Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 221 Pigeon Keeper

"Eh? Is your birthday on May 4th?"


"That's really a coincidence, Conan-kun."

"Hey hey hey."

May, the 4th?

Xiaolan's eyes were stunned and her whole body froze.

She looked at Conan from a distance, although, along the way, she had been avoiding thinking about it, but whether it was Hattori Heiji or Shimizu Koji, Conan's behavior was too strange.

And, it’s May 4th.

The more Xiaolan looked at Conan, the more he looked and acted like Kudo Shinichi.

Yes, Shinichi?

No, no, I'm so stupid. Conan is obviously just a primary school student. How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

On the other side, Natsumi Kasaka and Seiran Urashi were chatting with Conan like coaxing children, while Xiaolan was close to the inside of the sofa. Not to mention Koji Shimizu, even Sonoko and Kazuha noticed something was wrong with her.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

"Huh? No, no, I just thought of something else."

"Eh? Really not?" Yuanzi teased with a smile.

She could tell by looking at Xiaolan's appearance.

However, there were many people at the moment, so she didn't point it out.

As for Kudo Shinichi, Sonoko can't say that she doesn't have a good impression, but she also doesn't have a good impression. The main reason is because of Xiaolan.

Mingming and Xiaolan were childhood sweethearts, and they were about to get married. However, at the end of the date, he left Xiaolan alone and ran away, and never appeared again afterward.

After Xiaolan told her this, she felt bitter about it for a long time.

"Yuanzi, don't make trouble~!"

"Keke~, okay~, Xiaolan, it's so harmful to think of you at this time, forget it, I won't say anything."

Yuanzi and Xiaolan played the Riddler, and Heye looked confused and blinked, unable to get in the conversation.

Shimizu Koji saw this and frowned slightly, especially when he turned his gaze to Conan, who was completely unknown and was happily playing the game of pretending to be a child with his two elder sisters.

Regarding the matter of Conan hiding his identity from Xiaolan, he didn't want to care about it from the beginning, let alone get involved.

But after getting along with him day by day, Koji Shimizu easily discovered two problems. According to Haibara Ai, this guy Conan is just more self-righteous than him. In the end, he is still a big mouth.

The other one, Xiaolan, after observation, Shimizu Koji felt that Conan was indeed right in not telling her the truth, and it was not just to take advantage.

Xiaolan's character, how should I put it, Qingmizu Koji thinks that it is good to be friends.

But it would be more troublesome to be a girlfriend. Moreover, the most important thing is that if you know about them and the existence of the organization, if they have contact with the organization in the future, or if the organization accidentally investigates Xiaolan, , the possibility of Xiaolan leaking the secret is almost over 90%.

She was too simple and could not hide anything in her heart or mouth.

So, this guy Conan

Shimizu Koji frowned. Conan himself said that he must not be discovered by anyone, especially Xiaolan, but he always had a feeling that this guy would probably make it known to everyone, and then let Xiaolan lie to himself.

He suddenly wanted to pull Haiyuan Ai over, point at Conan and say to her, "Look, this is the scumbag."

Not him, Koji Shimizu!

"Hey, Qingshui-kun, when did you—"

Xiaolan came back to her senses and stopped looking at Conan. She turned her head and finally noticed the pigeons in Hiroshi Qingmizu's hands.

Looking at the obedient, almost motionless pigeon, Xiaolan would have thought that it had been played to death by Shimizu Koji if it hadn't been standing on Shimizu Koji's forearm.

"Eh? Pigeon, when!"

"Kawaii! Hey, so cool!"

Only then did Sonoko and Ye notice this situation. Koji Shimizu had just put the pigeon in his arms and covered it with his hands while they were chatting, but they really didn't notice it.

And Ye Gang praised Kawaii, but before he could reach out to touch it, the pigeon jumped up and down, from Shimizu Koji's left forearm, all the way to his shoulder, and then stood quietly.

This series of changes naturally surprised Xiaolan and others even more, and also attracted the people on the other side.

"Hey, this pigeon."

Conan was stunned for a moment. This pigeon was not as good as it seemed.

Xiaolan fed it, but it hasn't eaten yet. That means it seemed better behaved when they bandaged it, but this guy was actually very naive, so after everyone came, they closed the curtains and put the Its nest moved from the top of the sofa to the windowsill.

"Is it hurt?"

"Is this the pigeon you raised, Koji?"

"Well, no, no, Heye, Yuanzi, this pigeon is actually..."

"Kaitou Kidd!?"

"Is that the guy who stole the Egg of Memory?!"

"Wow! Koji, you are Kidd!!"

Sonoko suddenly stood up with bright eyes, but Shimizu Koji did not cooperate with her. The atmosphere became awkward, and she sat down again.

Shimizu Koji smiled slightly and reached out to touch the pigeon, but unexpectedly, the pigeon missed it and instead touched another person's hand.

Turning his head, Kazuye withdrew his hand with a blush on his face. Koji Shimizu smiled and said nothing.

"This pigeon is quite close to me. I see that it doesn't eat anything put there. Why don't you just let me take care of it."

No matter what, there is no reason for Shimizu Koji to let go of Kaitou Kidd's pigeon, not to mention that he now has some ability to control animals.

"Huh? But Qingshui-kun, won't this bother you too much?" Xiaolan said subconsciously.

She is always like this. In fact, the pigeon is not hers, but she subconsciously feels that doing this to others will cause trouble to Koji Shimizu.

"No, no, I quite like it too."

"So loving!"

"I can't believe that Shimizu-san would actually like such a small animal."

On the other side, Natsumi Kasaka smiled lightly and seemed a little surprised by this situation.

Shimizu Koji actually gave her the same feeling as Haibara Ai, but at this moment, the boy who was supposed to be cold and cold unexpectedly showed a loving side, which made her change her mind quite a bit, and she even thought it was a bit cute. .

After all, in her eyes, Shimizu Koji is just a young boy.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for more than an hour. As Pu Siqinglan stood up to leave, the short afternoon tea party ended.

Since Koji Shimizu lived next door, he was not in a hurry to leave, so he stayed at the last one.

"Hey, Mr. Qingshui, please take these back to Xiao Ai."

Xiaolan packed some biscuits and candies on the table and handed them to Shimizu Koji. These were not brought on the ship, they were all bought by her.

Faced with Xiaolan's kindness, even though he knew that Haibara Ai would most likely not eat it, Shimizu Koji hesitated a little and took it anyway.


"Shimizu-kun is too kind."

"By the way, Xiaolan, can I borrow Conan for a while?"


Facing the puzzled looks in Conan and Xiaolan's eyes, Shimizu Koji did not give an explanation.

Xiaolan was stunned, and then smiled again, "Qingshui-kun, you are serious, how can you make such a joke? Conan is not someone, how can you say he is borrowing."

"Conan, be obedient."


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