Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 930: World No. 2 is also good

Playing parkour in the old forest in the mountains, every viewer who sees it will be addicted even if he doesn't like the sport. However, there are no protections and no familiar places. Chen Hao dares to play here and play outside. Eighty-tenth action can hit one hundred and twenty here.

The unique small waterfall formed by nature makes the water flow clear and I really want to embrace it. Chen Hao really walked under the small waterfall. Although the water flow at a height of only three or five meters hit it, the impact is quite large. Let the waterfall The water rushed down and hit me.

In the river water, I will show you what real radon is, and five or six minutes will be enough to make the live broadcast exclaim.

In some small cliffs or areas without roads, the four people did not have much external protection measures, relying on their own powerful strength, carrying tens of kilograms of weight to climb the mountain. Attentive fans found that by this time, Chen Hao's rucksack is Zhou Peng's. At this time, Zhou Peng, who thought he was the strongest one, would find that he was actually the weakest one.

I did n’t feel anything at first, but when I watched the playback later, I found that this was a very touching scene. Chen Hao and the four went into the village. In this original village, everyone was self-sufficient, and there would only be one every year. Two or three times, young and middle-aged people formed a team to go outside the mountain to exchange for some necessary daily necessities.

To the arrival of Chen Hao, the village welcomed them with the most sincere sincerity, and Chen Hao and others also showed their sincere heart. Here, any bad intentions will be condemned first.

When they stayed for a day and left, they basically stayed in the village except for some necessary equipment. In a place where there was a shortage of a lot of daily necessities, in things we felt useless, they were all treasures.

The people in the village did not know that the equipment left by Chen Hao would have a certain impact on his next trip. Although he had intentionally changed some ideas, leaving the village was from the heart.

Nearly twenty days, four of Chen Hao came out of the mountain, everyone felt thinner. Anyone who lived here for twenty days would have the same result. When they came out of the mountain, they should throw their equipment directly. Throw it away, just carry the live broadcast equipment, take out the wallet placed in the small medical box, just ate a meal in a small town without stopping, take a car to the nearby county, and find a good hotel here After contacting the outside world, Qiuyu appeared in the county seat with a person driving two off-road vehicles one day later.

When Chen Hao got into the car and the car drove out of the county seat, he drove a live broadcast in the car to inform you. At this point, the live broadcast of wild survival is over. In this time of nearly 20 days, Chen Hao has gained a lot, and he has completely relaxed for 20 days. He doesn't want anything, completely free himself to enjoy this unique trip to see this unique landscape.

Mainline missions. The pure anchor income will reach 100 million within the next year. Most of it has been completed. During these 20 days of live broadcast, every day, big brothers come to brush gifts. Fans can also brush the gifts within their ability. A group of 66 lollipops, six dollars and six cents are ok.

The daily tasks are merged into the 'Great Script' task. Fans feed back and drink water source. Chen Hao's commitment to make a great impression on his fans and let more and more fans have the 'loyalty' of **** fans. , The distance from opening the anchor's special halo is getting closer.

The harvest of hardware is far worse than the harvest of software, and the potential harvest is far less than the current harvest.

This live broadcast, which has been maintained for nearly 20 days worldwide, has been edited by many countries. The image of superstar Chen Hao in such an environment has been clearly established. In the past, his image in everyone ’s eyes was to a certain extent. The subversion of those, the halo that seemed to be vain over him, this time has a solid foundation and clearly docked with him.

After a simple live broadcast for half an hour, Chen Hao started to call the people he cares about one by one, the parents first, and reported to them that they were safe. In the past 20 days, Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei have learned how to watch their son's live broadcast in Lele. They will not be limited by time. Once they receive the live broadcast notification from their son, they will definitely watch it as soon as possible.

At home, the TV also opened the Lele channel and looked at his son's smiley face. Despite the difficult environment, the Chen Yuanping couple were not worried about his own problems, they were only worried about potential dangers, and they were slightly distressed. A cave or a mountain stream is better with a fire, sometimes just wrapped in a sleeping bag and a raincoat. I feel distressed when I think about it. If I sleep, even if I am physically fit, I wo n’t catch a cold, have a cold, and I wo n’t feel like sleeping. Well, if you change your body slightly, you will either fall into a pillow or be skewed by the oblique wind.

