Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 931: Ascendant

"War Wolf 2", Chen Hao is an important supporting role.

"Fanghua", Chen Hao is the male number one.

"Certificate of Appreciation", Chen Hao is the third male.

"War Wolf 3", Chen Hao is the second male.

"Fanghua" came to an end, and interested people easily made a statistic. Currently, the Chinese movie is temporarily ranked in the top four, and Chen Hao has starred in all, and even a role like "War Wolf 2" is only a small role, both He has performed his own style and it is well remembered.

He also wrote, directed and performed "Charlotte's Trouble", which was close to two billion box office, and "Dark Knight", who participated in the performance, received 3 billion box office in China. "Ignorance", which received a lot of awards and was not bad at the box office.

Previously, I wrote and directed the immature Northeast rural comedy theme "Erlong Lake Haoge", which is currently not among the best in the face of today's brilliant results. "Why Sheng Meng", "Descendants of the Sun", "Prison Break", the three TV dramas shine across Asia, the latter shines across the world, eliminating the "unreasonable" unreasonable places, in addition to some so-called The moral-criticism of the story has gained a really good reputation simply from the wonderful level of the story. At present, the second season has not yet started shooting, and it has received a lot of attention. The important characters in the play now enter the ranks of the most popular TV series in the United States.

Some people say that Chen Haohong is too fast. That ’s because of the special spread of the song. The really good songs do n’t know national boundaries, whether you are a popular star or not. Several consecutive English songs have established his position in the world music scene. But in the film and television industry, he came out step by step. Maybe someone will say that he is lucky and each character is red and purple. But you have to know that if you change these characters to perform, you may not be red.

There is a lot of data. They like to list all kinds of data belonging to Chen Hao, including how many copies of "Fanghua" sold at home and abroad, and some people go to statistics. Although it is not necessarily 100% accurate, it is also inseparable.

Domestically, it sold 4 million copies.

Nearly 2 million copies have also been sold worldwide, but most of these 2 million copies are concentrated in island countries, South Korea, and some countries in Southeast Asia. A certain South is a country that firmly resists this book. After all, the battlefield of Liu Feng's battle As terrible as this, the enemy of this country is the army of this country.

In terms of music, low production has become the biggest barrier to Chen Hao's achievements. Many professionals have said that Chen Hao is a singer delayed by acting. If he can continue to create, even if there are only two or three songs a year, the current He is already the hottest singer in the world. But even so, the Chinese Collection was still selling well, and no one saw one because he saw such a low yield.

On the Internet, Lele has been recognized as the basic platform for the performing arts circle. More and more artists enter the real-name certification. Occasionally, they will broadcast live broadcasts and lively with everyone. As the big brother of this platform, even Jackie Chan is invited to register. In the first show, the number of live broadcasts was less than half of Chen Hao's live broadcast. The most unlucky ones are Xiaolu and Xiaoguan. These two can only choose to abandon this platform. Other platforms do not have such great influence. Brokerage companies Therefore, they all suffered huge losses. They secretly contacted the large guilds on Lele, hoping to cooperate.

The answer is the fastest response without even a bit of euphemism-we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

Reject directly.

In the real world, the battle of Haomen and Luhan was seen by everyone. When it came to Lele, even if some major guilds actually wanted to fight against and develop newcomers, they tried to reach the height of Chen Hao. If it was Luhan, it would be more ideal. The foundation is placed there, it is easier to get results, and you should never dare to try it easily. Once the exposure has not yet achieved good results, the war that once swept the entire network will break out again. With the current combat effectiveness of Haomen, these people on the network It's too clear. Absolute fighting madmen. Unless the little deer classmates fully switch to the development of the network, they will be broadcast live for at least two days in a row for at least two months in a row. These super guilds have confidence in the network. Let the deer fans fight against Haomen.


These four words describe Chen Hao at the present time. However, such characters can also deserve a large number of partners who came out of the forest and ran to the era of happy gathering to wait for the news. Now no matter what invitation or script, it is not The delivery is over. It's too much. How can I show it to Chen Hao? In order? This is all competition. Just arrange people. Every day, you can run the line of the era of gathering together in the form of squatting points. You can communicate immediately when you have any things.

Next, what is Chen Hao ’s schedule?

