Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 891: Children's play

Kang Yan, who has mixed rivers and lakes for many years, can become Master Chen Gang. For more than ten years, he also has his own personal contacts. He was the only contact person at the time and was also the current large regional manager of the West Asia company ), Such a gesture is not considered to be human, but the other party is very happy to see Kang Yan, knowing that he has found a home now, found love, found a future life direction, and is very happy for him.

Neither Chen Hao nor Chen Gang touched this bearded guy, said hello, and left time for him and Kang Yan. The life and death of others does not mean that they belong to their own connections. This is just humanity.

The meal was not shocked, and nothing unexpected happened. In the end, the meal meant nothing, and Chen Hao arrived at the place arranged by the crew on time the next morning. SEAL veteran Larry is waiting for them.

Christine was not late, and director Doug Lehman arrived on the scene early in the morning. The opponent's play between the two people in the whole drama is the absolute core. The performance of the two of them determines to a certain extent whether the film can be successful. .

Kristin apparently met with Doug Lehman before, and Chen Hao was the male No. 1 selected by the investor. Today is the first time he has met the director. There is no deliberate humility. Chen Hao just keeps In keeping with my usual style, I don't show my arrogance and give everyone enough respect. For the time being, we can't talk about friendship. It's just a simple working relationship and giving each other a state of work on an equal basis.

I met Kristin and the two for the first time. This actress who has become popular in "Twilight" has also made several films in recent years. All of them have difficult roles. The acting skills are Among the few young actors who have been recognized, if it is not the out-of-cabinet fact and a more maverick temperament, her fame should not reach only the present level.

We met with restraint for the first time, and we went straight into the subject after simple politeness. Larry is a very professional instructor. In the past few years, he has been engaged in related work. For how to train the two, they have already set a corresponding response. Training outline.

"Our training is mainly tactical movements and the use of corresponding equipment. To a certain extent, we also need to train the two's physical fitness and physical flexibility. I believe you should also know that this is very useful for the shooting of your videos." In In Hollywood, an actor filmed a movie for half a year. It is completely normal to use the protagonist theory. It is even more basic for an actor to make similar preparations for a play in advance, not to mention training, gaining weight or losing weight. No matter how handsome or beautiful, male or female stars will inevitably meet, although not 100% will do it, basically there will be a basic morality of an actor.

In this regard, Chen Hao has not concealed his praise in front of all the friends in the circle, and he is not afraid to open up the fact that everyone knows. Everyone knows that this model is good, and no one will talk about it and make money. Ah, our system is not so strict. Actors are also stars. They need to use various endorsement advertisements, commercial activities, commercial performances, etc. to earn some money that can only be earned as a star.

Kristin nodded and followed the assistants and staff to change clothes. Chen Hao didn't directly say that I didn't need this kind of training, but also silently followed people to change clothes.

At this time, Qiu Yu and others in LA received a notice from the crew of "Prison Break", hoping that Chen Hao could enter the group as soon as possible. The setting of the prison side over them had been completed, and a whole prison was taken out for shooting. , There are time restrictions, you need to enter the group in advance, otherwise you can not complete the time to complete the shooting.

This handwriting is very big, which means that there will be a hard time limit for shooting. Such a large prison cannot be used for you indefinitely, and the crew ’s authority in this area will be reduced.

Qiu Yu heard about Chen Hao muttering this, and the first moment when he received the phone, he wanted to refuse. What's the matter with this? The two crews belong to your Fox. Do n’t you know that Hao has just joined the group? The Smiths? What does it mean to send such a notice, is it deliberately making things difficult?

He ca n’t be the master. The company communicates with Fox. The contract between the two parties has autonomy. The person in charge of the Fox team is also very polite and patiently explained here. The prison over there is not used indefinitely. Once there are some accidents in the process, the progress will be slowed down, so Chen Hao needs to enter the group as early as possible, so as to coordinate the time of other actors.

In the end, the decision was still on Chen Hao, and the news was passed to him. The company had coordinated a very flexible time, but even so, it was too busy for him to be in two crews at the same time. It must be said that the domestic side has not hindered him, and there are no activities that must be on the scene, otherwise, time is too stretched.

