Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 257 Acquaintance Grand Slam

The man and the bear are fighting each other, and the two truths have persisted for three minutes.

She has a certain degree of confidence, but she is really not sure of winning, nor is she sure of escaping unscathed.

This bear can be said to be invulnerable. Standing up with its huge body, it was almost as tall as two of her. It was simply despairing.

Nijo truth was born with excellent physical fitness. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a kind of innate divine power. It is also because of this that as a girl from a Yakuza family, she was able to set foot in the Yakuza at such a young age, and she even had his loyal subordinates.

She dodged and avoided the black bear's charge.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the auditorium outside the stadium was gradually becoming lively. When she walked into this cage, a cruel and dark corner of the world was torn open. The bestiality in human instincts was uncontrollable in the hearts of many people. surge up.

From the Colosseum in ancient Rome to the present, for thousands of years, humans and beasts have fought against each other. This cruel drama has been going on in secret, and it is also deeply loved by some nobles and wealthy people.

"Five million yen, I bet she loses."

"Ten million yen, I will lose the bet too."

"Three million yen, count me in."

The bet that Shimada Kunio asked his Sanada Kai people to prepare in advance began immediately at this moment.

As for the situation in the cage, the black bear was still very cautious and had not started attacking aggressively, so everyone had time and passion to place bets.

And the bet on this handicap is not about the outcome of Two Truths and Black Bear, but whether Two Truths can persist for thirty minutes. Otherwise, I'm afraid this handicap won't make much money at all.

But despite this, few people are willing to bet on the two truths. No one thinks that the two truths can win, but if you persist for thirty minutes, there is indeed hope.

The name of Nijo Mari's female warrior was not something that was just blown away, and the scene where the black bear retreated in pain after being slashed with the sword could not be acted out either.

However, the bystanders didn't know how desperate Ertiao Zhi was after slashing the black bear with her sword. It was a sword that she almost used all her strength. There was nothing wrong with the sharpness of this sword, but when it struck the black bear, As a result, not even the fur was cut into it.

The thick mane on the black bear's neck is like ancient iron armor.

"What are the odds?"


"I'm talking about her odds of winning."


Sanada Kairen couldn't help but look up at the person in front of him, a young man. He felt a little familiar, but not very familiar, because the lights here were very dim, and after Koji Shimizu came to this place, he even used disguise The mask was taken off.

The Sanada Kai people couldn't help but look at Shimizu Koji a few more times, but Shimizu Koji's expression didn't change at all, he just smiled faintly, the sun was bright and he looked harmless.

A bully, or rather a daydreamer.

Sanada Kai people are very sure that Shimizu Koji is not the group of people brought by Two Truths, "13."

"13 times the odds? In terms of the difficulty of this gambling game, it's a bit low, but if someone makes a big bet, aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

Shimizu Koji's words made Sanada Kairen raise his eyebrows and feel a little impatient in his heart, "If you think she can persevere, just place a bet."

"How much compensation can you afford?"

Koji Shimizu is like a curious baby, and coupled with his young face, the impatience of Sanada Kai people has reached its highest point. Where does this stupid young man come from.

"Heh, you can just bet, we can afford to pay no matter how much money you have."


"Do you want to die?!"

"Haha, don't be so angry. I'll suppress it. Well, let me think about it. I'll suppress it by 10 million."

Qingmizu Koji did it on purpose. He didn't expect to see an acquaintance as soon as he came in. Moreover, this acquaintance seemed to be on the opposite side of him like last time, and he couldn't recognize him.

This is quite interesting.

"Ten million?" The good-tempered Sanada Kai people couldn't help but be amused.

10 million, even if Koji Shimizu really wins, it will only be 100 million yen. But now, the pool of funds lost by Nijo Mari alone has accumulated close to 1.9 billion yen.

Moreover, this is just the beginning, there are still ten minutes until the close.

What's more, they still have a backup plan. Will Two Truths win? Just ridiculous.

After seeing the crazy posture of the black bear, Sanada Kairen felt that only the mysterious and masked man he unfortunately encountered last time could possibly defeat this ferocious beast in the world.

However, a terrifying monster that can flatten a car with just one slap is definitely no longer a creature that ordinary humans can deal with. Even ordinary shotgun bullets have no effect except irritating it.

"Well, ten million dollars -."

Bellmod, who was not far behind Shimizu Koji, was full of doubts. After hearing Shimizu Koji's $10 million bet, he was stunned and couldn't help but smile.

Very interesting, did you learn this from her?

Seeing the Sanada Kai's mouth suddenly opened and his dumbfounded expression, Bermod was sure that Koji Shimizu was teasing this person on purpose, but he couldn't tell that Koji Shimizu would still do this.

Well, but this look is indeed what a young boy will have. Although it is very inconsistent with his usual appearance, the contrast is indeed a bit unexpectedly cute.

"Can you take it?"

Sanada Kairen came to his senses in a daze. He shook his head and quickly calmed down, "You, what credentials do you have?"

His tone was cautiously respectful. After all, this is a super-grievance shop. There is absolutely no shop like this after passing through this village.

"Is this enough?"

Koji Shimizu took out the bank card he asked Belmod for. It was a black and gold card with English characters all over it. It looked like an extraordinary bank card.


Somewhat surprised, he took it with both hands respectfully. People from the Sanada community were very knowledgeable. After looking at it twice, they respectfully handed it back to Koji Shimizu.

At the same time, he picked up the POS machine on the table beside him and said, "Please pay a deposit of one million."

"Oh, one million? Then use this card." Koji Shimizu took out his card with his backhand. After all, he didn't know the password for Belmod's bank card.

After a beep, one million U.S. dollars, or 80 million yen, (the exchange rate was 1:80 in the 1990s) was transferred directly.

"Take it, this is your betting certificate."

After receiving the certificate respectfully handed over by Sanada Kairen, Koji Shimizu smiled faintly, gave him a meaningful look, and turned to leave.

With ten million US dollars and eight hundred million yen, the odds were naturally lowered by him, almost directly to 2:7, but this had nothing to do with him.

He just needs to wait quietly, waiting for 8×13, a total of nearly 10.4 billion yen to be received.

And with this number, the Sumiyoshi Kai family has a great cause and can definitely afford the compensation.

Qingmizu Koji thought about many situations before coming here, but he never expected that the outcome would be decided by fighting beasts here. God was simply helping him.

While being generous to Haibara Ai, Shimizu Koji would not treat one favorably or ill-treat his senior sister, well, that also includes Kazuha, who has not yet revealed her horoscope. After all, he has already taken advantage of her, so he really needs money.

It's a pity that Calvados only said at the beginning that these people were gathering here and there might be some fight. Otherwise, if he had known that this was the case, he might have wanted to call Michiko Tetsushi and ask for money.

But just think about it, before he knew it, more than a week had passed. If he asked for money again, even he would feel a little embarrassed.

After all, his relationship with Michiko Tetsu is just okay?

Qingmizu Koji's mind was wandering and his heart beat twice. He suddenly felt panicked and quickly suppressed a bold idea that had arisen in his mind for no reason.

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