Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 220 Weird Chinese


Pu Si Qinglan was slightly startled and repeated subconsciously.

Although others did not repeat this sentence, they were more or less thinking about it.

However, after Kasaka Natsumi finished speaking, she smiled, and then added: "I think maybe it means Baluche, did you buy meat? That's it."

"Because Baluche should be a person's name, but in my memory, I have no impression of this person at all, so I have kept this sentence in mind."

"Ah, Miss Natsumi, the color of your eyes is——."

On the side, as soon as Natsumi Kasaka finished speaking, Conan made a sound of curiosity.

Kasaka Natsumi turned her head when she heard the sound, looked at Conan, smiled lightly, lowered her head proactively, and didn't care about Conan's direct and somewhat rude look.

"Yes, it's gray. My mother and grandmother's eyes are also the same color."

Natsumi Kasaka withdrew her gaze, sat up straight again, smiled naturally, and looked at the others, "I think this is something I inherited from my great-grandmother."

Xiaolan looked at Kasaka Natsumi's eyes and blinked curiously. Turning the corner of her eye, she saw the red cheongsam beside her. Pu Si Qinglan also made her feel beautiful and sexy but dignified and elegant. "Hey, Miss Qinglan's The pupils are also gray.”

"Really! Do flower growers all have gray pupils?"

He Ye looked at the sound and couldn't help but be surprised.

Everyone's attention also shifted to Pu Siqinglan, who was sitting very upright, and her figure looked particularly curvy due to the cheongsam.

Her face remained calm and calm, and the golden pendant earrings on her ears were particularly eye-catching, but in fact, they did not match the cheongsam.

"Well, you can say that, actually."



Qingshui Koji said calmly, which diverted the attention of Xiaolan and others to him. Pu Si Qinglan's words were halted, and looking at Qingshui Koji's indifferent eyes, he felt inexplicably flustered.

"Qingshui, what do you mean by brown?" Heye asked curiously.

"The flower grower's pupils are a very beautiful brown color. If I have to say it, it is somewhat similar to the brown color of cat's eye, one of the four major gemstones."

Shimizu Koji did not look at her, but calmly played with the pigeons in his hands. His tone was unhurried. He was calm and calm. Whether it was his tone or demeanor, there was an attraction that made people fall into her unconsciously.

He Ye blinked and nodded cutely, "That's right, Qingshui, do you know so much about the Flower Country?"

"Just a little bit."

Pu Siqinglan panicked for a moment, but she was relieved when she heard Qingshui Koji say a little bit.

However, after Xiaolan listened to Qingmizu Koji's explanation, she did not intend to let her go. In other words, the people present were just chatting and they were all very interested when they heard about the Flower Country.

"Speaking of which, Miss Qinglan, your name is Qinglanhua. My name also has a word in it. What a coincidence. Miss Qinglan, is the word "lan" also very popular in Chinese? How do you pronounce it?"

Pu Si Qinglan paused when he heard the words, and glanced at Koji Shimizu, who only knew a little bit, without any trace. Seeing that he had no reaction, he pretended to be relaxed and said: "The word "lan" is indeed more popular, in Chinese. The pronunciation should be 'lan', and your name is mao'li'lan."

"Hey, the pronunciation of orchid is the same as the Japanese one!"

Pu Siqinglan nodded. She spoke more carefully, biting her tongue and trying her best to understand clearly.

But Koji Qingmizu still felt strange, but he didn't correct him, because the other girls were very happy to hear it, and even Conan looked at her with interest.

Seeing this, Pu Si Qinglan became more confident. Yuanzi and Ye were looking at her expectantly at this moment. Yuanzi pointed at herself excitedly and asked: "What about me? What's my name?" Woolen cloth?!"

Pu Siqinglan hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said confidently: "Your Chinese name is pronounced 'Suzuki Meatballs'."




Everyone exclaimed.

"Ahem, it's okay. I'm fine. I choked accidentally."

Before Sonoko could be happy, Koji Shimizu, who had just picked up the coffee and took a sip, was stunned.

Because it was so unexpected and caught off guard, the unexpected lethality of these words was definitely as powerful as three bullets for Koji Shimizu.

He never expected that Pu Siqinglan could say the words Suzuki meatballs in a serious manner.

“Suzuki Meatballs, Suzuki Meatballs”

There was nothing wrong with Koji Shimizu, so Sonoko turned his attention back.

She held her forehead with her hand and whispered her name repeatedly with an extremely serious look on her face, as if she was trying hard to learn and remember.

Shimizu Koji silently put down his coffee. He wouldn't drink it anymore, at least, he wouldn't drink it until this topic was over.

This was the first time that he had lost his composure, so much so that Conan, who was opposite him, still had some doubts in his eyes.

But among the people present, except for Koji Shimizu, no one else felt anything wrong with Pu Si Qinglan's words, and they all behaved seriously.

The more this happened, the weirder and more complicated Qingmizu Koji's mood became. He didn't expect that this ordinary chat could really make him want to laugh, which was rare.

"Nene, Miss Qinglan, what about me?"

Kazuya asked, pointing at himself.

When Pu Si Qinglan heard the sound, she retracted her eyes and observed Qingshui Koji's peripheral vision. She felt very keenly. Although Qingshui Koji said that he was choking, she always felt that Qingshui Koji was suppressing a smile, or to put it more carefully, , holding back his laughter at her.

"Uh, Miss Ye, let me think about it, it's Yuan Shan and Ye."

She was a little unconfident again, but this time it was okay. Apart from the weird tone, she didn't come up with a vocabulary as funny as Suzuki Meatballs.

"Toyama Kazuha." Another girl started trying to remember her name.

Sonoko and Kazuha are really similar. At least, putting aside the details of their personalities, both of them can be regarded as energetic girls.

"Miss Qinglan, you should be about my age, right?"

Kasaka Natsumi took the opportunity to take the initiative to talk to Ura Siqinglan.

Pu Si Qinglan turned back to look at Kasaka Natsumi and nodded slightly, "Probably, I'm 27 years old."

"Hey! It's indeed the same! Miss Qinglan, in what month were you born?"

"May, the fifth of May."

"It's May 3rd! It's just two days away!"

Kasaka Natsumi's eyes were brighter. She looked very excited like a girl like Kazuha at the moment.

When everyone watched the two of them communicating, they all felt that it was indeed a coincidence.

When it comes to topics like birthdays, no matter what kind of personality people are, they can't help but think about it and want to talk about it.

Conan was sitting on a small stool. When he heard their words, he subconsciously smiled innocently, "That is indeed a coincidence! There is only one day between you two!"

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