Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 893: Tough at the top of the food chain

When abroad, Sun Honglei also adjusted his mentality. In fact, there is nothing too much to adjust. In the country, few people dare to say that they should put their old qualifications in front of Chen Hao. That is definitely a shame. Here, seeing that Hao Zi was able to maintain his attitude towards himself, Sun Honglei was very happy.

It's not that easy to mingle abroad. After only a few days, he felt deeply that it was not easy to mingle here.

There is no need to say the language barrier. This is big enough. Sun Honglei has worked hard enough to learn. He has never given up learning in these years. He has enough skills in lines. Now he not only works hard every day, but also occupies him. More time to learn English.

Everyone knows the influence of American dramas in China in the past, and everyone in the world. The strong American dramas in recent years have subverted everyone ’s expectations of TV series. Do n’t say that “Game of Thrones” is a super special effect blockbuster. What about those American dramas that have become popular all over the world through literary plays?

After Sun Honglei got the script of "Jailbreak", he read it many times. As an actor with a high pursuit of acting, he wanted to break through the fixed image of the year, so he joined the variety show to sell adorable, although the play was still somewhat There is a shadow of the previous character, but we must know that this will be a drama broadcast worldwide. The level of the character of Lincoln is more than some inherent evil images.

I overestimated all the difficulties I might encounter. After I came to the crew, I still underestimated the difficulties I would encounter here. The cast members were xenophobic and clear. In the past few days, the communication between Sun Honglei and other actors was almost zero. The role of grasp, he can only lie down at night, to see his assistants and company professionals gathered about some characteristics of the prison here in the United States, if you want to play a prisoner, how can you not understand the culture here And institutions.

In short, it's hard to start from scratch.

Seeing Chen Hao today is really like seeing a loved one. When embracing, the strength with which he slaps the other's back with his hands is also a bit greater.

Immediately after, Chen Hao met with director Sanford. At this time, he did not deliberately pose a domineering look. It is because a certain level of actor you must have a similar aura. You see in "Smith and Mrs. Smith" In the face of Doug Lehman, it is an attitude that we need to perform in-depth exchanges and discussions before we can play a good role. Here, after Hao Chen got the script, he knew that what the American TV series wants is that the actors become the absolute core of the crew to control the performance The rhythm of "Jailbreak" is to be led by Michael Schofield, the brain of wisdom. He wants to bring the rhythm of the whole drama, just like the content of the script. Although there will be accidents, everything must be Within his ability, everyone will eventually be in his plan or interim plan. In the first part, there is only one person, which is completely beyond his plan, but he also adjusted accordingly. This is equivalent to a tie, that is, the mentally ill prisoner, the one who first saw Michael because of the different brain circuits and people.

The strength shown by Chen Hao is also equal to his complete control over the role of the play in his heart. Compared with "Smith and Smith", he needs more acting skills to erase some unreasonable and illogical plots. IQ Michael, is not big in the conflict of character changes, which means that if you can play him well, you can always maintain a horizontal line. You don't need to go to the big explosion to improve the acting to make this role better. Michael is in the drama. In the middle, it is already a godlike character, and the sense of hierarchy is strong. Instead, it will erase the color that makes the character feel powerful.

This power is not the fighting power of the front fists, but the power of the top of the world food chain.

Say hello to all the actors. There is a difference between being confident and strong and arrogant. Some old actors in the play see it really, and in some casts on weekdays, they are accustomed to seeing similar situations. Seeing these people, Chen Hao has to admit that the American male actors have a long professional life. You can see male actors in their thirties or fifty to their fifties. As long as they are properly dressed, you cannot clearly distinguish their age, especially It's because the old is young, and there is almost no pressure. Several actors in this play, Chen Hao, learned that they are all in their 50s. You can't put them together with the word old in the play.

Under the guidance of the crew of the crew, first visited a main scene in prison, the internal cell, after cleaning and repair by the crew of the crew, the inside was really clean, and the toilets in all the main rooms were newly replaced. Several high-power air conditioners were placed in the corner of the entire cell to ensure the temperature and air circulation inside, and maintain a comfortable state.

Throughout the prison, the shooting areas that will be used are carefully managed. There are still some differences between the film and television works and the actual situation. Most of the scenes in this play are in this prison. Speaking of actors, the staff didn't want to smell the pungent smell mixed with various odors all day.

