Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 218 The homophony of stars

In the room, Koji Shimizu closed the door and threw the camera into the trash can nearby.

Turning around, Hui Yuan Ai had already walked back to the tea table, poured tea for the two of them, and put it on the coffee table.

She didn't seem to be affected at all.

However, she was still somewhat affected when she saw Koji Shimizu walking over with the memory card.

"Why didn't you throw this away too?"

"Why throw it away?"

Shimizu Koji asked rhetorically.

"You just——, forget it, it's nothing."


Shimizu Koji responded casually and walked to sit next to her.

Hui Yuan Ai frowned, as if he felt that Qingshui Koji was too close, so he was about to move aside, but instead of moving, he felt his body light up, and the next moment, he was filled with clouds and fog.

Shimizu Koji picked her up and put her in his arms. He had done this countless times. His movements were extremely skillful, and there was no feeling of anything wrong in his mentality.

Not just because of habit, but if you want to communicate well with this guy Haihara Ai, you have to do this.

Otherwise, he would get a cold look at one moment and a snort at another. Conan was often treated like this, and Dr. Ali was not immune to it many times.

"You, what are you doing again?!"

Being manipulated by Koji Qingshui without any resistance, Haibara Ai became a little angry. In other words, she was not angry anymore because Koji Qingshui laughed at her and had to open the door on tiptoe.

It was only because of Samchuanlong's episode that she didn't have an attack just now.

"You don't want to ask me why I broke his camera just now? Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Qingshui Koji didn't care about Haihara Ai's really angry eyes. He smiled faintly, as if he didn't care about her emotions at all.

"I'm not at your mercy. You've gone too far. Although I really don't like that guy taking random pictures, it's also annoying to be like this."

For Haibara Ai, although she was used to this kind of physical contact, Shimizu Koji's actions of hugging her around at every turn were just frivolous and really made her unhappy.

As a genius scientist, this feeling always made her feel like she was a guinea pig in Hiroshi Shimizu's hands. She didn't like this feeling very much.

Disrespect her!

"let me go."

"Don't let go."

"Tell me first, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Shimizu Koji still chuckled, and even reached out to scratch her cheeks that had become slightly bulging due to anger.

It was like stroking the fur of an angry tiger, but Haiyuan Ai took a deep breath, looked at him steadily, and temporarily endured it.

"Lies!" Her voice was clean and crisp, she was expressing that she was very angry.

Her face turned slightly dark, and she seemed to be gritting her teeth while speaking.

Although Koji Shimizu was still calm, he was subconsciously on guard. It had not been a day since he was bitten last time.

"It's a lie. It's a lie. I thought his lens was pretty good, so I spent the money to buy it."

Haiyuan Ai's eyes widened and Qingshui Koji laughed angrily.

That's it?

"Then what's the truth!"

"The truth is, I really don't want that guy to take pictures of the stars I like."

"Stars (hoxi)?"

"Well, Xiho is my star."

Haiyuan Ai blinked her eyes cutely, her eyes full of confusion. She had been played hard, but she couldn't get angry anymore.

The blush on her face quickly surged up, and her earlobes became bright again. She really looked like a lobster~.

"You, where did you learn this from?"

Her tone was still relatively strong, but no matter how hard she tried, her voice softened unconsciously.

And Haihara Ai's eyes were moist and not as cold as usual, and she didn't dare to look at Shimizu Koji anymore.

Her little hands were a little cramped, but in Qingmizu Koji's arms, she couldn't grasp anything right.

She could only force herself to calm down and regard Shimizu Koji's sudden love words that hit her head as a normal daily communication.

But Koji Qingmizu didn't answer. Instead, he took her little hand and put it directly on his chest.

Haihara Ai blinked again

Then, she melted away in the arms of Koji Shimizu.

Hui Yuan Ai remained silent, saying nothing and not daring to move. This unexpected attack by Koji Qingshui not only broke her, but also, from beginning to end, she was played hard by Koji Qingshui's palm.

As for Qingmizu Koji, he just had an idea and wanted to tease Haibara Ai, but he didn't expect that this guy's actual defense was so low.

Sitting softly in his arms, well. In a sense, Shimizu Koji actually felt that it was more comfortable than when Ooka Momiji held him.

He put his arm around Hui Yuarai's shoulders and asked her to lean against his chest.

Haiyuan Ai's body trembled, but she didn't resist. She took advantage of the situation and chose a comfortable position, leaning slightly sideways and lying in Qingshui Koji's arms.

Her hair just reached under Shimizu Koji's chin, and her ears were right on Shimizu Koji's chest.

Warm, silent, cozy, an unprecedented feeling.

"By the way, you smell so good~."

But it only lasted less than a minute before this delicate atmosphere was broken.

Hearing Qingmizu Koji's words, Haihara Ai froze from head to toe, and his eyes froze.

And Koji Shimizu was just stating the facts and had no other meaning. Haihara Ai really smelled good, in a physical sense.

? !

Haiyuan Ai slowly stood up from Qingshui Koji's arms, and looked at each other with Qingshui Koji calmly with a very complicated curiosity.

Her shyness had almost dissipated, and her delicate white face turned visibly red again.

"hentai! Die!"


"Dong dong——"

There was a knock on the door again. This time it was Qingmizu Koji who opened the door. His expression was okay.

Haibara Ai just wanted to give him a panda eye with one punch, but with her physique and speed, not to mention she couldn't hit Shimizu Koji at all. Even if she could hit him, it would probably be the same as a massage.

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

When he opened the door, there was no one in sight. When he lowered his head, he saw a Conan.

Regarding his inadvertent height discrimination, Conan's eyes twitched slightly twice, and it was over.

"Qingshui, Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others are next door. Let me ask you and Haiyuan to go over and have a chat."


Koji Shimizu didn't comment, just repeated Conan's words softly and looked at him condescendingly.

Conan was stunned for a moment before squeezing out the words through his teeth, "Please, yes please."

"Okay, I got it, go right away."

After touching Conan's head, Shimizu Koji shut him out.

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