Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 879: Sincerity

"Mr. Chen, it is clear that the investment funds controlled by the Seedorf family in Morrie's hands were injected into three shell companies and injected funds for the filming of" Jailbreak "."

The message passed from Xiao Liuzi can imagine how much they paid for it. Since Murray did it, it must have done several layers of protection. If it can be found, the relationship will be thrown out a lot.

Domestically, Carroll rejected all the ways he proposed in Fengtian Province and Lele.

Chen Hao once again assembled professional lawyers and legal staff in the circle to conduct a detailed review of the actor contract of "Prison Break" again. In this regard, he did not put much thought into it. Remo was far inferior to Carroll. The feeling was strong to him, and dogs that bit people would not bark.

He also does not measure the gentleman's belly with the villain's heart, saying that he is not in conflict with Carroll now, that is self-deception, because he really persists in pursuing the sunny day, then he is destined to be his own enemy, but the two sides are against each other They still maintain a gentleman's attitude. One day Carroll showed his fangs and wanted to do something for the sunny day. Once his face was torn, he would have to take the lead to prepare early.

As for this Murray, you really want to eat yourself and Xiao Di as you see, or use such an introduction to cover up the true purpose. Chen Hao's strategy is very simple. It should be changed constantly. If you don't come, I will look for someone to stare at you. I will hit you once if you come. Those who play yin may not suffer.

The contract was confirmed again without any problems, but this time there were more lawyers from Huaxia in the review team, and the world is a younger brother in word games. He pointed out the only doubt, that is, the add-on that seems to have no effect. The conditions seem to be that everything based on Chen Hao's schedule is best to cooperate with the propaganda and the like. There is a question raised by the lawyer from Huaxia.

The signing was signed for two seasons. Once the fire broke out, you withdrew, and all the low-profile attitudes reflected in the contract of the other party will become moral-bond-firing-your chips in the future. The other party understands your personality. You must say that you will not perform later, but you also care about the fans ’feelings. When the fans call for morality-bondage-kidnapping-you, you will not shoot, then If you sign the contract again, will the other party take the initiative and not sign it, and will the other party be confident enough to cause you some harm with the propaganda methods they think.

This time, Gao Xiaosong, an old friend, has been mixing with Hollywood for many years and also came to help. After looking at the contract, he also proposed a potential possibility: "Of course, there is a contract as a guarantee when shooting. Some over-the-line dramas are not filmed, but here to do some operations to stimulate your anger, slam the door and walk away, or how, is it possible to do the same kind of news report. Also, you are Shooting in prison, there are enclosed spaces in some places, you know, there are many things that can be operated here, which is different from domestic. "

"Anything else?"

"It's impossible, and it has nothing to do with Prison Break."

"That would be fine."

If that's the case, Chen Hao's hopes are all true. At that time, he would like to see the other person's face that he feels defeated after winning the game, and use public opinion to influence his fans to stink me? Or is it difficult to threaten yourself in some areas?

For others, maybe try Bailing, to me, Murray, you must do it, and I look forward to your play.

System anchor special halo (intermediate), five million **** loyal fans. In the future, there will be more advanced, there will be more, these people, can you shake?

Physical fitness, field survivability, King of Soldiers ability, etc., I am waiting for you to use some force that seems inevitable to succeed.

Chen Hao suddenly found a thing that made him feel very happy. That is, through the appearance of these two guys, he has a lot of motivation to fight. To be honest, in the past six months, hedonism and obedience have to live. Overriding the system task, although the system task is also limited and punished, in his eyes, it is like the matter that the anchor status of the next year will be 100 million. In the current mode, it is really going to be a year. He was 20-30 million away, shouting a few throats with a few big brothers, or shouting a throat during the live broadcast, and everyone brushed up some gifts. He didn't think it was a problem.

The accumulation of previous years is a bit inaccurate to say that there is enough accumulation and that the accumulation of strength is sufficient to face the task without pressure.

He feels very good before the pressureless state and now the pressured state. Life is like a game, playing backwards and levels one by one, you will find that you are equipped with good enough levels and have been crushed for a long time. , Will also look forward to a certain level of difficulty, so that you can lift up your mind and concentrate on the operation.


The people of Fox are here again. The influence of the Super Bowl performance forces them to stop waiting for the Oscar result and want to finalize Chen Hao at once.

