Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 223 Show off

In the evening, the setting sun is like fire.

The sparkling sea waves are like waves of flames, dazzling and dazzling, dyeing most of the sky red. At the same time, there is a kind of beauty of silence and peace.

The gentle sea breeze blew, and the sea stretched as far as the eye could see. On the deck of Suzuki Maru, a group of people finally gathered together as Koji Shimizu and Ai Haihara walked up from the cabin.

Kazuo, Ran and Sonoko were standing by the railing chatting, while Chennikov, Gan Shoichi and Kasaka Natsumi's housekeeper Sawabe each found a secluded place to be alone at this moment.

Others, including Conan, were sitting around a round table in the middle of the deck. Kogoro Mori was drinking beer in large gulps, and his throat could be heard gurgling from a distance.

Qingshui Koji led Haibara Ai to appear. At the table, Hanchuan Ryu, who seemed to be showing off his necklace, immediately changed his eyes and quickly looked away.

However, Qingmizu Koji had no intention of approaching them. He just took a casual look, said hello, and then walked to an empty railing with Haibara Ai.

"Hey, Mr. Hanchuan, that necklace of yours?!"

Mouri Kogoro, who was about to clink glasses with Urushi Qinglan, was stunned and followed her gaze.

Seeing that Qingmizu Koji and Haihara Ai didn't plan to come over, Hanchuan Ryu breathed a sigh of relief and gritted his teeth.

After he went back at noon, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Originally, he thought that as long as Koji Shimizu dared to show up, he would make Koji Shimizu apologize to him properly.

But he didn't expect that when they met, he only had a faint glance at Shimizu Koji's calm eyes, and he didn't even have the courage to look at her.

He couldn't understand, why are high school students so scary nowadays? !

When he heard Pu Siqinglan's voice, he put away his emotions, turned his head, followed the gazes of several people, and picked up his necklace from his chest.

Looking at the curious and excited eyes of Mouri Kogoro, Suzuki Shiro, and especially Pu Si Qinglan on the table, an idea suddenly flashed in Samkawa Ryu's mind.

"Ah, I was discovered by you. You are worthy of being a researcher of the Romanov Dynasty."

Hanchuanlong's voice was so loud that everyone on the deck could almost hear it.

And what he said was about the Romanov dynasty, which naturally attracted everyone's attention regardless of distance or distance.

Qingshui Koji was no exception. He held Haihara Ai's hand and turned his head after hearing the sound.

Hankawa Ryuu kept paying attention to Shimizu Koji's movements from the corner of his eye. When he saw him turning back, the corners of his mouth subconsciously curled up.

He found a way to vent his anger.

Facing Pu Siqinglan's excited attention, Han Chuanlong smiled generously, took off the necklace from his neck, and raised one hand in the air, for fear that others would not see it.

The pendant of the necklace was a sparkling ring. As soon as he took it out, Pu Siqinglan never looked away.

"Miss Qinglan, do you want to take a look?"

Pu Siqinglan's eyes trembled slightly and she didn't respond, but she directly reached out and took the necklace, and then looked at it carefully.

Shimizu Koji only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, which made Hanchuan Ryu feel quite unhappy.

"Miss Qinglan, do you see it?!"

"This, this is Maria?! Masaka, could this be the ring of Nicholas II, her third daughter Maria?!"

"Well, Miss Qinglan, you must not be mistaken. If you say yes, then that's right. I spent five million yen to buy it from an old guy~~"

Samkawa Ryu focused on deepening his accent on the words "five million yen". Pu Siqinglan was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Five million yen!?"

"Well? Do you think I paid too much for it?"

Han Chuanlong sat up straight and tied the necklace back elegantly. He enjoyed this moment very much, especially the excited eyes of an informed professional like Pu Siqinglan.

"Um, Miss Qinglan, is this ring valuable?"

Mouri Kogoro on the side scratched his head and asked naively. He was already a little drunk, which was why Xiaolan and other girls were unwilling to sit at their table.