This is the news that most people want to know. It needs to be inquired from all angles. Chen Hao broadcasted publicly to complete the wild survival live broadcast himself. On the afternoon of the same day, some departments in the era of reunion opened the welcome mode. Since it is here, ask Chen Hao's itinerary is the main business. I will contact the people here to know the feelings of the people. I will inquire about the next work direction of the era of happy gathering. Perhaps from a certain project, we can infer the next movement of Chen Hao.

After work, many employees have received invitations from the dining board to varying degrees. In this regard, the company never has many restrictions on employees, and what they know is really limited. The words are nothing to other artists. Chen Hao even if all the schedules have been planned here, the people below know that it is not very useful. They all know that the unshakable brother in the company is very casual. Those planned schedules are not easy to change. Here, he waved his hand casually, and the people below will adjust immediately. Even if someone outside listens to what they hear, there is nothing to do here in the company, so these employees in the company will naturally face some invitations from the dining room, and I can disclose what I can disclose, and it ’s easy to explain to the client. As a company, I, as an employee, did not harm the company's interests.

The same is true for senior executives. Not only is Chen Hao laying a golden egg, but several others who have been baptized in "Fanghua" are also inviting invitations and appointments. Artists are fragrant, and company employees are also fragrant.

When Chen Hao got off the plane from Fengtian, he received a WeChat message sent by Tiange. Tiange almost didn't type, and the messages were all voice: "Many people in the company are invited to eat out at night today. But it's all because of you. I want to find out when you will return to work and the work arrangements for the next quarter. If you say that if I have a temporary meeting, will the senior executives, middle management and employees below scold me secretly. "

"Brother, I'll go home to accompany my family first. The work schedule for the second half of the year is still the same as before, and quality should not be the output." After returning a message from Tiange, Chen Hao had already entered the Mercedes-Benz business from the second son.

Soon, Tian Brother returned a message: "Many people are asking me today, when do you release a new song, a song, a website with music has opened ten million copyrights, Haozi, tell me the truth , Is your kid playing hunger marketing? "

Chen Hao smiled bitterly, shook his head, picked up the phone and held back a voice message: "Brother, how dare I, I'm really busy, don't want to be too tired, and have no inspiration. Otherwise, the company collected a few songs for me Song, let me record an EP? "

Ten seconds later, Tian Ge's phone number called directly: "Shit, are you kidding your brother and collecting a few songs for you? If it doesn't meet your song standards, you won't be scolded Dead? Your kid doesn't stop at Yanjing. People from the United States have been waiting here for a few days. I came to the company every day and I hid twice after seeing it. "

"Brother, you're right, let them wait first, it's not bad for these three or five days. I go home to accompany my family ~ ~ Smith and Smith" is not troublesome. The second season of "Jailbreak" There is still time.

Brother Tian ’s voice is full of ridicule: "Okay, your kid ’s waist rod is hard, even with our waist rod, you do n’t know yet, the second season of" Jailbreak ", but it gave you two million The increase in the pay for one episode, many people in the United States find it unbelievable and unacceptable. After that, other big red TV shows, I do n’t know how to pay for it. You, one person, can account for one quarter of the investment or even One third, many people are shouting that they will not be able to shoot in the future. "

Chen Hao made a haha, this kind of thing is just a gossip, can I still say that I can lower my salary a little, he didn't want to be so high. The original intention was to add one hundred and twenty thousand, which is totally fine. One hundred thousand episodes is scary, and these two million are even more historical. Even if the script of the second season was made in fifty minutes, the episodes were compressed. The price of two million Chen Hao felt that Too high.

The two people talked on the phone for more than 20 minutes. They were very relaxed, their careers were so good, and they were making money every day. The value of such struggles reached the expected goals of both of them. Enjoying life became The current theme is that Chen Hao seems to be lazy, and Tian Ge understands it very much. He has a long history. He knows his little brother very well. If he squeezes him crazy, it is estimated that he wo n’t be able to pick it up in less than a year An evergreen tree, good quality to ensure its status, Changhong for twenty or thirty years, this is the king.

Chen Hao was glad that he had met some visionary partners and big brothers instead of the short-sighted people.

If you think about it, if Jing Tianlin and others are short-sighted people, you don't need to find a fixed long-term partner like Chen Hao. They want to make money, which is definitely easier than expected.

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