You know, the performance of the Super Bowl is over, and large companies with performance functions around the world are sending quotations to the Happy Gathering Age and throwing money at him to participate in some commercial activities and commercial performances; cities in more than a dozen countries also give fun together Times sent an invitation, hoping that he could have a concert in his city.

For a moment, Chen Hao's commercial value had a very high promotion.

A company, film and TV are completely two systems. With the lessons learned, Chen Hao was not careful when he faced the negotiation of the screenplay, but he was a little more careful. After being careful, he found that this time was different from the last time. Yes, there is no exception, everything is in the normal process, only in the desire for Chen Hao to join this matter, the surface shows great enthusiasm, and the terms of negotiations are relatively loose.

This time, when it comes to Chen Hao's manipulation of the other party, for nothing else, Gao Xiaosong, who knows the rules here, gave him the idea, even if it is just normal business dealings. Now that you are the main body, it ’s normal to do so. , The other party will take the initiative to increase your package treatment. In Hollywood, everything is well documented. What level of card star and what level of package service are enjoyed? Here, the main reward is not the only one.

No matter how big a star you are in Hollywood, measuring your film pay is the box office of the movie you have participated in in the past three years to measure your value. Art films measure the box office of a single screen on a weekly basis. As a standard, although art films cannot give commercial actors such high pay, they must also be divided into three or six or nine to distinguish the pay.

Chen Hao only has the role of a clown in the Dark Knight. According to normal rules, his box office is never too high, but a few months ago, the box office value was estimated to be tens of millions. This time the movie script was also given. Adequate respect.

Ten million dollars, your partner is Kristen Stewart.

The pay is sincerity, and the heroine is also sincere.

A male and female protagonist chooses a movie that will fail. Dual-core is extremely important, but one thing is universally recognized. The standard form of patrilineal society will not be changed. There are over 20 million Hollywood actor. Plus box office commission, and more than one, the actress 20 million rarely.

The post-90s actress who has become popular all over the world with "Twilight" is already in the top three in the data that the company team can analyze. This will also push the real age of the heroine to eight or five years later. Calculated here, no matter how big, no matter how you make up, there is no way to connect directly with Chen Hao.

From fame to acting to beauty, she is indeed suitable. The reason why it is not the best is that she is an out-of-cabinet actress. This is nothing. Before that, Chen Hao didn't care about it, but now this It's a bit confusing. Chen Hao was dragged into the water by Murray. The negative news is still being heated up. The joining of Christine will make people have a little deliberate meaning. Fox people also tentatively said the name. Even in order to show the sincerity of inviting Chen Hao to participate in the performance, there was a little questioning tone in the name.

Chen Hao expressed an attitude with room for manoeuvre. In principle, he could proceed.

One Fox team has just left, and another Fox team has followed. The selection of "Prison Break" has ended, and is currently undergoing large-scale cleanup and small-scale renovation ~ ~ The contract with Chen Hao includes Special instructions, filming should seek the advice of Chen Hao and his real schedule to adjust.

"I hope you can check it out before you start shooting."

This request is not excessive. The contract protects his rights and interests as the protagonist and has some permissions. In the first season, almost all the plays of Michael Caulfield were filmed in prison. He is qualified to watch this scene in advance. At a glance, those who are concerned with his vital interests can make requests, and those who are not relevant with his vital interests can also make some comments, and the crew will pay sufficient attention.

"no problem."


On the NBA All-Star Weekend, Chen Hao's invitation was not an invitation from a performing guest. There were some advertising elements and some other demands. As a Chinese artist, after the retirement of Yao Ming, the booming Chinese market lacked one. The spokesperson, Chen Hao's association with the NBA, temporarily established this bond. He attended this one-day event this time, watched the All-Star game and interviewed some people. In private, he promised not to disclose the news. He also Get a lot of appearance fees.

Audiences around the world have noticed that during the All-Star weekend, Chen Hao intentionally stored his beard. In the eyes of Westerners, this is extremely normal. The thick hair and beard bring the charm to men. The effect is that Huaxia fans are somewhat unaccustomed to seeing it. This is also because most young male stars do not have beards.

Within two days of the All-Star weekend ending, the small town on the southwestern side of Huaxia became the focus of the whole country. The filming of the film "Fanghua" did not have such a big influence. It really made the place lively. It was reported by the national entertainment media that Chen Hao came. .

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