Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 880: What is Guotanpi

The All-Star's beard is to come here to shoot directly when Liu Feng and He Xiaoping visit comrades-in-arms and Xiaozhan separately, but also intersperse the filming of the drama ‘Haikou’ encountering Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi.

Attended the event. After leaving the rest of the beard after the break, the All-Star ended relatively deliberately. He flew back from Los Angeles to Huaxia and turned to the southwestern border. The condition of the beard can reach the length of the makeup artist for rest. Man With the beard treatment, the crow's feet in the corners of the eyes are drawn again, the eyes are more vicissitudes, the hair quality is adjusted, and the makeup of the older teenager does not need to add anything else.

Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi and Liu Feng, who were filmed on the island before, met with Liu Feng who was bullied. The small steel cannon decided to remake it, which is a small scene in itself. It can be said to be Haikou wherever it is shot, just a street corner. .

This time, the small steel gun chose a place, and also asked the makeup artist to give Zhou Dongyu, baby and Jiang Shuying special treatments for mature makeup.

The filming of the martyr's cemetery is not really a real drama, but before Chen Hao took the time to return to filming, he still let the small steel cannon find the old soldier of the year. Near the cemetery, he found those who had just visited his comrades-in-arms. people.

In reality, I feel that this scene only exists in the film. In fact, when contacting the locals, there are really those who survived the war that year in the cemetery every year. They come here to worship them. Comrade.

Chen Hao paid for the meal, invited the group of veterans to dinner, arranged a one-night stay, and arranged a car to take them to the train station bus station the next day. During the seats, they talked about their feelings. Finally, Chen Hao, Xiao Gang Cannon and These veterans were in the box of the restaurant, drinking and drinking, and sang those gradually forgotten songs on their shoulders.

Because eating in a restaurant, the news leaked out, and when shooting at the cemetery and shooting at the small station, there were more and more people around, and more and more news media. It cannot be said that this is Chen Hao's appeal. There can be so many people without him.

There are few close-ups in this scene, that is, the side camera. Several cameras are shooting at the same time. Liu Feng opened his own bag and took out cigarettes and wine. He Xiaoping looked for the little soldier in the tombstone around him. .

What is Guotanpi?

This is Xiao Gang's favorite shooting method that touches people's heart. It's the real thing. It's also his favorite moving bridge.

A sixteen-year-old half-old child joined the army and died in the battlefield. His life ended in such a rainy season. In the end, even the most sparse and common Guotan skin, let alone never eat it, do not know what Guotan skin looks like, that sour In He Xiaoping's faint remarks, a raging sea was swept up.

Prior to this, the big waves that were bred were performed by Chen Hao's broken pieces of thought to himself, in the most ordinary way that everyone has seen in countless types of film and television works, chattering, give everyone a cigarette, give Everyone pours wine.

In this process, I can't see the eyes. When Xiao Gang was shooting, he didn't ask too much. He didn't want to use the way everyone used to render emotions, but he never thought of it. He was just a flash of thought and he didn't dare to form a real idea. With no focus on shooting, just a few tens of seconds of acting, Chen Hao was able to perform an atmosphere in which the cold wind veteran is still there, and the first close-up shot appeared: "My left hand will not salute you, Come, introduce you a comrade in arms, He Xiaoping, she ... "

In the process of saying this, the camera gave him a close-up, very short, almost flashed, Chen Hao here, without intentional performance, continued his previous state, but when the machine turned on, a touch of eyes The emotion in the shallow tears came out violently, not like a heavy hammer, not like a big wave, surging below the water surface, you can't see anything above the water surface, but under the water surface, tumbling The power of coming is very great.

This is why Xiaoping talked about the huge waves that formed the most solid foreshadowing when Guotan skin was formed.

During the small station, the crowds around the crowd increased. The crew's security staff and local people came to assist the filming. They blocked everyone from a dozen meters away, trying to keep everyone quiet and trying to get everyone to cooperate with the performance.

At this time, whether it was Chen Hao, Zhou Dongyu, or a small steel cannon, they did not come forward. The local residents are mostly. They are very busy looking at the lively. Maybe there are some fans, but they are not the main body. It is the fans who see others not. Walking is even more reluctant to move. Large-scale fan-quality behavior requires a relatively large-scale example. Here, obviously no one will organize a large-scale example. This is the same as the shooting of a running man. If the location is arranged in advance to shoot, It ’s easy to stop because there are too many onlookers. The star waved his hand from far away to say hello. I really thought that I could step forward and persuade everyone to leave. It ’s not that you do n’t have this charm, but your arrival will make them more Excited, I took my mobile phone and patronized the camera to take a video. I couldn't hear you at all.

