Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 892: Working with Red Thunder

Come with personal grudges-profanity-profanity-film art.

Doug Liman is an idealized director. He cannot tolerate such a thing. Looking at Chen Hao, most of the previous dissatisfaction dispersed, and then the dissatisfaction with the company and those who are rich rises. How do you fight I have nothing to do, but this is not the reason why you use your work as a tool. The two films have an investment limit of more than 200 million. Even a company like Fox does not mean that you can pay for it. The damage to your reputation is even more Money cannot make up.

Doug Liman didn't watch Chen Hao's assessment, went directly to the side, picked up the phone and called the producer, let him convey the company's senior management, and vent his dissatisfaction to it, according to reason, how can any company be so willful, These are two very good productions in a year, are they just hurting each other? Wouldn't it be a joke to die?

Here, Christine is curious, and instructor Larry is a bit angry, but this anger did not last for a long time. After all, Chen Hao was not his soldier, and the assessment criteria could not refer to a qualified soldier. The only thing he did was to raise the assessment standards. At the beginning of the assessment, the absolute strength shown by the other party shocked him. Once the experts took the shot, he knew if there was any.

As a veteran who has seen blood on the battlefield, Larry also has a keen intuition. The initial anger was provoked by the authority. The real appearance of this, only to see the other party pant evenly and easily ran down a few kilometers, he knew , The other party is really expected, or a master.

Tactical actions and tactical sign language are completely flawless and can even be used as textbooks to train recruits in the army.

Hit the target.

Accuracy is not the purpose. The state of picking up the gun, the feeling between the body and the gun, and the professional use, Larry would like to say that you do not need such a standard. When filming, you will be asked to run a more cool line.

Response capability.

The two played a paintball CS game in Larry's training camp. Twenty minutes later, Larry had to admit that he had lost. In other respects, he was still a little confident, but if he said the reaction speed, he really felt that That guy's physical fitness is incredible and cannot be measured by normal opponents.

After a series of tests, Larry had a selfish desire to play afterwards. For all the training that this film can use, if the crew needs to meet the standard of sixty in his mind before he can start shooting, then he can now Give it a good two hundred percent.

In the era of being strong, we can fully show ourselves. People have this strength. There is really no need to conduct basic training here. It is a waste of time. Regarding desert training, Larry only asked Chen Hao, you can ?

"I can go alone in any desert area that you think humans can cross."

Enough, this answer is enough, Larry didn't even test it, and gave Doug Lehman a conclusion directly-MOUSE didn't need to be trained at all. By that time, my training for Christine had reached a certain stage. , The two can practice together and increase some tacit understanding.

Doug Liman knew why Chen Hao was anxious to leave, and he did n’t hesitate. He nodded and agreed to his departure. The embarrassment was that Kristin was going to be trained alone. Fortunately, this girl is a very professional and dedicated actor. Taking a curious look at Chen Hao's departure did not delay her as a professional actor to learn the supporting knowledge of the role.

At the end of the day's simple training, waiting for Larry and Christine was a special invitation from Chen Hao. Others did not leave, but were with Doug Lehman. They spent all afternoon in the car studying the script, and also used this This behavior is familiar to the director, eliminating misunderstandings that may be caused by strangeness.

In the evening, Chen Hao invited several people to eat, and his attitude was very sincere. His actions left a good impression in Doug Liman's heart. Young people are confident and courageous, and they are stable. At least I won't worry about messing things up.

Specially arranged French dinner, two bottles of good wine, four hours of meal time, four people had a good time chatting, two professional actors wanted to shoot the characters, one director wanted to shoot the movie, and one seemed to be free In Larry other than the three, there is a lot of action action movies. There is action guidance on the one hand. The idea of ​​a real soldier with a unique perspective on many scenes also benefits the three, even though each time Larry It ’s not always useful to say what you say, there is MOUSE, you can adjust it anytime, anywhere when shooting.

For one meal, two hundred thousand dollars in consumption, and four hours of conversation, Chen Hao wiped out the underlying evil feelings in the cradle and was able to contribute to the creation of the work. I don't think this is inferior behavior. On the contrary, he feels that this is the most worthwhile thing to do, adding bricks to his dreams, instead of going self-defeating if he has the willful qualifications.


Doug Lieman's dissatisfaction is one thing. Fox is not really stupid. With so much money and reputation to engage in things, within a certain range, we will give you the face of Master Seedorf, but if you pass this degree , I'm sorry.

