Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 252 You pointed a gun at me?

For Vermouth, she probably already knew everything about Shimizu Koji.

A boy who was extremely cold and sometimes gentle and kind, well, a typical lonely personality. It is not surprising that he developed such a personality due to lack of family love since childhood. Many dead men in the organization have similar situations.

Compared with those guys with average strength, Shimizu Koji's strength is obviously much stronger, especially in kendo, and more importantly, he is very young.

Shimizu Koji is really young. Vermouth saw many possibilities in him, and what she wanted to see most was the sword light that could split a speeding truck in two.

Although she only had a casual glance from a distance that time, the people around the thief Lupin left her with too deep an impression and shock.

If she hadn't had such an experience, she would probably have had a hard time having such a strong interest in Shimizu Koji.

And it just so happened that something happened in the Polaris Club, giving her this good opportunity to formally meet Shimizu Koji.

At the entrance of the Polaris Club, in order to prevent any accidents, Shimizu Koji did not park the car in the parking lot of any building outside this time, but drove directly to the entrance of the club.

As soon as he got off the car, Shimizu Koji keenly discovered that something was wrong. It was already business time in the evening, but the club was deserted, and even the pink signboard that used to be bright and shining was now gray.

Closed? No, the door was open, and inside, it was also dead silent.

All kinds of signs made Shimizu Koji more vigilant. He put the pistol in his jacket pocket, put the jewel on his waist, and walked into the door of the club.

The lights were not turned on at the bar, and it was a little dim, but you could see from a distance that in the hall, the lights were on in the front of the stage, and you could also see three figures. The clearest one was Belmode's long golden wavy hair.

When footsteps sounded, Calvados was the first to look back and see Shimizu Koji. His mood, which was not very concerned at first, became a little uneasy after seeing Shimizu Koji.


Calvados stood up suddenly, and Vermouth and Diana also saw Shimizu Koji who had walked to the side and was walking towards their table.

He was wearing a simple casual outfit, and although he was carrying a sword, he looked like a harmless boy at first glance.

Calvados stood up, and without hesitation, he reached to his waist to draw his gun, but Shimizu Koji's action was faster than him, almost as fast as lightning. With a "bang", Calvados stood there, not daring to move.

Shimizu Koji didn't want to do this, but he was absolutely unwilling to give this person who was most likely a member of the organization a chance to point a gun at him under such circumstances, even if his actions would lead this meeting to a more unknown direction.

But on the way here, Shimizu Koji actually thought about it carefully. Today's meeting, under the premise that Vermouth didn't know that he had known her identity, was probably bound to be a roundabout entanglement.

Rather than falling into such a situation, he might as well make a clear gesture right from the start and give Belmode a 'good' impression.

"If you dare to move again, I can't guarantee that it won't go off."

Shimizu Koji said in a light tone. Calvados's left hand, which was quietly reaching for his thigh, stopped in mid-air in an instant, and a few drops of cold sweat instantly flowed down his forehead.

He had seen through Shimizu Koji's secret weapon at a glance, so he stood up and shouted loudly, on the one hand to ensure the safety of him and Belmode, and on the other hand, he also wanted to show his masculinity in front of his beloved goddess.

But now, the heroic spirit was not shown, but directly messed up the 'important' meeting that Belmode said in person.

Calvados didn't know who Shimizu Koji was. He even thought that this was a secret mission of the organization, a deal. In short, Belmode didn't tell him.

After all, secrets make a woman more attractive. Anyone who has worked with Belmode has heard this sentence.

Then, many people died.

Vermouth's popularity in the organization is not bad.

However, Calvados has always believed that he will not be one of those poor people who died. He has strong confidence in his own strength.

But when they met today, he was completely defeated by this strange boy.

The speed at which Shimizu Koji drew his gun and fired made him unable to see clearly. In fact, the coldness in his eyes made him feel like he was facing Gin.

Shimizu Koji took the gift given to him by Koizumi Hongzi, a pair of contact lenses that were very comfortable to use. His Sharingan was used unscrupulously, but it would never attract anyone's attention.

Shimizu Koji glanced at Calvados coldly, then turned the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at Vermouth, who was smiling and could even continue to drink leisurely at the moment.

Vermouth saw the gun pointed at her by Shimizu Koji, and her eyes were calm. She gently lifted her hair, and her slender white swan neck slightly tilted up. The charm between her gestures and movements would probably distract any other man for a moment.

"You pointed a gun at me? Shimizu-san, this is not good. As far as I can remember, I haven't done anything to hurt you, right?"

Belmode, or rather Chris Wynyard, was very calm, at least she didn't show any signs of panic on the surface.

Although Koji Shimizu's actions and the gun in his hand did surprise her, Koji Shimizu had absolutely no reason to attack her.

She is very confident. As Chris Wynyard, Koji Shimizu may have doubts about her previous behavior and the current situation, but he definitely did not come to kill her, otherwise he would not have pointed a gun at her. She didn't, but shot directly.

"This is my bodyguard. He probably found out that you brought this dangerous guy with you. So, you understand, he just overreacted a little. Let's sit down and talk."

Belmod calmed down the tension in an understatement. She gave a reasonable explanation for Calvados' behavior. Koji Shimizu did not put down the gun, but he was willing to accept this step.

"Miss Chris, aren't you curious about where my gun comes from?"

Belmod's smile faltered slightly. She really didn't know and didn't think about it deeply.

Guns are really a common thing for her, just like cups for drinking water. Especially for Shimizu Koji, the boy who killed so many people that night, guns are so common. It's really not noticeable.

But this can indeed be said to be an oversight on her part.

"It's not that hard to get a gun in Japan—"

"Tell me your purpose, Miss Chris. You are not a simple person. I have never seen people like you before. You are also here for my swordsmanship, right?"

Koji Shimizu disguised himself a lot in his words. Because of his kendo prowess, he was approached by some people before. He was an ordinary high school student with a strong vigilance.

He won't make himself look calm and rational, but he won't be too reckless either. He needs to behave just right.

This is difficult, but in practice it is not bad. It can only be said that thanks to Calvados' assist, otherwise, the situation will definitely not open so quickly.

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