Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 222 Warning

Shimizu Koji didn't plan to talk too much with Conan, but he really had to remind him of some words.

A few steps out of the room, before Conan could speak, Koji Shimizu said directly as he walked: "Are you going to admit it?"


"Admit that you are Kudo Shinichi to your sister Xiaoran."

"Ah?! Qingshui, what are you talking about? How could I admit it? I definitely can't let Xiaolan know."

Conan was a little unimpressed. Although he thought about it seriously because Shimizu Koji suddenly mentioned this, there was no such thing as what Shimizu Koji said.

Shimizu Koji stopped at his door. The door of the cabin room was better soundproofed. Haibara Ai couldn't hear their conversation, but in fact, it didn't matter if he heard it, as long as Xiaolan couldn't hear it.

Turning around, Koji Shimizu's sudden stop and silence startled Conan.

Because he was still immersed in the relaxed chatting atmosphere just now and hadn't completely come out yet. When he saw Koji Shimizu's expressionless and silent gaze, Conan swallowed and felt a little confused.

"What's wrong, Qingshui, if you have anything to say, just say it. Why, why are you so sudden?"

Conan subconsciously took a small step back. For some reason, he always felt scared when facing Koji Shimizu.

He couldn't explain why, but he just had such a feeling.

Completely different from before.

And he was right to have this intuition. Koji Shimizu didn't care much about Conan before. He would let him solve the case, let him be reckless and commit suicide. At most, he would help him casually, but he would never take care of him deliberately.

Because it didn't matter. At that time, Conan was just a passerby with whom he had a slightly better relationship.

But now, Conan is equivalent to Haibara Ai, and even a secret keeper who will be implicated in his secrets, and this secret keeper often does not have the awareness to be a secret keeper.

The corridor was empty at the moment, except for Shimizu Koji and Conan.

The luxurious decoration, carpets and walls are mainly in gold and red, and the dazzling ivory white is used as the border. The aesthetics of Suzuki's home highlight a simple and unpretentious one.

"Don't you think there was something wrong with the way Xiaolan looked at you just now?"

"In other words, since last night, you have been too arrogant."

During the chat just now, several people talked about yesterday's events. Conan himself, with the additions of Urusi Qingran, Sonoko, and even Kasaka Natsumi, his heroic deeds are already widely known.

Well, probably in other words, he discovered Kaitou Kid's plot to invade the west in time, and rampaged through the streets of Osaka on his skateboard, causing many traffic accidents. In the end, the Suzuki family settled the bill. Finally, at the critical moment, he witnessed Kaitou Kidd again. After being shot, he provided important clues to the police and at the same time retrieved the Egg of Memory.

Among them, Koji Shimizu is just a little-known figure who plays an inspiring role, while Conan has become a "big hero".

"Uh, this, how, how could it be possible, Xiaolan, am I, am I arrogant, haha."

Conan stuttered for a moment, Xiaolan, Xiaolan, he recalled the situation just now, and two drops of cold sweat immediately fell on his forehead.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, and he even started to lose focus directly in front of Qingmizu Koji, his body trembling slightly.

"You know you're scared?"

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

"Let's not talk about anything else. I think Xiaolan knows that the person taking a bath with her is not a primary school student, but a——"

"Clear water!!"

Conan shuddered and quickly interrupted Shimizu Koji's words.

However, Shimizu Koji was just teasing later, and he would not stop just because of Conan's interruption. He has not yet said the real consequences.

"You told Hattori Heiji and I and Xiao Ai's identities without permission before. Now, you have attracted the attention of many people and the suspicion of Xiao Lan. I advise you to keep your mouth shut. Although we We have a good relationship, but if you continue like this, it will be difficult for me to treat you as a senior, but as a primary school student who lacks discipline." Koji Shimizu's eyes became deep and his voice gradually became colder.

"Do you understand?" he asked calmly.

Conan's face became a little ugly, but it was not because of Koji Shimizu's sudden unkind words.

He is not stupid, but many times when he encounters a case, it is easy to lose part of his brain and reason. He can't control it, and he won't even feel anything afterward.

Sometimes he feels that he is Kudo Shinichi, but sometimes, he is used to the identity of Edogawa Conan.

From big to small, this kind of unnatural thing will indeed cause such a huge contrast in subconscious cognition.

But the reason is indeed that he is not mature enough.

Look at Hui Yuan Ai, in comparison, they are completely different.

Conan is a restless boy in adolescence who likes to be in the limelight and show off his talents. Compared with those vulgar boys, he just has a smarter head like a detective.

And of course, if Koji Shimizu didn't remind him of this, he wouldn't be aware of it.

"The adult world, well, although you are not yet an adult, you are almost there. I guess you can't think of yourself as a brat who hasn't grown up, right?"

Conan raised his little face, silent and serious, and Koji Shimizu smiled, but his words were still like the autumn wind in November, leaving no room for words.

"In the adult world, you have to be thoughtful when doing things. To be precise, you need to consider the costs and consequences of your choices and actions."

"Although you have not taken the initiative to expose yourself so far, your actions and current reaction just show that, Kudo Shinichi, you are still very naive."

Conan's face turned a little dark. Although Koji Shimizu didn't scold him in his words, some words were much harsher than scolding him.

It seemed that Koji Shimizu just wanted him to keep the secrets about the organization and Haibara Ai, but it was not that he couldn't feel the kindness behind his cold words.

He really can't go on like this anymore

Conan clenched his fists, feeling silently angry.

Seeing him like this, Shimizu Koji also nodded slightly with satisfaction.

But I don't know how long Conan will be like this.

After all, Conan's performance, in his opinion, still looked like a classic situation of a high school student.

When someone criticizes me, I am smarter, and then I reflect deeply, and secretly swear in my heart that I have to work hard, no matter what I do, but in a week or two at most, I will be the same again.

Oh, what a headache.

Shimizu Koji now even feels that compared to elementary school students, such high school students are more troublesome.

After all, he can't really beat up Conan, right?

"Okay, I won't say much more. You should be able to think it through yourself. Now, you'd better pay attention and think carefully about how to clear the suspicion with your sister Xiaolan next."

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