Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 250 Accidentally touching the mechanism


Koji Shimizu gasped, but it wasn't all painful.

Haihara Ai was also stunned because the feeling of her feet was obviously wrong. It almost took her less than two seconds to know what she was stepping on, but it was precisely because she knew that she was a little stunned.

Her mood that had just calmed down suddenly exploded again.

Many thoughts flashed through her in an instant, but in the end they turned into a blush of embarrassment and anger that appeared on her face, "Koji Shimizu! Do you have any disease?! I think you must go to the hospital for a checkup! You actually It can happen in this situation - uh uh."

Qingshui Koji covered Haiyuan Ai's mouth at the most critical moment. Haiyuan trembled with sadness and opened his mouth to bite his hand. But Qingshui Koji, who was he, naturally did not give her this chance.

Dr. A Li was cooking behind the kitchen bar. When he heard the sound, he only glanced at it from a distance. He couldn't see anything through the back of the sofa. Moreover, although he also felt a little strange, it sounded like, It was indeed a young couple fighting, so he looked away.

However, in this way, Dr. Ali's inner worries have been reduced a lot. At least it sounds like Haibara Ai has become more lively and happier.

die! Go to hell!

Haibara was filled with shame and anger. Although she had encountered this situation last time, she still couldn't accept it because just now, Koji Shimizu just hugged her.

This is perverted!

Haiyuan Ai couldn't bite Qingshui Koji. Instead, he wiped her face with his saliva. She became more and more angry. She kicked her little feet up and stepped on the same spot again in an instant.

"Hey——, I told you, don't go too far."

"Hmm, - Huh?! Who is going too far? You -"

"I'm just normal. It's just like that. What am I? How could I have been thinking about those messy things just now!"

Qingshui Koji's face was also a little red, because he didn't think about it just now, but now he thought about it, but it was all Haibara Ai's fault, especially because she stepped on it again.

In fact, Hui Yuan Ai is a small one and is still wearing white socks. She doesn't have much strength through her clothes, so the pain is not that painful, but the feeling is inexplicably refreshing.

Haibara Ai didn't know what Qingshui Koji was thinking. At this moment, when she heard his words, she couldn't help but be stunned for a while before she realized the meaning of Qingshui Koji's words.

Her face was red, and the lingering traces of struggle were still lingering. She blinked and flipped her hair again, looking a little silly, especially when she looked down carefully.

Why is it even worse than before-! ?

Just now, at least it couldn't be seen, but why now, Hui Yuan Ai blinked and suddenly thought of his two feet just now.

Although she was shocked by Shimizu Koji's talent, she immediately blushed to the bottom of her neck. After she came to her senses, she immediately wanted to run away.

But, naturally it was already too late.

Before he could move, he felt the big hands holding tightly on his wrists.

"You, let go."

Haiyuan Ai's tone was no longer so fierce. She tilted her head and lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Qingshui Koji's eyes.

Qingmizu Koji actually didn't know what to do with her for a while. He didn't have many ideas in the first place. The current situation was caused by Haibara Ai himself. He actually wanted to know more information about Belmode.

But now that this is the case, looking at Haiyuan Ai who suddenly softened in front of him, looking at her red face and evasive gaze, why don't I take the opportunity to bully this kitten who usually gets all kinds of hairy when touched? Shimizu Koji even felt sorry for the few times he had been stepped on just now.

But, how should I bully this guy?

Fulfill the last agreement? In fact, Shimizu Koji had some thoughts, but he didn't have the time, the atmosphere and environment, and at his level, he would have to exercise for at least half an hour.

However, soon, Shimizu Koji had some ideas.

He smiled evilly (Haihara Ai's perspective), "I said, you just misunderstood me, made a big mistake, bit me, kicked me, and in the end, you refused to apologize?"

"Tao, apologize." Haiyuan Ai's tone was a little awkward. She turned her face away from looking at Qingshui Koji, but as soon as she turned her head, Qingshui Koji turned her back.

And now she was standing on Qingshui Koji's lap, and she didn't dare to move for a while.

"I, I don't apologize! Even if it's what you said, but you, hum!" Haiyuan Ai blushed and glanced down. In this situation, it was impossible for her to apologize.

Because although she misunderstood at first, now, there is no misunderstanding!

Qingmizu Koji was already prepared to say, 'If an apology is useful, what should the police do?', but he didn't expect that under such circumstances, Haihara Ai could be so arrogant and stubborn.

All I can say is that she deserves to be the one.

Shimizu Koji was both funny and helpless for a moment, but of course he kept these things in his heart. On the surface, he still looked a little angry just now.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

As soon as Qing Shuihao said these words, Haiyuan Ai was stunned. Her pupils that had stopped trembling suddenly began to tremble again.

Looking at Shimizu Koji's meaningful eyes, Haibara Ai suddenly realized that in a sense, compared to those organization members who were far away, there was no doubt that Shimizu Koji who was right in front of her was her biggest threat.

"You, what do you want to do? You, this, this is the doctor's house!"

"Go sleep with me tonight and I will forgive you."

Shimizu Koji leaned close to her ear and whispered softly. After speaking, he couldn't help but lick her bright red earlobe. He had wanted to speak for a long time. This opportunity was just right, so there was no reason to let it go.

But his words undoubtedly hit Haiyuan Ai's bottom line. However, before she could explode, Qingshui Koji explained in time, "Don't worry, I just want to think about your sister." I will discuss it with you again and I will never touch you. I am sensible, and the most I can do is just kiss you."

There was a brief silence.

"Really, really...?" Haiyuan Ai's voice was low, her face was very red, her little hands had no strength, she no longer struggled, and she just let Qingshui Koji hold her.

Regarding her sister, this is undoubtedly her weakness. Shimizu Koji hasn't told her about catching Kaitou Kid yet, so Haibara Ai has actually been worried about this matter recently.

As for Shimizu Koji's guarantee, Haibara Ai admitted that although Shimizu Koji seemed a bit 'scary' recently, he was indeed very measured and did not act excessively last time.

Well, it's not impossible to just kiss.

People are like this. If Koji Shimizu asked her to apologize and fulfill her promise last time, she would not agree. But after arriving, Koji Qingmizu just said that he would discuss his sister's affairs with her and stay in the same room as before when he went out. Son, for Haiyuan Ai, it is not so unacceptable.

"Well, of course, will I lie to you again? When have I lied to you?"

Qingshui Haoer remained calm and heartless. Although he had deceived Haibara Ai about a few minutes ago and would continue to deceive him in the future, his lies were white lies and did not count!

"Okay, let's continue talking about Belmod. By the way, now that we've talked about it, tell me all about the organization."

"What do you want to do?" Hui Yuan Ai suddenly became alert again.

"Huh? I'm just asking, what if we encounter you in the future? Okay, don't worry, I won't mess around. But if I encounter you in the future, I have to be careful."

Qingshui Koji's explanation was quite passable, at least after Haihara Ai thought about it for a while, he found that it was indeed the case.

The reason why she had never said these things before was because at the beginning, she was very wary and alert. Later, slowly, because of her sister's affairs and the tacit understanding between the two of them, the organization Actually, she had already forgotten about it.

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