Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 256 The Last Visitor

The initiative lies with the other party, and there is really nothing they can do about this extremely unfair negotiation.

The Sumiyoshi Society has a large number of people, and after her father was arrested, the previous Nijo group inevitably had problems that would occur with Yakuza forces, and split.

Now, don't look at the support among the people present. There are waves of crusade against Shimada Kunio, but most of them will be the people who want to be the final winner. Now they are howling, and it is just the premonition that their lips will die and their teeth will be cold. I'm afraid, but I really want them to help.

Nijo Mari sneered inwardly, she felt quite sad, especially when she saw her father sitting in a wheelchair, looking so dejected, as if he had aged by more than ten years.

She clenched her fists tightly.

This unfair invitation, unless they get into a fight on the spot, she has no reason to refuse.

As for the rush battle - there is no doubt that the people on her side are the most loyal members of the Nijou team, and they are willing to die for her and her father. However, this is the opponent's territory, although Shimada Kunio appears to have many people. Just like them, but no one is a fool.

The outcome of the fierce battle was a good outcome for them to evacuate from here, but her father, and later the Nijou group, would inevitably face disaster.

The other party was willing to give this so-called opportunity, but it was just a perfunctory explanation to other Yakuza forces. Shimada Kunio used despicable means to kidnap his father without warning and without any moral principles. Any other force No one would worry about whether they would be the next to suffer such treatment.

That’s why Shimada Kuniyang went to great lengths to set up the stage for this time.

Moreover, she even wanted to be buried here with her, in a way that she couldn't refuse.

Killing two birds with one stone, even the two truths who hated each other had to admit that Shimada Kunio was indeed very cunning.

"Miss, are you sure——?"

Nijo Mari glanced at the square-faced man beside her who was talking to her in a low voice, and shook her head slightly, "No, not at all."

When the square-faced man heard this, his eyes struggled hard. He gritted his teeth and wanted to speak again, but Two Truths had predicted his thoughts in advance.

"No need to say more, Uncle Oishi, do you think I will give up on my father? Watch him die with my own eyes?" Nijo Mari's voice was very soft, almost only the two of them could hear it, but the momentum in her voice, The desolation was accompanied by a heroic spirit of vowing to die, which made Oishi Tadashi open his mouth and was deeply touched.

"Besides, if we leave, the Nijo Group will continue to be hit and will be disbanded sooner or later. And by that time, I am a girl, and the final outcome will not be much better. Maybe Tokyo Bay? Haha."

"Whether it is personal intention or not, once you embark on the path of the extreme, there is no possibility of escaping unscathed."

"Life and death, there is no alternative."

Nijo Mari's voice was faint, but it was clearly heard in the ears of many people present. She tied her ponytail tightly with a hair tie, and her whole person was handsome and beautiful, but also murderous.

The smile on the corner of Shimada Kunio's mouth could not help but shrink. It is undeniable that whether it is Nijo Okao or Nijo Mari, this father and daughter do have a personality charm that makes people want to follow them to death.

And Nijo Mari was an absolutely beautiful girl. For a moment, Shimada Kunio felt a little unbearable, but in just a second, this thought was strangled in his heart.

A man who achieves great things does not stick to trivial matters, and he never lacks women. If some women who hang out in nightclubs are roses with thorns, then the two truths are like lionesses who will choose people and devour them.


Shimada Kunio and others moved out of the way and sat down in the audience.

Oishi Tadashi took a deep look at them, turned to look at the people around him, whispered a few words silently, and sat back in their seat.

The cage door opened, and Erjo Zhi walked in. He casually picked a long sword with a cold light from the weapon rack on the side, and held it tightly in his hand.


On the ground, with Diana volunteering to lead the way, Shimizu Koji and his group walked two streets and arrived at the door of the club.

Calvados stepped forward and said a few words to the security guard at the door. The security guard glanced at them, nodded, and led them into the club, all the way to a remote elevator door.

After bringing them here, the security guard also swiped their cards very considerately, pressed the -2 button, and then turned around and left.

"I, are we going to come in like this?"

Diana was a little uneasy.

After hearing this, Belmod, who had simply disguised himself, smiled slightly and said, "It's not us. This matter has nothing to do with us."

"Qingshui-san, what are you going to do? If it's too dangerous, we won't follow you."

"decide as things go."

Shimizu Koji responded calmly. Calvados couldn't help but glance at him after hearing this, and his inner dissatisfaction with Shimizu Koji was gradually simmering.

On the way here, he had made it very clear that this was a gathering of Tokyo Yakuza forces, and Koji Shimizu gave him the impression that he was too arrogant.

Because if it were him, after knowing the situation, he would probably have to think carefully about whether to come. In the end, even if he decided to come, he would not leave as openly as he does now. Enter someone else's place.

Shimizu Koji wants to save people in this situation! ? What a joke.

Calvados was very dissatisfied and even sneered. Shimizu Koji was still too young, but even so, Vermouth showed great trust, which was the source of his dissatisfaction.

If it were him, Vermouth would never risk her life to follow him.

As for Shimizu Koji, he was only thinking about one question in his mind. He just learned something from Vermouth, that is, Sumiyoshi-kai, which is the superior organization of Takahashi Group.

They are quite predestined?

But in fact, this fate is actually much more than Shimizu Koji knows.

The elevator opened, and there were two security guards at the door, but they should have been notified and did not stop them to question anything. After a long corridor, in front of a large door, when a group of four people approached, the two security guards at the door opened the door for them.


The strong roar that seemed to set off a wave of air just happened to resound throughout the underground space.

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