What the crew can do is to create the environment as much as possible, but it still inevitably has a little impact. Chen Hao looked at Zhou Dongyu: "No problem?"

This is a two-player quiet opponent scene. It ’s not long, not much talk, the emotional level given is extra, and the popular point. This is a drama that requires good emotions to produce great acting skills. The surrounding environment can play a certain role. Auxiliary role.

Zhou Dongyu adjusted the emotional adjustment status several times. Fortunately, her role is mainly to play a supporting role here, and the main acting control is still on Chen Hao.

The arrival of a bit of light rain has solved some of the environmental factors on the scene. The crew has enough equipment and a small station to avoid the rain. The crowd is not so lucky to see the crowd. Most of them can only leave. Stay away from the car or other buildings to avoid the rain. Take this opportunity to put on a raincoat and push the cordon a dozen meters further.

It's rainy in the southwest, and it's coming quickly, less than half an hour, the rain stops, and then it's still the cloudy weather of the small steel cannon. If the rain is sunny, the overall color atmosphere is not his favorite, and it is fresh. With a little gray feeling, it is the color set by the small steel cannon for this scene.

"How are you doing?"

"Compared to whom, compared to the brothers lying here, can I say bad?"

"Can you hug me?"

A section of the drama sitting on a small station chair is supposed to be a separate station of the small station. In the movie, it was set by the small steel cannon to be the last scene. The camera gradually zoomed out and the narrator entered.

There is no explosive drama, everything is silent, but it is silent, but it shows Chen Hao's skills to the fullest. Zhou Dongyu was completely taken away by him in this drama. Fen Bozhong's feeling is also impossible, now this is Zhou Dongyu's extraordinary play.

After the filming of the small stations, the big set is also completed. Here, we will shoot the filming of He Xiaoping, as well as the filming of Liu Feng when he led the team to perform the task. In view of the large number of onlookers here, it is also the adjustment of the makeup state. Hao didn't make a simple film here first, but went to Jiang Shuying baby to finish filming the film in Haikou.

The shapes of the two guys are all set. He needs to adjust it a little bit here. He is younger and more energetic than when he was standing apart. Or, at this time, Liu Feng has not been completely wiped out by the society. .

Here, Chen Hao's performance is not completely in accordance with the script. It is a performance mode that always suppresses his emotions, because he knows that if he wants to be mixed in this society, he can't have a temper. The magistrate is worse than the current manager. In this version, his performance was a little more real, but when the captain came up with the rules, his attitude remained unchanged, but it was a purely ideological confusion in the bones.

On the surface, he has been bent over by society and life, and he understands what compromise is and succumbs to the status quo and follows the flow, otherwise he won't bring a cigarette to give gifts.

When it comes to letting the other party come up with the regulations ~ ~ This is the unique state of Liu Feng. Even at the end, there are still some idealists in the heart, even the most naive, it is commendable of.

When the team pushed him out, Chen Hao still didn't show anger. He pushed back several times in a row. He was still trying to make a final fight. His inner world and human heart are good. I'm trying to redeem what I know is irreparable.

Until the person was pushed to the position where the captain could not be seen, he worked hard.

Then, Hao Shuwen appeared. This is the most brilliant scene in the whole drama of the role of Hao Shuwen. It is also a **** that Xiao Gangcano thinks must be preserved in the current environment of purifying the market.

"Me, do you dare to fight the disabled soldiers? Fighting heroes!"

For this play, Jiang Shuying has been preparing for her role in Hao Shuwen, and has been trying to find ways to perform what she thinks is the most ideal state. For a while, here, she is not worried about lack of strength. She is worried about How to retract it after applying too much force.

In this performance of Jiang Shuying, after Xiao Gang Cannon adjusted for her several times, he performed the effect of applauding everyone at the scene. He did not deliberately add lines, but also to avoid the feeling that people should have the privilege of bleeding.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Shuying said that you dare to hit him, what were you doing when he was bleeding and injured on the front line, what were you doing when he lost this arm for the country, and so on to render the atmosphere, this pair of small steel cannons were captured by hand, did not Doing this is to know that it may be deleted if taken up, and it is not in line with the overall positioning of the role of Liu Feng.

That's it, that's it.

Jiang Shuying had a wonderful outbreak, and felt that he was good. Like Zhou Dongyu, he soon suffered a blow and recognized the gap.

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