Pu Siqinglan looked at Hanchuanlong for a while, then withdrew his gaze and calmed down. Hanchuanlong couldn't help but say a few more words to continue stimulating her, hoping that she would tell her the most important thing he wanted to hear. During the conversation, Pu Siqinglan finally spoke slowly.

"Three hundred million."

"Three, three, how many?!?"

Mouri Kogoro suddenly stood up from his stool in fright.

The other people watching from a distance also raised their brows fiercely, and the atmosphere suddenly became stagnant.

Han Chuanlong puffed up his chest proudly. Of course, on the surface, he had another attitude.

"Well, it's only 300 million. I think that a student of Dongda University can earn it by working hard for more than 20 years. For highly educated people like Miss Qinglan, this time may be too much. Shorter."

Pu Siqinglan's pupils shrank and she said nothing.

Under the gaze of Mouri Kogoro's wide-eyed bullseye, Samkawa Ryu picked up the cup and took a sip of beer.

He took the opportunity to glance at Qingmizu Koji, but there was nothing like what he imagined. Qingshui Koji seemed to turn a deaf ear to his words, or in other words, he pretended not to hear them.

Tsk, you kid who hasn’t recognized the reality of society yet!

The pretense was gone, Han Chuanlong said bitterly in his heart.

But he never noticed that opposite him, next to Mouri Kogoro, Ushi Qinglan's eyes were as cold as those of Shimizu Koji, silently watching him.



Hui Yuan Ai said softly.

Her face was slightly red and a little annoyed.

She came out to get some air and relax.

But when she walked to the railing, she tried to pull her little hand out of Hiroshi Qingshui's hands, but she struggled twice in a row to no avail.

"I'm afraid you'll fall." Qingshui Koji looked at the sea without looking back.

When Hui Yuan Ai heard this, her eyes widened. Her ice blue pupils first looked back at the gap in the guardrail where she could barely stretch her legs, and then turned back to look up at Qingshui Koji.

She could feel that Koji Shimizu wanted to use this method to eat away at her little by little and make her submit.

But, isn’t it too much? This is simply talking nonsense with open eyes!

Haihara Ai felt angry and ashamed. In fact, she had almost no feelings about intimate contact like just holding hands, but after being fucked like this by Shimizu Koji, she felt something again.

She only felt that Shimizu Koji's hands were big and warm. The fiery temperature that only belonged to young men seemed to be transmitted directly from the fingertips and palms to her heart.

"And, at your height, can you really see?"

As Qingshui Koji spoke, he squatted down. Haibara Ai looked at him coldly. Subconsciously, her heart trembled, and she had a bad feeling, but she had no choice but to retreat. Qingshui Koji's hand held her tightly. Hold her hand.

"Haha, you didn't think I would hug you, did you?"

Just when Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but blush, Qingshui Koji suddenly chuckled and stretched out his hand to scratch her small nose.

Haihara Ai was stunned for a moment, but before she turned into a raging little lion, Qingshui Koji pulled her in front of him.

"It would be nice to see the scenery in your world with you."



Haibara Ai and Qingshui Koji were very close, but this was not the first time. She looked intently into Qingshui Koji's eyes, and the blush on her fair face never dissipated.

"No, it's nothing." Haiyuan Ai tried to reach out to tangle his hair, but when he came back to his senses, he realized that his dominant hand was still in Hiroshi Qingshui's hand.

Shimizu Koji noticed her movement, but he just smiled slightly, but still did not let go.

Hui Yuan Ai pouted her little mouth, and her eyes that could not hide her shame managed to squeeze out a fierce light, but in the end, she still snorted coolly and turned her head to look outside the deck.

This was not the first time she had seen the sea.

She had never found anything good-looking, cold, heartless, and full of fishy salty smell.

but now.

Yeah, that's okay

In the corner of her eye, Koji Shimizu's face was very close.

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