"Director, I can start performing anytime, anywhere. Tonight, I will finish my tattoo treatment."

Strong self-confidence, rigorous and serious work attitude, and the status of a typical professional actor have also reassured the director. However, he has only learned about China ’s actor system and feels that those actors are not professional enough. Fortunately, this MOUSE looks very professional.

There is a special staff dormitory in the prison, which was organized by the crew to provide temporary rest for the actors. I have to say that there is a strong union system here to ensure all the rights and interests of everyone, even eight hours of work time, even Your actor wants to work overtime to say that he is in good condition. We will take a photo, and the staff will not do it. Only if it is negotiated in advance. You are willing to work overtime. I am willing to pay for overtime. It is possible to work overtime. No such thing will happen.

Working for eight hours, driving to the city for a drink, going back to the hotel or motel to sleep at night, and going to work on time the next day are the lives of Americans.

Chen Hao is okay. After training here, he is very adaptable to this state, and Sun Honglei is very uncomfortable. When the time is up, no matter where he is photographed, he directly announces that he is off work, which makes him very miserable. Incredibly, I just started to give him a sense of irresponsibility to shoot here. After a few days, he noticed a difference, that is, during work, the professional level of these actors and all group shows, he saw that he was somewhat I ca n’t believe it is true, especially those group performances. In these days, I just took pictures of the prisoners coming out from the air, and I could n’t capture everyone ’s faces. But whether you play the prison guard or not, The people who played the prisoners did not have any simplified meaning from the costumes, and they were very serious in their expressions. They were completely immersed in the performance. They did not say that the scene was a horse and a flower. All right.

Chen Hao came, everyone met, continued the actors to adapt to the environment, the day's work was over, Chen Hao and Sun Honglei returned to the hotel in the nearby city, long before Sun Honglei came, Chen Hao asked the company's team here to do the whole process The reception work, the hotel car and everything were arranged by him, which fully fulfilled the friendship of the landlords.

The appointment of the tattoo artist is also waiting early. What he needs to do is not a tattoo, but a good painting, but also a pigment that can only be washed off with a special potion and does not cause damage to the skin to ensure sweating and dripping during shooting. Water will not affect the tattoo on Michael.

When Chen Hao was painting, Sun Honglei was on the side. The two were drinking tea and chatting, and he told Chen Hao the differences he had seen in the past few days.

"I heard before that the group performances here are real actors. This time I have seen them. Their script is only one page, and some have no lines. On our side, just pull some group performances. More than a hundred dollars a day ~ ~ It is just fine for one person to use it from morning to night, it ’s an equivalent employment relationship. It ’s different here. We see that people with dreams are gradually being Life is bent over. Most of the group performances here have dreams, even if they are 50 or 60 years old, hey, it ’s not good to be dissatisfied. Respond and light one.

Chen Hao sat upside down on the chair, and the tattoo artist drew pictures on him. His body was not only envious of Sun Honglei. The tattoo artist sighed more than once. This is exactly a masterpiece of God. Such perfect body lines.

In this regard, Chen Hao smiled, and could not explain without explanation.

He was very interested in Sun Honglei ’s emotions: "Hong Lei, we still have to consider the environment of culture, system, society and so on. People in their thirties or even forties are here in Hollywood. Group performances are waiting for opportunities. In life, they rely on cleaning dishes as waiters or driving taxis. There are many such people. In the eyes of others, he is pursuing dreams. Even if the family cannot understand, they will support them and put them in our country. , This kind of thing is not very realistic. "

Sun Honglei nodded, and he knew that a person who had studied and performed in college in the Eight Classics, if he was still a teenager in his thirties, he would barely make money. In the eyes of family and friends, most people would give You don't have a professional definition, and several people will respect your dreams. Dreaming of the value of this thing, you have to admit that the respect and concrete realization in Western countries far exceed many countries in Eastern Asia. And the capital that supports their respect for their dreams is both the country's guarantee for the people's future life, making them dare to spend tomorrow's money today and earn 10,000 to enjoy 10,000 lives.

PS do an experiment and see if the text is not, Vampire, "The Vampire Diaries".

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