Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 932: Buy 1 get 1 free

Today's Lianquan Village is particularly lively. A large second-hand car trading center makes a variety of small businesses nearby. People come and go to connect with the suburban towns on the edge. This is the development of Meicheng suburbs. Provides a little capital.

Chen Hao's car drove directly from the village road on the edge of the trading center to the village road leading to Lianquan Village. The electronic railing at the entrance separated the liveliness here from the tranquility of the village inside.

In other villages, roadside drainage ditches and other places will be occupied by crops. Without leaving a little land, you can plant an extra row of rice and you can harvest more. In Lianquan Village, everyone took the initiative to give up the location of the roadside drainage ditch, and even clearly marked pedestrians on the ground.

Every family is a brand new house and yard. The whole village is opened all the way, and it is occasionally possible to smell some of the atmosphere exclusive to it, but overall, it is exceptionally clean, let alone the Chen family, and it is now the center of the village. For the building, the village committee is less than 20 meters from the side of the Chen family. On the outside of the village committee, there is a small leisure square and a small basketball court. There are more than 20 kinds of outdoor fitness facilities around. instrument.

The sun was the strongest at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and almost no one was visible in the village. Even if something happened, they hurried to their destination. It was not like adults and children ran out to play after the sun set in the evening. There is no need to play here I am worried that my child will be hit by a car. The cars that can be driven in are all from the village. They are all family members. Everyone has children. They are extremely careful to drive in the village.

If you do n’t come back for a period of time, Chen Hao will find some changes in the village. The biggest feeling this time is to see the solar water heaters on the new houses and the air-conditioning hanging on the side of the house. You can also see many yards parked. Cars, and family garages under construction.

Richness makes this village filled with a kind of happy tranquility. In this respect, Chen Hao will not be arrogant, but his credit is his credit, so there is no need to push it out. Enter the hospital, get off the bus and see the parents and family, see the happy smiles on their faces, then this is the best return.

It's like the lyrics: "Mom prepared a good table."

In the dining room, a large table is set up, and family members are already in place. The deliciousness of a large table, the appearance of high-grade seafood and high-quality ingredients and Wuliangye wine are a demonstration of the improvement of the quality of life of this family. Chen Hao is afraid of his parents at home. I still ca n’t bear to spend money on myself, so the second-hand car trading center, after the quarterly financial settlement, saves some expenses and reserves for development funds, and the rest of the profits are paid to the home side, just beginning Chen Yuanping The couple is not thinking about holding their son, but with more and more money, they find that the concept of consumption has become more and more blurred with the concept of the role of money, and the concept of consumption has also gone up. The old couple drives the car to the city from time to time. To buy some clothes here.

In the past two years, they did not dare to say how many clothes they bought. Now, in the fourth quarter of a year, more clothes are bought than in the past two decades. That ’s it, Chen Xue and Chen Yu still do it from time to time. Bring them back everything from the outside.

The eldest husband, Madfu, is also a personal character in Meicheng now. He has also acquired shares in Xiaoxun's business, and now he can earn millions every year.

Kang Yan never had the money here, and he threw the card directly to Chen Yu. Here, Chen Hao also transferred the shares of his housekeeping service company to her second sister. Now she works as a nurse in the hospital. It really is to find something to do for myself, otherwise in this small city, it is entirely possible to rely on stock dividends and live the life of a rich lady.

The life of grandparents and grandpa were also taken over by Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei. Although Grandpa still lives in his son's house, Qiao Xinmei bears all the monthly living expenses and all medical expenses, and occasionally there is some water in it. Qiao Xinmei also knew in her heart that they were all siblings, and pretending to be stupid was also an option.

Of course, one premise that all life does not deteriorate—Chen Haozai, according to grandparents, the Chen family ’s banner is inserted there, only the Chen family and the Qiao family. If this banner is down, You guys are asshole.

The words are not rough, and because of this, Chen Hao set the rules a long time ago. He is not used to it. Whether it is to find our house to do business or think that we are a cash machine to come to get money, you have If you ca n’t take advantage, everyone is relatives, you can help, you can help, but if you are an indisputable thing, you can sit on the back of a big tree and eat in the mountains, even if you really have One day in a cage, don't blame us for not caring about our relatives.

Every time Chen Hao came back, he refused to hurry up. A large group of people came to him, and it was good for his family to sit and eat and drink.