"It's really nothing new. I don't go, do I say I'm not dedicated enough? Or how to hack me? Pediatrics." Chen Hao changed to a Marine Corps imitation training uniform, which was the most comfortable one he wore. There is also a staff member to guide him, after he undressed and put it on easily, realized that the person in front of him might be more than an actor.

Facing Larry, Chen Hao dressed in training clothes, making him thin and undressed, showing the state of meat completely, under the gray-green T-shirt, chest muscles and abdominal muscles Lines are clearly visible.

There are several guns on the table. While waiting for Kristin, Larry smiled and signaled that Chen Hao could play with them, just training two people, but not too strict requirements, and time. It ’s abundant, and Larry does n’t have to be serious. Besides, looking at Chen Hao ’s body, at least he pays attention to maintenance and professional fitness, so that he will have less trouble, and his physical fitness can reach a certain standard. Professional foundation It is also easier to train.

"Instructor, how long do we need to train."

"It is relatively abundant. According to the requirements of the crew, it can be achieved within one month. You want the plot of the desert, you may have to carry out some corresponding training, the main thing is to make you look like a soldier."

"Oh." Chen Hao wasn't idle and didn't have cool quick dismantling guns, but even that was scary enough. Larry and Doug Liman were watching, and he was chatting with you here. The firearms have been dismantled over there. Its professionalism can be seen from this.

"Huh?" Larry was interested. In the United States, there has never been any golden mean, a high-profile symbol of strength, and when he asked for some details about the gun, Chen Hao's answer also made him very satisfied, if not Chris Ting had changed his clothes and came out. He planned to take the induction gun and go to the battlefield with Chen Hao to play a field CS.

Kristin and Chen Hao looked at each other, and they were shocked by each other. Yan knew that this Chinese man is very strong. In reality, he could see from a close distance. However, for those who are used to the strong men in the West, she is moved by the other side ’s lines, which makes her look good in this training suit.

To Kristin, Chen Hao still remembered when she was watching the first part of "Twilight". At that time, she was still a fat girl. With thick legs, you still go to the movies to this day, you will feel that it is not with her A person is different now. When she became a star, she began to force restrictions on her body. She also has the temperament she has seen in the world, and the unique style brought by her dark green eyes. Now she can really use cold -Yan-to describe.

"From now on, you have to train with me at least four days a week until you meet the eligibility criteria. Of course, if you think you can do it now, I can assess you right away. So you don't have to Come, just wait for the film to start shooting. "Larry's words are more or less meant for Chen Hao, not to intentionally embarrass him ~ ~ just felt a confidence from his eyes, this confidence is the instructor's right The last thing he wanted to see as a trainee made him feel that his prestige as an instructor had been threatened.

The original intention is to beat, but also to intentionally test. If you really run out and say that you can do it, I will tell you that even if you know Chinese skills, you must learn from the beginning in the real professional field.

Doug Lehman frowned, and Christine looked curiously. Both of them felt the atmosphere. How could Chen Hao, as a client, not feel: "I took a company Two dramas, "Jailbreak" asked me to join the group, the prison scene is not easy to borrow, one month, can you finish the filming of me in the past and go to the cinema, instructor Larry, here I am sorry Now, if you have something that I need to master, I will still come back and learn from you humbly. "

What this means is obvious, I'm leaving now.

Up, Larry wanted to give Ma Wei, since you dare to provoke, then come the most difficult, first come to physical fitness and counter-terrorism-combat tactical actions and sign language.

Doug Liman was very dissatisfied. He felt that Chen Hao was too arrogant, but as the male No. 1 selected above, he did not have the right to change. Hearing Chen Hao's explanation, despite his dissatisfaction, he chose to go to the side to inquire. Whether it's useful or not, at least determine his senses.

In this inquiry, Doug Lehman was very angry, and immediately contacted the company. Even if there were two companies, there was no such malicious competition, let alone a company. There was no problem with the contract signed by Chen Hao. Now it is a company. Two dramas, you guys are still playing this kind of nasty, isn't this breaking your own stage? Over 100 million has been invested in movies, and over 100 million has been invested in TV shows. Are you in a child show?

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