Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 253 My girlfriend is better at spending money

To Calvados, Koji Shimizu was a very dangerous boy in every sense of the word.

In just such a short period of time, he guessed a lot of things through the conversation between the two.

The current situation felt familiar to him. When Belmod recruited him, it was almost exactly the same as now, but that time, it was in the United States and at a lively party.

Belmode hired him as his bodyguard at a high price, and then slowly, he naturally joined the organization. However, he was not too cold about the organization from the beginning to the end, and was just loyal to Belmode, so Every time Gin met him, he always looked at him with a very cold look.

Looking at Shimizu Koji, Calvados' eyes kept changing. Shimizu Koji's strength and his face could almost be called 'beautiful' in his eyes.

In every sense of the word, this boy is very likely to be his rival!

But he didn't know that neither Belmode nor Shimizu Koji had this idea. Their inner calculations were crackling in silence.

Koji Shimizu will not kill Belmod, nor will he even kill the guy next to him who is like a sidekick, because whether it is the warnings and reminders from the witch or Conan's experience during the treasure hunt just past, They all made him understand one thing.

The balance between good and evil, he would be in a lot of trouble by killing these two people, and I am afraid that as soon as he kills them, there will be similar characters to supplement them. This is not only in line with the mysterious and powerful characteristics of that organization, but also in line with the mysterious and powerful character. operating rules.

Therefore, from the beginning, Koji Shimizu had no plans to compete with Belmode. He even came up with a bold idea, and because of Calvados' assist, he was successfully putting it into practice.

Belmod looked at Koji Shimizu with cold eyes. There was some surprise in his eyes, but more of it was a relaxed, even self-deprecating smile.

She suddenly realized that she had overestimated Koji Shimizu, but this was understandable. Every time she faced Koji Shimizu, not only her, but also many people would subconsciously ignore his age.

After all, Shimizu Koji is just a child now, a boy who lacks care.

For such a strong, withdrawn and little-loving boy, what she did before seemed a bit too much, but it was already a done deal, and there was no need to regret or think about it.

"Have you been approached by similar people?"

"Yeah, but their conditions were too bad, so I didn't agree."

"What conditions?" Belmode became curious. Although she was facing the dark muzzle of the gun, she suddenly didn't realize it. She just looked curious and even had some concern in her eyes and tone.

Shimizu Koji was not in a hurry to answer Bermod's curiosity. His eyes changed. Recalling the name "Thousand-faced Witch" mentioned by Haibara Ai, he now had many other speculations in his mind that needed to be verified.

"Miss Chris——, do you know the Takahashi group?"

Koji Shimizu clearly remembered that the night when the Takahashi group was destroyed was also the first meeting between him and Bellmode. Before that meeting, it was obvious that Bellmode had investigated him. So, after that

Shimizu Koji was almost certain, because of the attitude shown by Belmod, I am afraid that it was precisely because the other party saw all his actions that night that they paid attention to him one after another after that.

Even, including that - the new doctor.

The 'Shimizu-kun' that Bellmode called him just now, although the tone and tone of his voice were completely different, it was just a normal name after knowing his identity.

But for Koji Shimizu, who had already confirmed that she was secretly investigating herself as the "Thousand-Faced Witch", the new doctor who took office half a month early and was extremely friendly and enthusiastic towards him, naturally, all of a sudden He became the object of suspicion.

"Takahashi-gumi——, geez, it seems I can't hide anything from you, Shimizu-san."

Belmode was surprised that Shimizu Koji could mention this matter, but after thinking about it, she found that it seemed not bad to tell the truth directly.

For Koji Shimizu, a rational but not so rational, kind but not so kind boy who has been contacted by another mysterious force, he is still very malleable.

"That's right, since you have guessed it, then I don't have to worry about it. Just as you guessed, I do value your strength and after the incident of the Takahashi group, I also feel that you will be particularly different from us. It’s a good fit, so I specially extended an invitation to you.”

Diana had been sitting beside her in shock, not daring to express her anger, not only because of Belmode, a mysterious, powerful and terrifying woman, but also because of Koji Shimizu's action just now when he fired a gun at the slightest disagreement.

Moreover, the Takahashi group——, Diana's heart was filled with huge waves.

"Let's sit down and talk. My five million US dollars can't even afford a glass of wine for Shimizu-san, right?"

Belmode was in a pretty good mood. Although the development of the incident was not at all what she expected, the actual effect, which took less than ten minutes, was better than all her previous imaginations.

Well, this is indeed thanks to Calvados, this self-defeating guy.

Belmode glanced at Calvados lightly, and her meaning was very clear, stop acting rashly.

And since Koji Shimizu came to the appointment even though he knew they had other purposes, and directly broke the information barrier between them, this actually means that the only difference between them is the last step - conditions.

This point is also far beyond Belmod's expectation, because most of the so-called conditions can basically be summarized or replaced by money.

She couldn't help but be a little curious, because she really couldn't see that Shimizu Koji was a person who was very short of money or very lustful.

Koji Shimizu put away the gun, but not completely. He put on a vigilant posture, pulled up a chair, and sat across from Belmod.

"Qingshui-san, before we start chatting, I have a little curiosity. I wonder if you are willing to answer it."


"Are you short of money?"

This question is very simple, at least it sounds yes at first, but after thinking about it, Shimizu Koji did not simply answer yes or no. He struggled twice, and then showed a very subtle shyness, "My girlfriend is better at spending time." money."

Sudden surprises flashed through Belmod's eyes one after another, but in the end, the smile in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

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