Companionship doesn't have to be vigorous. Even if you lie on your **** and fiddle with your mobile phone, your parents are sitting there, which is also called companionship, at least they can look up at you at any time.

The countryside is just comfortable. The fire is a bit hot, and there is no need to spread a quilt. You can lie directly on the leather with a pillow. The heat under you will not make you sweat. However, it is exceptionally refreshing and more comfortable than turning on the air conditioner. After you have eaten, if you go there, you will feel drowsy unconsciously. This is the night when Chen Hao comes back. If you eat at noon and sleep in the afternoon, it will not be much better.

That night, Chen Hao did not return to the studio in the city, nor did he go upstairs to his room. In the parents' room downstairs, he laid a bedding on the huge fire, and accompanied his parents to watch TV chat. Finally, I revisited the normal life and routine of rural people of the old age.

The mobile phone was turned off directly, and the lights went off at about nine o'clock, and the parents got up at six in the morning. It was too late. When it was necessary to go off to work, it was normal for the Chen Yuanping couple to get up at five in the morning.

Working at sunrise and dying at sunset, the laws of life make their physical conditions far better than most of their peers in the city.

Chen Hao didn't tell anyone about the news of going home. The studio did not pass by. He was at home and stayed peacefully for a day and two nights, staying with his family. Although it was just a simple meal, chat and watch TV, It belongs to the happiness of this family.

On the third day, it was still not bright. Chen Hao drove to Fengtian Airport to pick up Xiao Di, who had slumbered, but didn't go home. He went directly to the studio first, and held her in her room to keep her full. After a full sleep, I didn't wake up until noon, and my spirit recovered.

Chen Hao didn't know. After only staying at home for one afternoon, Xiaodi had to rush to the airport to leave. She was giving up her whole day's rest. She flew over from midnight yesterday to this evening. Take a rest day and rest to the northeast, staying with the boyfriend's family for an afternoon, the mind is always bigger than any form.

Chen Hao had one night of rest time for her, so she didn't let Xiaodi go by herself. She returned to Yanjing with her that night. Early in the morning, she accompanied her to a brand event as the brand ’s. The spokesperson, Xiao Di ’s behavior of buying one, getting one free, made a domestic first-tier jewelry brand feel a sense of flamboyance. The scene was fully arranged on the day. Chen Hao appeared completely temporarily, and he appeared in just ten minutes. In time, the number of people gathered at the scene exceeded the previous several times, and Chen Hao, the ambassador of the flower throughout the process, accompanied Xiao Di to complete all the activities of brand promotion.

When they left, the car experienced several ordeal. The organizer used all the security personnel, surrounded the car, and drove forward a little bit. It took more than 20 minutes for the car to leave a passageway to leave. The picture once again made people across the country witness Chen Hao's Ru-Ji-Zhong-Tian.

This is just one buy one get one free this time. When the brand gave Xiaodi's endorsement fee for the next year, he took the initiative to increase it by half. ~ A reason, as long as Xiao Di is still with Chen Hao, all her endorsement products are worth upgrading this half, and will never be disadvantaged. When more spotlights are concentrated on Chen Hao, as his female Friends will definitely be taken care of, and everything in her will be more concerned.

In the afternoon, Xiaodi went to a show, and Chen Hao went into the studio to review the post-editing of the survival live broadcast in the wild. The standards of the previous issues were not bad. Look, then sit down in the office.

"Kristen Stewart's China Tour!"

When he saw the news in the entertainment newspaper on the table, he remembered that he had promised the other party and called for lunch at noon the next day. Then he would be a friend and briefly accept Yang Lan's questions. Interview, added to the program Christine was interviewed.

His sentiment is so great. Kristin was just happy when she first knew it. Good friends can help the town. The friendship of the landlord is very well done. She can be her agent and director of Yang Lan ’s show. After receiving the news, it was exactly the second reaction. The entire interview draft was re-recruited for review. The entire team strengthened all the supporting service levels. Christine also learned from his agent that the friendship of the landlord was sent to him. God's love came over.

As long as Chen Hao appears in the show for a few minutes, the ratings of this show are within the range of Huaxia. According to Kristin's current popularity level in Huaxia, at least ten times or more, including those who cannot recognize a foreign star at all. Middle-aged viewers, if any of them like Chen Hao, they will also go and watch this show. Who tells Chen Hao to appear in it?

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