Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 260 Joining the Winery

When the matter is over, he brushes off his clothes and goes away, hiding his merit and fame.

Koji Shimizu made a special sword strike in the end, not only to draw a clear line with this incident, not wanting to have a head-on conflict with Sumiyoshi over this and disrupt his life, but also mainly to deter the Yakuza forces.

After all, flies are also very annoying.

Ten billion, that’s enough to make many people go crazy and want to cause trouble for him.

Sitting in the car, Shimizu Koji thought about it, and he was still a little worried. However, what he was worried about was not his own safety, but the safety of those around him, especially Xiao Ai and the doctor.

And as he thought about it, he couldn't help but think of Michiko Tetsumi again.

At present, it seems that besides asking Michiko Tetsumi to send someone to help protect her secretly, he really has no other option. Even Sonoko is very inappropriate.

And the bold idea before appeared in his mind more than once.

He and Michiko Tetsu only have a cooperative relationship, and him asking for it blindly, no matter how you look at it, is not a good thing, or a long-term solution.

If you put aside some sensibility and think purely rationally, it is not difficult for Koji Shimizu to come to the conclusion that as he inevitably comes into contact with more and more complex forces, he really needs a stable one. A back-up support that can be absolutely trusted and has strong strength.

Moreover, this is not only good for him, but also for Michiko Tetsumi.

To be fair, from the perspective of the relationship between men and women, Koji Shimizu also felt a little unfair about Michiko Tetsutetsu's experience after learning about her experience. It can even be said that he sympathized with her.

If an ordinary woman meets such a man who abandons his wife and children, he will be unlucky for eight lifetimes. If Tie Michiko's family was not so well-off, it is hard to imagine what it would be like for her to raise Tie Zhuyu by herself. situation.

There is no shortage of single mothers here in Kabukicho.

But if you think about it from a perceptual perspective, Shimizu Koji is rarely confused. Is this really okay for him?

For a moment, Shimizu Koji was actually not sure what his thoughts were. He had always thought that he liked pure girls, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that he had the kind of beautiful woman in the past like Michiko Tetsu. I'm not that resistant in my heart.

However, he didn't have much time to struggle. The car was driven by Calvados, and it went through the streets and alleys, and finally stopped in an underground parking lot where Shimizu Koji didn't know where.

There was no one covering their heads. If Koji Shimizu had observed along the way, it would not be difficult to remember the path, but no one cared about this. Although the organization was hiding in the shadows, it would not be like that.

For many peripheral members, the organization still adopts the route of social recruitment. However, those recruited often only know the information they can know. Many people may not even know until their death that they are working for a terrorist. Organize office services.

The strength shown by Koji Shimizu in the end also made Calvados shut his mouth tightly. He even subconsciously regarded Koji Shimizu as his future accomplice, but he didn't have much favorable impression.

"Get out of the car."

Belmode opened the door and got out of the car first, and Koji Shimizu also opened the door on his side.

The parking lot was empty. After Calvados got out of the car, he locked the door and silently walked ahead to lead the way.

Because it was impossible to let Belmod lead the way, even though he was unhappy with Koji Shimizu, at this time, he was still very conscious of solving problems for his goddess.

"Aren't you curious?"

Walking in the dark underground, Belmod's voice still seemed particularly charming.

Koji Shimizu's eyes moved slightly, "I also want to ask, isn't Ms. Chris curious?"

Belmode blinked, smiled slightly, and then took the initiative to introduce us, "To put it simply, we are an organization that should be called a terrorist organization in the eyes of outsiders."

"Well, it doesn't matter, just give me the money."

"Giggle, you are really pure, but you just won so much money, are you still so short of money? If you want to quit now, it's too late. After all, we are not a place where you can just leave."

"Miss Chris, do you think they will pay me exactly the money?"

"That's hard to say. If you are willing to use the name of the organization, we can get the money soon."

Belmod's eyes moved slightly, and while he was talking, they had already reached the elevator entrance, which was already on the first floor below. But after Calvados entered, he swiped the card again and pressed the button for the second floor below.

There were security guards at the elevator exit on the second floor, but when they saw Belmode and Calvados, they let them go without even asking.

A long underground passage, Qingmizu Koji didn't know where the destination was, he just followed it.

"In the name of the organization, how much can I get?"

"Half, if you are willing, five billion yen. Once you join, you will fill the hole that someone made before. Maybe you should consider it."

"Oh? Maybe something? Is there a promotion system in the organization?"

It's fun to talk to smart people. Koji Shimizu has gradually established his own character, a character who is short of money but not so desperate for money. This is not too different from the impression he gave to Belmod before. , but it will definitely make the logic of his actions after joining this organization smoother.

"With five billion yen, you can directly get a chance to enter the core of the organization, which is much more valuable than those empty promises that you won't get back."

It was Calvados who spoke, and it was unclear whether he was jealous or envious. There was a clear feeling of unwillingness in his voice.

Yes, five billion, no, ten billion. If I had known he would have bought some at that time, his original purpose of joining this organization was not for money, but it is absolutely impossible not to make money.

He was a desperado and a killer before. He would kill people one after another and earn tens of thousands of dollars per order. After joining the organization, his income has indeed doubled several times, but he still needs to earn 10 billion yen. , which is more than 100 million US dollars.

Even if you kill people like pigs, you won't be able to earn so much money in one night, and Koji Shimizu just uses his words.

"Then I don't seem to have any reason to refuse. If I just nod my head, I can get five billion yen without risk, plus an opportunity."

"But, speaking of which, is it that easy for your organization to let me join?"


Calvados asked in confusion, and Belmode chuckled, "Is it simple? Speaking of which, it is indeed very simple. As long as you have enough ability to be valued by the organization, whether it is force or other outstanding talents, you can do it." You can join our organization.”

"However, to become a true member of us, you need to show enough loyalty and value."

"A real member? What's the benefit?"

Qingmizu Koji asked curiously. He just continued along with what Bellmod said. As long as the answer or benefit given by Bellmod was decent, he could nod and find any reason to accept it.

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as the question came out, Belmode fell silent for a moment.

Benefits, are they really any benefits? Maybe Calvados feels there are many benefits, at least he no longer has to be chased around by Interpol and has his own organization and belonging.

But for her, Shimizu Koji, a young man who accidentally made billions in one night (even though he needed to borrow their name to get it), the benefits were

In fact, Shimizu Koji is also having a headache with this problem. He has the motivation to join the organization, but the reason to serve the organization wholeheartedly is not so strong after an unexpected situation tonight.

Unless, he can spend all the five billion coming at once

This doesn't seem to be difficult.

"what do you want?"

Belmod lightly opened her red lips with a meaningful confidence.

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