he is generally very easy to get along with. As for Gin, no one knows whether that guy will suddenly grab his neck and say yes. Undercover.

It was not like something similar had never happened before. A clerk who worked diligently and conscientiously and usually turned a blind eye even when Gin came to visit was pulled out and shot.

He worked so hard that he was investigated by Gin.

It can be said that the days when Gin was away were the most comfortable days for this group of scientific researchers.

"Lord Belmod."

"It's okay, go and do your work."

A man in a white coat, who should be the person in charge here, approached with a humble smile, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Belmode.

However, he was not surprised by this, bowed slightly, and then turned around and devoted himself to his work. The two outsiders, Belmode and Shimizu Koji, suddenly became as complete as air.

Indoors, there are bottles and cans, computers, and various research equipment, as well as several large and small rooms. They seem to be research laboratories with different functions. Generally speaking, the atmosphere here is better than that of Qingshui. Koji expected it to be much better.

"How's it going? Do you have any ideas?"


"Oh, that's my code name, um——, with your strength, you should have one soon."

Belmode didn't explain too much, she just smiled faintly, and her eyes always showed a mysterious control over everything.

"What are you studying here?"

Shimizu Koji nodded and followed her words and asked. He did not hide his curiosity, even though he probably already knew a lot about the research conducted by the organization.

Ai Haibara told him, but Koji Shimizu could feel that Ai Haibara lied to him when she talked about the drug research she was conducting.

She said that she was just researching a drug that her parents had made for the organization, and she didn't know the efficacy of that drug.

Koji Shimizu didn't expose her lie, because when she said these words, Ai Haibara revealed a pitiful fear and loneliness from the inside out. There is no doubt that the organization was a past she didn't want to recall.

Moreover, from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want Koji Shimizu to know too much about things that might interest him.

Facing Koji Shimizu's curiosity, Vermouth looked at him meaningfully, then raised her head and cast her eyes on the large screen in the middle. This was a brand new computer system that the organization had spent a lot of money to purchase. It looked like a future technology.

"For humanity."


"For the ideals of mankind and for the survival of all mankind, our organization is conducting research one after another for the cause of human health."

"Disease, genes, fertility, disability, aging."

If, if Shimizu Koji hadn't known some inside information in advance, he might have been fooled by Vermouth now.

When Vermouth said these words, her temperament became ethereal and majestic, and her eyes became confused and pious, like the Virgin Mary in the paintings of the Middle Ages in Europe, bathed in a faint fluorescence.

She is so beautiful.

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