Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 251 Belmode’s Test

After dinner, Shimizu Koji left Dr. Agasa's house, and the time came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

The rain gradually stopped, like a temporary break. During the intermission, the dark clouds in the sky were already hovering and refused to leave. At night, there would probably be a few flashes of pale lightning, which would make me cry and not sleep well. child.

Of course Conan is not included in this list. He is no longer a child, and he has just experienced a thrilling treasure hunt and a passionate killing incident.

Thinking of the text message Conan sent him, Koji Shimizu felt a little emotional and quite complicated.

He killed Pusi Qinglan, a woman with ulterior motives. According to the subsequent confirmation and investigation by the police and Conan, it was an international robber codenamed Scobin.

It stands to reason that Conan and the others should have a safe journey, if not a smooth one, but unexpectedly, without that Scoobin, at the end, the old man Gan Jiangyi suddenly stood up and thought with a gun. The part where you want to play robbery.

This incident was very strange. At least, in hindsight, Koji Shimizu had some things that he couldn't understand. Of course, there were a lot of things he didn't understand about the incident with the Egg of Memory.

It's just that Gan Jiangyi seems a bit strange.

Gan Jiangyi, an antique dealer, was dressed gorgeously and raised his hands and feet. He was not noble, but he was also full of the arrogant atmosphere of an ordinary rich man. According to the police investigation afterwards, he did not have any huge amount of money. Debts to be repaid and that kind of thing.

But it happened that such a person committed an armed robbery at the last moment of the treasure hunt, something that was enough to keep him in prison until his death.

greedy? This is a bit far-fetched.

However, if you use a strange angle, or in other words, connect it to Kaitou Kidd, and the witch who attaches great importance to Kaitou Kidd, Shimizu Koji will get an unusual, but unexpected and reasonable explanation.

This world also has some mysterious powers. There is no need to deny this.

So whether it is the technology that Michiko Tetsumi mentioned before that gradually dominates the world, or the importance that the witch attaches to Kaitou Kidd, there seems to be a causal relationship, or in other words, an antagonistic relationship.

As for this relationship, the witch's letter had already prepared the answer for Koji Shimizu.

balance, balance between good and evil

I got into the car and took a look at Zhengzong in the passenger seat, as well as a jet-black Colt revolver.

Shimizu Koji fastened his seat belt. He took adequate safety measures and even brought for the first time the pistol that he and Michiko Tate had asked for after the last visit to Tie's house.

Although there is a high probability that it will not be used, because he knows the hidden identity of the big star, but the big star does not know that he knows, and combined with the previous events, the purpose of this Ms. Belmod is probably not simple. , but it’s not because he wants to do anything bad to him.

As for this not-so-simple purpose, Koji Shimizu could roughly guess it now, to recruit him.

This is not difficult to guess, and based on this, it is not just because Shimizu Koji knew that this woman was serving that organization. Shimizu Koji still remembered the first time he met Belmode.

That is, after the dramatic Kanto Tournament just ended, although the tournament was terminated and there was chaos, it would not be very difficult for others to find out what happened on the day of the tournament.

In particular, Belmode was also an accomplice of Gin whose bullets were shot away by his sword. It must be because of this that the other party looked at him differently and favored him when they first met.

Rather than what he had guessed before. Looking back now, it seems a bit ridiculous, but there is no doubt that the other party is indeed a rich woman.

The car started slowly, and he drove out of the courtyard gate, and finally disappeared around the corner of the street.


North Star Club.

After looking at the time, Belmode shook the wine glass in her hand, and the golden wine washed away in the glass. Her flaming red lips were bright and attractive, even in this closed club with cold air. Can firmly attract the attention of people on the side.

A man of about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old sat at the same table with her, but he was not as free and easy as Belmode. He seemed a little embarrassed in front of his beloved goddess.

Calvados tried his best to straighten his waist, so that the wide windbreaker neck protector could not cover his handsome side face. He wore a peaked cap, which was also windproof, but was mostly used to conceal his identity. Very useful, this is the equipment that almost every sniper will prefer and wear.

The club was deserted, it was closed, there was no waiter, and there were no other customers except the two of them, Belmode.

Even she brought her own wine. After all, she asked someone to accompany her to drink. She couldn't do it without wine. However, it had been a long time and she couldn't bear the loneliness. She had a drink first, and it didn't matter.

"Lady Diana, would you like a drink?"

Belmod looked to the side, sitting quietly, with a very bad expression on her face, as if Diana had aged several years again all of a sudden.

Although the previous Diana was not very beautiful, after all, she was older, but she also had long golden wavy hair at that time, just like Belmode.

But now, the two of them are sitting together. Belmod's blond hair is still smooth and bright, but her blond hair already looks like a dull dry yellow after being permed and dyed.

Faced with Belmode's invitation, Diana seemed a little frightened or flattered. She waved her hands repeatedly and smiled bitterly. She no longer had the charm of the club proprietress in the past.

Belmod was not upset at being rejected. She just said it casually, and it didn't matter whether Diana agreed or not.

At this moment, Calvados on the side took everything in sight. He sat up straighter and reached out to pick up the wine glass in front of him. However, Belmode did not look at him at all, or in other words, unless Belmore De is in a good mood, otherwise he would be invisible.

Men, men who are obsessed with their own beauty, Belmode knows very well what kind of attitude should be used to let such a man do things for him instead of being ridden on his head.

Many women would mess up such a thing and get themselves caught up in a love whirlpool with their subordinates. In Belmode's view, that was really ridiculous.

Fortunately, Diana also gave her a reason in time that allowed her to turn a blind eye to Calvados's pretense.

“Can you help—.”

"Shh——." Before Diana could finish her words, Belmod raised his index finger and placed it on his red lips.

A hiss made Diana swallow back the words she finally had the courage to say again.

The undisguised disappointment, anxiety, bitterness and other emotions in her eyes were even more bitter than the absinthe in Belmode's cup.

"The person who can help you is not me, um——, listen, the person who can help you is here."

The door of the club was open, and you could clearly hear the sound of brakes turning off in the alleyway outside the door that should have been unattended.

Belmod's eyes moved slightly, showing a rare hint of interest. She was looking forward to whether Shimizu Koji's performance later would really satisfy her as she thought.

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