Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 259 Wind Barrier

Thirty minutes passed and the black bear was bleeding all over the floor, but he was not dead yet and was even quite energetic.

It is not easy for the two truths to break through the defense, and even if Koji Shimizu wants to control the black bear to hit her sword, he cannot be too deliberate. Otherwise, he will directly let the black bear use his eyes to catch the sword, and he may not be discovered afterwards. But if someone notices this, this is something Shimizu Koji doesn't want to see.

Although it is not a big deal if this ability is exposed, after all, it is different from the Sharingan, which can attract people to covet, but Shimizu Koji is still used to preparing a few more unknown trump cards for himself.

The ability to control animals, if used properly, would probably not be inferior to his swordsmanship, or even better.

Naturally, Shimizu Koji had already stepped down. At this moment, he was standing next to Shimada Kunio. Shimada Kunio was stunned. If his men hadn't shaken him twice, he might not be able to recover in ten minutes. Angry.

Twenty minutes into the game, they became anxious and took out the black bear's cub in the distance. Amidst the noisy people, they made the black bear's cub cry loudly. There was no doubt that the black bear would win. It can be heard, but unlike in the past, where he would suddenly lose his mind and become extremely furious, Black Bear was suppressed by two truths until the end.

This is completely different from the situation in the first ten minutes of the game, which is simply incomprehensible.

"Shimada, open the cage!"

Oishi Tadamichi, with his manpower, was now standing in front of Shimada Kunio. He was so excited that his teeth were still chattering, so that his words were unclear.

Although it is unbelievable, the fact is that after Koji Shimizu's guidance, Nijo Mari suddenly acted like a god, completely leaving an indelible mark on her title as the only female samurai in the Showa era.

Therefore, at this moment, the eyes of many people in the arena were actually focused on Koji Shimizu.

Shimada Kunio was surrounded by everyone. When he came back to his senses, his eyes unconsciously showed a hint of cruelty. He had never thought of such an ending, and he absolutely could not tolerate it.


With a "swish", the sharp sword was unsheathed, and the long sword of Shimizu Koji at his waist was unsheathed. The blue blade was pointed at his forehead in an instant.

This sudden change caused another uproar in the already silent venue. There was a clicking sound, and dozens of people behind Shimada Kuniyō all stood up and aimed their guns at Shimizu Koji. But Shimizu Koji, Naturally, there are teammates, and there is no need for him to speak. The people behind Oishi Tadashi also raised their guns to confront him.

Belmode and Calvados, who were staying in the seats not far away, couldn't help but be surprised when they saw this scene. However, Belmode's eyes changed and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When the situation develops to this point, a majestic figure like Shimada Kunio will obediently admit defeat, let people go, and pay money. This is tantamount to wishful thinking. I am afraid that Shimizu Koji has expected such a scene from the beginning, because it is inevitable.

But, how will it end like this?

Leng Buding was pointed by the blade, and the cold sword energy seemed to penetrate into his bones. Shimada Kunio was in his forties and had been in the Yakuza for nearly thirty years, but he had never been pointed at by anyone with a knife, and he had used guns many times. Well, he's really not that afraid of that kind of thing.

His eyes were almost unable to focus. Before Shimada Kunio could speak, Oishi Tadamichi reached out and picked up the remote control on his desk and pressed the button.

Half a minute later, Nijo Mari came out, with sweat stains and doubts in his heart, and joined the confrontation with Shimada Kunio.

"Shimada, let my father go."

Shimada Kunio's face was gloomy. He just wanted to reach out and push away Koji Shimizu's blade, but his finger was cut mercilessly. If he hadn't stopped quickly, his finger might have been cut off directly.


In all the years that Shimada Kunio has been in the industry, he has never seen anyone like Shimizu Koji. Before he even started to take action, the other party suddenly overturned the table and had no intention of explaining anything to him.

"Let Mr. Nijo go."

