Great Swordsman Ke Xue

Chapter 217 The person knocking on the door

After Kasaka Natsumi agreed, everyone dispersed and returned to their respective rooms.

Shimizu Koji and Haibara Ai are still in the same room. This is already the default combination for others, and the two of them have become accustomed to it.

Huihara Ai walked around the room, back and forth, and at the same time made tea for the two of them.

Koji Shimizu is not always the waiter alone. The tea table in this room is well designed. Haibara Ai can reach it by just tiptoing a little, and there is no need to move a stool.

Since the coffee was confiscated by Shimizu Koji, Haibara Ai has gradually become accustomed to drinking tea. The faint tea smell is indeed not bad.

Her habits of more than ten years had quietly changed.

Shimizu Koji leaned on the sofa and moved his neck slowly. The Suzuki Museum of Art naturally has a high-end lounge that is enough to spend the night, but I don't know why last night. Maybe it was a stiff neck and a stiff neck.

And Haiyuan Ai noticed his movements from the corner of his eye, raised his brows slightly, and turned his face away slightly.

Last night she and Shimizu Koji shared a bed. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she found that she had unknowingly run into Shimizu Koji's arms again. She struggled out carefully, but in the end she accidentally involved Shimizu Koji.

Well, Shimizu Koji was used to the edge of the pillow, so he fell off the pillow when Haihara Ai moved him. Haihara Ai carefully tried twice more, but he could neither help him back on the pillow nor put him under his head. Put a pillow under it.

But after doing it twice, she got tired of it. When she was covered by the quilt, she groaned in her heart, so she just ignored it and continued to sleep. After all, Koji Shimizu was also a superman.

And, hum o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o.

Hui Yuan Ai was making tea and looking at the white water vapor coming out, she felt that her face was also moist, and her face turned slightly red.

She had tried her best to avoid thinking about yesterday afternoon, but she couldn't help it.

"Dong dong——"

However, the sudden knock on the door interrupted her memories. Koji Qingshui just turned his head without getting up. Haihara Ai glanced at the lazy man on the sofa, turned around and walked towards the door.

She raised her hand above her head and twisted the door handle. While opening the door, Koji Shimizu watched her actions from behind and couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Huiyuan Ai paused when he heard the sound, and an unknown fire arose in his heart.

But before she could turn around and get angry, as soon as she opened the door, a camera suddenly shot in front of her from top to bottom.

"Oh~, it turns out it's this cute little girl, oh~~, she's full of energy, she's very cute, let uncle——"

Han Chuanlong wanted to bring the camera closer, almost hitting Haihara Ai directly, but when he pushed it, he found that the camera in his hand didn't move at all, and the screen went black.

He raised his head with some fright and confusion, and saw a slender and strong hand pressing against the lens of his camera.

His eyes widened immediately because that was a lens! !

"Hey! What are you doing!!! Get your dirty hands away!!!"

Ryuu Samkawa broke through his defense in a second, and while he was shouting anxiously, he had already made up his mind that if his lens was damaged, he must let this stinky boy Shimizu Koji pay double compensation to him!

But unexpectedly, Shimizu Koji did let go of his hand, but he let go in such a way that he was stunned.


There was a small but clear tearing sound, and his lens, along with part of the camera's connection part, was ripped off by Koji Shimizu.

The well-proportioned and sharp-edged gaps seemed like neat pieces of a puzzle. As long as Koji Shimizu was willing to put them back in, maybe his camera could still be used.

Hanchuanlong opened his eyes wide, and his mouth also opened wide unconsciously.

Koji Shimizu skillfully pressed the button again, and the memory card fell out of the camera and fell into his hand.

Before Hanchuan Ryuu could react, there was a "bang", and all that was left for him was a cold door and -

Several Japanese yen bills slowly floated down from the sky.

Han Chuanlong came to his senses, and the anger in his heart made him immediately want to slam the door and curse.

But whether it was Koji Shimizu's cold glance in his mind, or the camera in his hand that looked like a meadow ravaged by an 18-level tornado, they all made him calm down at the most critical moment.

Han Chuanlong raised his hand and stopped one centimeter in front of the door.

At this time, in the corridor, Xiaolan heard the noise and opened the door, as well as Sonoko, Kazuha, Kasaka Natsumi and Nishino Masato who came from a distance, all taking in the situation here.

But no one knew what happened. Conan trotted out and saw Ryuu Samkawa holding a camera in the distance, standing at the door of Koji Shimizu with a pale face and dull eyes.

Combining the previous knock on the door and Han Chuanlong's style of blaming people and taking random pictures, his little heart suddenly tightened.

Hey, hey, this guy, can't he-? !

This is so audacious!

There were a few Japanese yen bills scattered at Hanchuanlong's feet. Xiaolan looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but asked curiously and concernedly: "Mr. Hanchuan, what happened?"

"Ah, haha, no, nothing happened."

Han Chuanlong came back to his senses and turned his head with a smile on his face.

For the first time, his status as a freelance journalist (publicly known) who always claimed to be righteous did not give him enough courage to find trouble with someone who was clearly just a middle school student.

Putting the camera directly into his pocket, Han Chuanlong hesitated for a moment, bent down, picked up the money honestly, smiled kindly at Xiaolan and the others, and then turned around and left without looking back.

I can only say that fortunately, his camera is just a camera for daily shooting.

Otherwise, he might really try his best.

"How strange."

Xiaolan looked at Hanchuanlong's back, blinked, and couldn't help but sigh.

Then, she turned her gaze to the other side. Yuanzi and Ye also looked at Hanchuanlong's disappearing back, and just retracted their gaze.

"Tch, he's just a nasty guy."

Heye pouted and folded his hands in front of his chest. The disdain in his eyes was truly undisguised.

Next to her, Natsumi Kasaka smiled slightly and said nothing. Like Masato Nishino, they were all adults. Even if they were straightforward, they would not be as direct as Kazuha, which made people feel a little cute.

Yuanzi nodded in agreement, put his hands on his hips, and looked at Xiaolan with a happy expression again.

"Xiaolan, we came to play with you~!"

"Hey, welcome~, I'm planning to go find you Sonoko too!"

Xiaolan gave up her position. Yuanzi smiled and walked into her room first. The people who followed also greeted Xiaolan and walked into the room.

However, as soon as Master Nishino stepped into the room and saw the pigeon on the window sill inside, his expression suddenly changed. He covered his nose and hurriedly ran out of the door without looking back.

"Sorry, sorry, I won't interrupt."

"Eh?" Xiaolan was a little confused, and so was Conan.

However, the next moment, Conan was no longer confused.

"Conan, please go and call Qingshui and Xiao Ai over."

? ? ?

Conan blinked, as if the light bulbs in the scary atmosphere of a haunted house were flashing in his eyes.


At this time, let him go! ?

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