Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 249 He really didn’t make the wrong choice

Code name? !

After Haihara Ai finished speaking, Qingshui Koji was stunned. It took him a while to realize what this 'code name' meant.

Because it had been a long time, Koji Shimizu had almost subconsciously ignored that so-called organization.

Conan is because he not only wants to change back to Kudo Shinichi, but also wants to continue living as Kudo Shinichi and regain all the social relationships of Kudo Shinichi.

This fact destined him to fight that organization to the end. Either you die or I die.

As for Shimizu Koji, to him, that organization exists in two different worlds. If the other party doesn't provoke him, he has little interest in causing trouble for them.

Because of the current situation, the Miyano sisters who are related to him have completely separated from the organization. As long as they don't hang around those people, at least their safety is safe.

Next, all we need to do is let Miyano Akimi learn the art of disguise, wait for Haibara Ai to develop the antidote, or grow up slowly. And these are not things that Koji Shimizu is deliberately avoiding, but The spontaneous choice and willingness of the Miyano sisters is also the safest and simplest choice.

However, now.

Looking at Haibara Ai who was trembling uncontrollably in his arms, Shimizu Koji's eyes gradually became deeper.

Haihara Ai's little hand tightly grasped Qingshui Koji's arm, and Qingshui Koji took advantage of the situation and held her hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid. What are you afraid of? I'm here."

Qingshui Koji's words were indeed useful. Haibara Ai was stunned for a moment. In fact, she subconsciously wanted to refute him, but when she and Qingshui Koji looked at each other, she couldn't say anything.

If it were anyone else, she would have retorted unceremoniously, or even ridiculed without concealment, because the power of an individual is incomparably insignificant in front of the organization.

But when Koji Shimizu said this, she couldn't refute it, because she did feel a burst of warmth, and more importantly, she had no reason to refute it. Koji Shimizu always handled such big things in a very reassuring manner, so save her. Sister, there was an emergency evacuation at the arena.

"I, I know,

Hui Yuan Ai's icy blue pupils gradually stopped trembling, but he remained silent, lowering his head and saying nothing.

Shimizu Koji smiled slightly and gently lifted the ends of her hanging hair, making her hidden eyes look at him again.

"There is no need to be ashamed. This trembling is fear. However, even if you are trembling with fear, you still have to take a step forward - this is courage."

"Xiao Ai, Shibao, don't you even have the courage to face them now? But don't forget that not long ago, you were the core figure of those people. Are they really that scary?"

"When people are killed, they will die. No matter how much they say, can they still escape the category of 'human beings'?"

"You're still alive, you still have your sister, and I. Even if we can't confront them head-on, we won't be so scared."

Qingshui Koji's tone was relaxed, and even at the end of the sentence, he poked Haihara Ai's face with his finger. He said this not just to comfort Haihara Ai, but because he thought so.

Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

Especially for him who has died many times, although his current life is precious, he has never been afraid of anything.

However, he didn't want to regret it when he made some choices and actions.

As of now, everything is fine and under his control, and the only one he regrets is Haihara Ai.

If you had figured it out earlier, you shouldn't have been polite to this guy. You could have just taken her down last time.

Hmm. But this seems a bit bad. Koji Shimizu's thoughts went astray.

He suddenly thought that if he had dated Haihara Ai first, he might not have accepted his senior sister's confession.

This, this is not good. Sure enough, he didn't make any wrong choice at all!

Haibara Ai didn't know that while Qingshui Koji was touching her face, rubbing her little hands, and gently smelling the milky scent of her body, he was just thinking about other girls.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Belmod and the like will have to step aside first, and she will first crush the scumbag Shimizu Koji to death.

"Well, I understand. Speaking of which, why do you pay attention to her?"

Haihara Ai's eyes suddenly moved, and he suddenly discovered a blind spot, and looked up at Qingshui Koji.

She didn't believe that Koji Shimizu did this unintentionally. Although it was said to be the front page of the newspaper, Koji Shimizu would never be interested in this kind of news. Even if he read it, he should just glance at it and pass it by. But she just said He clearly saw it, Shimizu Koji looked at it very seriously.

You can't—

Qingshui Koji also didn't expect that Haibara Ai would suddenly ask this. His mind was pulled back and turned quickly.

Facing Haihara Ai's scrutinizing gaze, Qingshui Koji didn't hesitate or think for long before he chuckled and said, "What are you thinking about? How could I have anything to do with her."

"Then you just-"

"Um, do you really want me to say it?"

Qingshui Koji had a strange look on his face, and Haihara Ai frowned. The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger, but he still nodded seriously.

"She's very pretty."

After the words fell, Hui Yuan Ai was stunned when she heard the words. Then, visible to the naked eye, she took a deep breath and sat up straight.

Like a cat, it’s about to explode.

Then, Qingmizu Koji interrupted her accumulation of energy, pulled her in front of her, and directly attacked her, but this time it was just a touch, and there was no in-depth communication like before. After all, this place is not very secretive.

"Okay, no matter how beautiful you are, you are not as beautiful as Shihozu. Those foreign female stars who don't know how messy they are, there is no way they can compare with the purest and most innocent little Ai."

"So, are you even jealous of this kind of thing?"

Haiyuan Ai's face turned rosy instantly after being kissed.

Something pure and flawless, she felt something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it, but after hearing Koji Shimizu's last words, she couldn't help it instantly, "I'm jealous, I'll eat you!"

She was ashamed and angry. Koji Qingmizu said this on purpose, but to her, this was the kind of thing that Koji Qingmizu could think about at a time like this.

"You have no idea how terrifying this woman Belmode is!"

"Oh? Tell me carefully."

Shimizu Koji changed freely and returned to his serious appearance in an instant. Haihara Ai was speechless by his seamless switching posture. The words he originally wanted to reprimand were stuck in his mouth and he had to swallow them back.

Staring at Qingshui Koji in shame, Haiyuan Ai struggled to get up from his arms. Qingshui Koji did not stop him, but when Haiyuan Ai stepped over his thigh, he accidentally stepped on him.


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