His throat was a little dry, but the men behind him still understood what he meant. Several of them exchanged glances. Soon, Nijo's father, who had been pushed down before, was pushed out again, and the people from the Nijo team were also immediately dispatched. Two people went to take it.

At this moment, the stadium was silent. The other Yakuza forces who came to watch the battle tonight were like ordinary passers-by, and they did not dare to breathe.

No one dared to shoot, and everyone's eyes were focused on Shimizu Koji and Shimada Kunio.

Sanada Kaito was sitting next to Shimada Kunio at this moment, and logically, in this case, he should be the one to preside over a negotiation, but he did not.

When he saw Koji Shimizu's azure blade unsheathed, he stayed where he was, as silent as a cicada.

He might not be able to recognize Koji Qingshui, but he would never forget this long knife that seemed to be able to directly kill a person's soul. He didn't even dare to look at Koji Qingshui.

"Your Excellency, is it time to put down your weapons and have a serious talk?"

"There's nothing to talk about. Did Mr. Shimada just want to win a cup as a sign of victory? Or did he have other plans? No one else would believe that Mr. Shimada would let these two members of the Nijou team go so easily, right? Even a fool wouldn't believe it. Oh, they don't count themselves, they have no choice but to do it."

Shimizu Koji looked relaxed, but what he said made Shimada Kunio's heart sink severely.

"Are you from the Nijou group?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, I'm just a passing gambler."

"Mr. Shimada, I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask, can I still get the money I won safely? You won't make trouble for me afterwards, right?"

"For this reason, I think it is necessary for these people in the Nijo Group to continue to survive. I am doing them a favor of saving their lives. They should at least be willing to guarantee my safety, rather than your verbal promise, Mr. Shimada."

Kouji Shimizu lightly removed himself from the dispute between the two underworld forces, which was still necessary.

"We in Sumiyoshi can still afford this little money, and I, Shimada Kunio, always keep my word. We will definitely give you all your money within three months."

"Oh? Keep my word, then tonight's matter should end here. Miss Nijo has fulfilled the bet with you. Let your men put down their guns. I will definitely not do anything to you."

Shimada Kunio's face darkened when he heard this. He wanted to order the shooting right now, but there was no doubt that the bet was over as Shimizu Koji said.

When Nijo Mari won this game that should have been impossible to win, the current outcome was already doomed. Even if Shimizu Koji didn't do this, they would at most discuss some more conditions in the confrontation.

But why did Nijo Mari win! ?

Furious and manic, Shimada Kunio's years of Qi cultivation skills were only superficial, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Put down your guns."

He said this with gritted teeth.

His men looked at each other, and after a while of eye contact, they slowly put down their guns.

Of course, the people from the Nijo Group also put down their guns at the same time. This was a tacit understanding among the Yakuza forces, otherwise no one would put down their guns.

Shimizu Koji's eyes turned and he slowly put away his knife. Shimada Kunio just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly, a gust of wind blew so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

Shimizu Koji casually pointed his knife and slashed. The coffee table made of tempered glass was instantly cut open as if by a high-pressure water gun. In the sword marks deeply engraved on the ground, a wind wall formed by a gust of wind instantly appeared between the two groups of people.

It was almost transparent, invisible and intangible, but anyone present could feel the existence of this wall.

Because when Shimizu Koji drew this wind wall, one of Shimada Kunio's men happened to be standing on the edge of this sword mark. He was instantly blown down by a huge force into the crowd behind him, and several people worked together to stop him.

"What, what is this?!"

Nijo Mari was shocked and asked, which was what everyone present wanted to ask.

"Mr. Shimada, we'll leave then~, don't cross this line, I'm just trying to ensure our safe retreat, after all, your face is really bad, it's hard for people to believe your promise."

Kouji Shimizu said, sheathed his knife, turned around and left.

On the other side, Vermouth and Calvados, who were also shocked, and even surprised (he was not surprised), saw this, and immediately stood up and left with Koji Shimizu.

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