After learning that his son came out safely, the couple's first request was to let the son go home for a few days and stay in the mountain for so long. They didn't believe that he had any work schedules so busy that he had to do it immediately. Chen Hao readily agreed, and also intentionally told his mother, I think you have prepared a few dishes, prepare them for me, and I will eat them when I go back.

Later, Chen Hao called Xiaodi again. She was recording a running man and was full of distress. She learned that Chen Hao would go home. She explained that she had rushed to the northeast overnight after the recording, and met the day after tomorrow.

After some phone calls, Chen Hao simply reported peace. When she was sunny, she was as sturdy as she was. She just asked if Xiaodi would come over. After learning that she would come over, she said bluntly: "That's OK, you yourself Just take care. I ’m going to start shooting here, it ’s all your kid ’s fault. The elder sister lives very nourishing every day. The plan to travel outside in the early summer of this year has been delayed. I was also given two roles. You want to Tired of me? Also, I do n’t care. Now the scripts of all the roads are handed over, and there are various activities. The guilds on my side have merged into Huayi. You are more familiar with them, tell them first Understood, I don't want to be red ... "

"I know." Chen Hao really knew what Sunny was going to say. Instead of making a big red face, it would be better to clarify things in advance, so that everyone would not be embarrassed.

Do not want to be red, this is definitely one of the strangest requirements, but it is not a rare thing in the circle, there are many deep backgrounds just to play tickets, but there are few people with a mentality like sunny days.

I do what I like to do. When I act as an actor, I do n’t reject it, but I reject it as a money-making machine. I also exclude myself from being trapped in an uncontrollable trap. I do n’t want to be a marionette-like artist.

"Let me talk about the script. I will also help you pay attention. There are really fun characters and I will give you suggestions."

"I know it ’s Lao Chen that you understand me. The fun of the script is the most important. Do n’t say anything at the box office. Do n’t say anything about winning. Those are not my dishes. Okay, I wo n’t tell you, go back and take a good rest. Chances are, if you make Everest's team, I always feel that climbing Everest is more reliable with your team. "

"no problem."

To say that Xiaodi is a traditional love, each other can think of each other, and each other's hearts can also be together. When you are with each other, you will feel comfortable. When you think about each other, you will feel warm. I do n’t feel any pressure to think about living together in the future, I will look forward to it,

With Sunny, that ’s really a relationship beyond most people ’s understanding. Two independent individuals, independent, never imagined that these two people would piece together a family, and each of them has a very strong personality. The simple point of self-awareness is that they are strong with each other. Sunny does not need a vassal, nor does it make herself a vassal of others, and she is not accustomed to the short life of her parents. She likes the current lifestyle, likes Chen Hao, and occasionally has a thicker feeling than water ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ Most of the time, each other is only a close friend who can fully believe in each other, and sunny days never think about disturbing Chen Hao's life. Perhaps, every few days from the future Chen Hao's wife, it is her ability to The most Chen Hao way of thinking set for herself, she will not have any so-called moral pressure, that thing will never be recognized by her.

Everyone is selfish. Between your happiness and my happiness, what makes you happy. Sunny never hides her selfishness, so she and Chen Hao are righteous and able to ask Xiaodi, it ’s all for Chen Hao ’s sake, and that ’s all. As for whether she feels selfish or not I feel that she is not good enough, without this confidence, she will not be sunny.


Chen Hao came out of the old forest in the mountains.

After the news spread, the company, the agent team, and Qiu Yu started to be busy again. Chen Hao also learned after coming out that after nearly two months of screening, the box office reached 4.8 billion. The box office for the next 20 days is less and less every day. In fact, it can be dragged. In the end, Xiao Gang Cannon and Chen Hao have a certain B. Huayi and Huanju Times asked them for their opinions. The opinions are unanimous.

You have to say that you can still maintain more than 10 million box office every day, dragging it down is fine. After the final sprint, it was reduced to a box office of less than 10 million a day. Going to torture each other again, the world's second is also very good, not to mention that the box office, will not stand there for a long time, in view of the current development trend of the Chinese movie market, this record is really just standing there temporarily.

At the major theater lines, the curtain came to an end, and Huaxia Film History ranked temporarily second at the box office.

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