In "Prison Break", the crew's attitude has always been very good. The reason is here. I will give you MOUSE a difficult problem, but in all aspects I will pass on an attitude to you. As long as you are willing to pay a certain price, many things can be solved easily.

Who would have thought that the "Smith and Wife" group was clearly over there, and Chen Hao could still have nearly a month to shoot so easily. On the side of the "breakout" crew, the internal communication problem of a company was solved, and he wanted to Anyone who reads Chen Hao's joke on this issue can only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Reached the shooting prison, a prison that is about to be abandoned. I have to say that the crew is very lucky. This is a prison with insufficient capacity. The state is not willing to bear more costs. The producer of Fox Company After learning about this news, I started to run this film, sponsored a large amount of money to help the prisoners transfer, and promised to use it only for a period of time. This was a slight contradiction to the difficult excuse of Chen Hao. He arrived here to understand the actual situation. After the situation, there is no tangled, they have been abandoned, and where do you need hard time to shoot, and even the benefits of such a prison are many, many of the scenes that previously required scenes can now be played in prison, anyway, here It has been abandoned. The crew can use it arbitrarily, whether it is accessing channels or destroying some non-subject buildings. This also makes all scenes of the escape route in the play do not need to be set, and real shooting can be used here.

When Chen Hao arrived, all the crew of the crew were ready, and some large scenes that did not require the faces of people were filmed.

In the face of his arrival, everyone paid enough attention and did not despise the color of the skin. The role of the clown is enough to convince all the actors. The best supporting actor in Oscar is the number one in a TV series. Even if the difficulty of skin color is added in, it is more than enough, and even about the setting of the role of Lincoln Blues, the crew accepted the existence of another Chinese actor.

When filming abroad, actors from the same country naturally support each other. About the role of Lincoln, Chen Hao recommended it to the crew. Before the recommendation, he also met this person in Yanjing to talk about it. After this, you can be like a nephew. The role can be an American actor. This can be explained that Lincoln married a child born from an American girl, but the two brothers didn't have to say. When Chen Hao was found, Fox bought it. One-for-one preparation, I also secretly inspected some actors. The one recommended by Chen Hao, within the scope of the other party's consideration, has enough fame, image, and acting skills in Huaxia. The poor is the figure. After a period of time, Strengthening training, this weakness is also made up for the future China market is not icing on the cake because of the presence of Chen Hao, but it will also give the Chinese audience a feeling that this is our home theater, the development of the China market is sufficient .

"Brother Red Thunder."

Chen Hao came up first and gave a big hug to Sun Honglei, who was one step ahead, and fully expressed his position. Brother Hong Lei is a newcomer in your eyes, but I ’m not, I ’m a man holding an episode of 1.5 million US dollars. The number one is the core soul of this drama in Fox's eyes ~ ~ Whether it is an actor or a director, whoever wants to do something, weigh it first.

The producer of the American drama is the biggest producer. The role of the director is much smaller than that of the movie. Unless it is the first or second episode that asks a super director, otherwise the director ’s deterrent force in the crew is very small. Maybe you can't make two episodes and change people. Here is the face they want to give to the main actor, so Chen Hao comes up regardless of the behavior of others hugging with Sun Honglei first, no one feels anything.

Here, with the exception of the female number one who has not yet arrived, all actors have no fame in addition to Chen Haoda. He has this qualification and announced his strength on the first day of the crew. All cast members must recognize this. Kind of strong.

When I first considered this role, Ren Dahua, Huang Qiusheng, Zhang Hanyu, Wu Zhenyu, Sun Honglei, Jiang Wen, and Jiang Wu were all under consideration. Jiang Wen was the most suitable. Whatever the status of his family, he would not go to an American drama to become a younger brother. Either not strong enough or fierce enough. With the setting of the role of Lincoln Blues, in addition to the need for fitness, Sun Honglei is the most suitable.

To say hello first, is that Chen Hao runs this as a Chinese actor, respects his favorite senior actor, and asks if the other party wants to go, and if he can accept the remodeling of the image.

Sun Honglei also understands the situation in the United States. Being an actor is more pure and requires you to add weight to the role. There is nothing to say, you must come. His overall body feels enough, the difference is that the muscle feels worse, and the rest from height to body shape, plus a half bald image, are consistent with the image of Lincoln Blues.

Since deciding to take a photo, Sun Honglei started practicing in China. After that, he also hired a professional coach. During this period of time, the effect was obvious. Wearing prison uniforms, if you do n’t look at your face, you really ca n’t recognize it. .

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