Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 255 Underground Colosseum

Shinjuku, Kabukicho, 2-chome.

Compared with the first-class street that has almost become an iconic attraction, the decoration style here is very different from that of the first-class street. It is more modern, larger and more luxurious.

If the North Star Club can accommodate nearly a hundred guests, it is already a relatively large club near Ichiban Street. But here, it is just an ordinary member of many venues.

The neon lights are dazzling. Against the background of the night, they are like various gems in the steel forest-like city, fully highlighting and displaying all the prosperity.

Midnight Dream, a very large entertainment club.

Located in the depths of a street, it is difficult for ordinary passers-by to notice this place. Coupled with the tall courtyard in front of the door and nearly thirty steps, it is generally suitable for office workers who do not have a lot of money in their pockets and do not have a strong heart. They will all be put off by this and dare not go in rashly.

But tonight, the place is extremely lively, and it can't be said to be lively, but at least, there are a lot of cars parked nearby, and there are also some well-known luxury cars.

Although the underground space is very large, it still seems very crowded today, because many directors of the Yakuza forces in Tokyo have gathered here with their subordinates.

This is a grand event for the Yakuza, but most people are not in a good mood. The faces of middle-aged men are serious, even gloomy and unpredictable.

The underground structure of the club is also luxurious and grand, but compared to the part above ground that is open to the outside, it is a little different here. The seats are distributed in a circular shape, and in the center of the venue, there is a circular 'stage'. Iron fences with cold light surrounded it into a huge birdcage.

The cage was empty at this time, but soon, as a man in the field pressed the remote control in his hand, a square cage slowly rose from the floor of the stage. With a click, the door of the cage opened.

Everyone present held their breath and stared with wide eyes, and as expected, a pair of shining, bloody red eyes in the cage slowly walked out of the shadows.

A black bear, a super huge black bear.

Just the posture of lying on all fours can reach the chest of an average adult. The huge pressure instantly enveloped the entire underground colosseum.

There are both regular and new customers here, but at this moment, they are all frightened by this huge beast. The black bear slowly comes out of the cage, and when its huge paws fall on the ground, it seems to stir up a puff of dust.

This made it difficult for those present not to worry. Can those seemingly sturdy Senhan fences really be able to withstand the attack of this beast? !

The sound of gasping one after another made the short silence not seem so silent. After the black bear came out of the cage, although it had a fierce look in its eyes, it did not roar loudly to show its breeze. Instead, it shook its head and seemed to be more innocent. relative.

But those who are familiar with bear nature will know that the cunning and vicious nature of bears is often reflected in such actions.

"Miss Nijo, how are you? I have heard of your name as a female warrior before. I wonder if you are willing to participate in this bet?"

Under the stage, two groups of people were facing each other, and as the leader, Shimada Kunio, opened his mouth, the eyes of everyone present were also attracted.

"Wait! Shimada?! What do you mean?!"

"Miss Nijo! Never agree!"

"Bagayalu! Why are you making such noise! ​​Shimada-san did the right thing! The Yakuza should use the Yakuza's methods to solve problems!"

"Fuck you!"

Almost in an instant, the entire underground Colosseum exploded. The two groups of Shimada Kunio and Nijo Mari had not yet broken out into a head-on conflict, but the Yakuza who came down to support them were already in chaos, and even faintly There is a tendency to fight.

The old god Shimada Kunio was not affected by the noise at all. He just looked at the girl opposite with a smile.

Although there were a lot of mistakes in the plan, their manpower did not directly cut off the Nijo family's escape route, but they did not attract the other party's attention. Instead, they seized an opportunity and directly captured the contemporary leader of the Nijo clan in one fell swoop.

The final effect was much better than he expected.

As long as tonight is over, no one in the entire Yakuza force in Tokyo can compete with the Sumiyoshi Kai, or with him, the Tokyo chairman of the Sumiyoshi Kai.

The Yakuza forces in Tokyo have always been intertwined and very complicated, but in his hands, the Sumiyoshi Club will finally become the largest Yakuza force in Tokyo.

And with this credit, his status in the Sumiyoshi Society will also rise to the top, directly entering the highest leadership, becoming one of the top few people.

Nijo Mari looked at Shimada Kunio steadily. She stretched out her hand to block the words of the person next to her who wanted to dissuade her, "Where is my father?"

Her eyes were cold, her beautiful and delicate face seemed to be covered with ice at the moment, and her black and shiny hair was tied into a high ponytail. She had a temperament that most women could not possess, a temperament that belonged exclusively to the extreme.

"Miss Nijo, don't worry too much. Since we invited you to come and invite everyone to bear witness, he will naturally be safe."

Shimada Kunio said, clapped his hands, and soon, with the sound of wheels, two young men appeared in the field pushing a wheelchair from a passage behind him.

Seeing the unconscious man in the wheelchair, Nijo Mari's pupils shrank, and for a moment, full of murderous intent was revealed uncontrollably.


"Be patient and don't be impatient."


"Shimada, how dare you treat Mr. Nijo like this!"

There was another commotion, and after the subordinates around Shimada Kunio raised their guns and fired warning shots, they gradually became quiet.

But at this moment, many people, especially Erliuzhi and the more than thirty people she brought, were all holding back a ball of strong anger.

"There's nothing despicable in the extreme world. It's just because of your high respect that we didn't kill him directly, and we are willing to give you such an opportunity."

"Now, the decision is in your hands, Miss Nijo. If you win, or persist for more than thirty minutes, then we will retreat. Whether it is your father or your property, we will return everything in full, and we will also The additional compensation is 500 million yen for you.”

"Bah! Five hundred million! You"

A young man couldn't help but burst out, but was immediately suppressed by the older members on the side.

Shimada Kunio didn't care and just continued: "And if you lose——, I think I don't need to say more about this ending."

Shameless, very shameless.

A dead end, almost an uncontroversial dead end.

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