Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 219 New Abilities

But in the end, only Koji Shimizu came to Xiaolan's room.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, is she a little seasick?"

"Well, that's what she said."

Qingshui Haoji nodded without changing his expression.

Xiaolan blinked, feeling that something was wrong, but without thinking too much, she quickly made way and invited Shimizu Koji into the room.

The sofa in the room was already full of people, but they were all young and beautiful girls. Even Kasaka Natsumi and Urashi Qinglan, sitting between Sonoko and Kazuha, did not look out of place.

At first glance, they are all eye-catching, but upon closer inspection, each has its own characteristics.

Compared with Natsumi Kasaka and Seoran Urashi, who are mature and steady, elegant and naturally feminine, Kazuha and Sonoko are full of energy, always relaxed and happy, and they are lovable enough.

"Hey, is Xiao Ai still seasick?"

"That smart little girl?"

Regarding Haihara Ai's excuse for seasickness, everyone expressed their worry and surprise, with the exception of Conan, who was sitting on the edge of the sofa. Only now, he felt much more normal.

Because based on Haibara Ai’s character, if it weren’t for Shimizu Koji, she probably wouldn’t even come to Osaka.

There were cookies and candies on the coffee table, full of childlike interest, but almost no one touched them.

When Koji Shimizu arrived, Xiaolan took the initiative and poured him a cup of coffee.

Qingmizu Koji looked at the coffee in front of him and remembered the bitter tea he drank in one sip just before going out in order to taste Haihara Ai's craftsmanship.

I don’t know if he can sleep well at night if he mixes this coffee with tea.

"Sit here, Koji."

Yuanzi took the initiative to give up his position and was next to her.


Shimizu Koji nodded without being polite.

In the L-shaped sofa, if Koji Shimizu is included, the short side is her, Kazuha, and Koji Shimizu, and the other side is Xiaolan, Natsumi Kasaka, and Seoran Urashi. Conan moved a small stool. Sit at the coffee table.

As for Qingmizu Koji, he came here not to chat or anything, but it was really inconvenient to continue to stay with Haibara Ai.

That guy was thin-skinned, and Koji Shimizu felt that teasing her would be just the right thing for her to calm down.

"It turns out that Miss Natsumi has been staying in Paris since she was twenty years old!"

"Well, yes, so my Japanese seems a bit weird, you should have heard it."

Shimizu Koji sat down, and the chat that several people were having resumed. While listening, he inadvertently turned his eyes and glanced around the room.


A sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded, but it did not attract Xiaolan's attention. Qingshui Koji turned his head and looked behind him. He opened the curtains and saw a bandaged pigeon staring blankly at him. Seen together.

Shimizu Koji blinked and suddenly remembered that Conan said when he came back last night that when he found the egg, he also rescued an injured pigeon.

But it was already relatively late at that time, and Conan said that the pigeon had been temporarily handed over to Nakamori Ginzo, so Shimizu Koji didn't think much about it.

But now, here, I actually see it again.

And to put it this way, this pigeon should probably be the pigeon of the Kaitou Kidd.

Qingshui Koji's eyes changed slightly, and his mind moved. Just as he turned his back, blood appeared in his eyes, and a deep black magatama slowly rotated.

The pigeon with the same pair of red eyes that stared at him instantly became dull.

And if they didn't look carefully, no one would notice that there was a tiny black spot in the pigeon's blood-red eyes.

Koji Shimizu's Sharingan slowly disappeared, but the pigeon suddenly became well-behaved and allowed him to manipulate it.

He stretched out his hand and took it out of the comfortable flannel basin.

This is his new ability, and it should be the Sharingan's new ability, but with the Sharingan, every time Koji Shimizu secretly observes its use in the past two days, he always feels like he's still not there yet.

Therefore, he estimated that this new ability was probably activated in advance because the soul power enhanced the Sharingan.

For a while, it was actually difficult for Koji Shimizu to tell whether this was the ability of the Sharingan or a derivative of his soul ability.

But that doesn't matter. What he has determined now is that he can exercise some simple control over this little animal, and he can even do so without affecting its original consciousness.

This is an interesting ability, and Shimizu Koji can feel that the limit of this ability is far beyond that.

At least, it certainly won't stop at the level where you can only control this little animal.

As for his Sharingan, through the feeling of these two days, Shimizu Koji has determined that his eyes can indeed evolve.

However, at present, it seems that he has made this mysterious eye embark on the path of evolution through a special way such as his soul ability.

But as for the characteristics, secrets, origins, and original evolution of the Sharingan, Koji Shimizu was basically blind and ignorant.

After all, we are already several worlds apart.

And now when he recalls the situation of the past two days, he only has one profound impression, that is, the Onmyoji's shikigami, including his own soul, are a great supplement to him.

At that time, Kengo Kamo was right, Koji Shimizu was a devil in a sense.

But who asked him to tie his soul to the shikigami to death? Otherwise, under normal circumstances, Shimizu Koji would have to kill him a second time.

Naturally, Koji Shimizu didn't know that the third-rate onmyoji he thought was Kengo Kamo and the inferior shikigami were actually created by the gathering of dozens of pure virgin souls and the souls of thousands of baby birds. evil spirits.

Koji Shimizu relieved her/their pain with one stroke, and based on the number of those souls, his improvement was so significant.

Otherwise, if calculated based on the quality of the evil spirits in that castle, Koji Shimizu would need at least ten more such experiences before he could reach his current level.

After all, extraordinary abilities involving the soul are no longer tolerated by this world.

"Weird Japanese, haha, that's a bit of a thing to say, but there isn't a very standard way of saying Japanese. Just like the Japanese spoken by us Osaka people is called Kansai accent, Miss Natsumi, your Japanese should be Call it a French accent, haha!”


Kasaka Natsumi was stunned for a moment by what Kazuha said, and she laughed a little, but she also felt it was very fresh and interesting, "hh~, that's true."

However, while she was smiling, she suddenly paused and said, "Hey, wait, speaking of weird Japanese, I still remember a sentence I heard at home when I was a child, which left a deep impression on me."

Xiangsaka's food finger tapped her lower lip, her eyes showing a look of reminiscence.

Her words also successfully attracted everyone's attention, yes, everyone, including Pu Si Qinglan who was absent-minded, Conan who was bored, and Koji Shimizu who was playing pigeons.

"Eh!? What are you talking about?" Sonoko asked Kasaka Natsumi excitedly and curiously while eating biscuits and snacks that Koji Shimizu thought no one would eat.

Under the gaze of everyone, Kasaka Natsumi thought about it for a while, and then said with certainty:


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