Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 878: 1 person is also very powerful

No matter how exciting the Super Bowl's midfield performance is, there will not be a feeling that everyone will remember for a long time. Taking a break, it will be the most exciting second half game.

After the three Chen Hao came down, surrounded by the staff and the people around them, they entered the corridor at the fastest speed, took their own cars, and left from the internal parking lot.

"Brother, it exploded on the Internet, it was so exciting." Qiuyu couldn't restrain the excitement, abandoned some previous habits, and directly reported the response after the performance to Chen Hao. Seeing the boss's reaction was not great, he laughed: "Brother, not our domestic website, but several large European and American websites, especially in the United States. Facebook is full of comments and photos. Some are on-site and some are screen shots on TV. They are all talking about your performance."

Chen Hao smiled, opened a bottle of iced cola, and occasionally took a sip occasionally, the taste bud experience was very good.

"Not every year?"

"No, the performance of Justin Bieber and Swift is very good. Many people on the Internet said that it was wonderful, but everyone praised you, saying that your performance was shocking and full of new ideas ..."

Qiu Yu held a mobile phone and kept repeating the comments and replies of some netizens. Following Chen Hao's running around the world, his professional skills became more and more proficient while he practiced a very good level of English. Sometimes everyone joked together. That said, let Xiaoqiu pay the English training fee.

Chen Hao closed his eyes, leaned into a chair, and drank Cola bite by bite. On the way back to the hotel, Qiu Yu was talking about the comments on the Internet. In the past, Chen Hao didn't listen. This time is indeed a little different. The Super Bowl's performance was recognized, which is equivalent to saying that Chen Hao can basically ignore the skin color and knock on the door of Western entertainment circles.

His personal cell phone and office cell phone have a message of congratulations. If a good friend and acquaintance feels normal about the performance he just started, he jumps, bounces, and bounces on the stage barefoot. It still showed his most unique charm, and there was a certain contrast with his past image. The whole wildness continued from the appearance to the end of the three-person co-star.

During the period between leaving the scene and the hotel, Justin Bieber and Swift also received news. There was nothing to say except sigh. The whole was successful, and it was also beneficial to individuals, and also in their respective careers. It is a small milestone. No matter who mentions this year's performance, the pictures that praise the most and occupy the most text descriptions will not be themselves.

Swift was more polite, exchanged office phones with each other, and asked the assistant to send a message to congratulate him.

Back at the hotel, Chen Hao took a shower and came out. He turned on the TV and the game was not over. Whether it was public or private, he had to watch the whole game. He liked to watch it in private. As a performer in business, he performed so successfully. There are many activities during this time. Maybe one of them will be asked by the media about which team they like to support. The answer to this question is secondary. When you talk about this topic, you do n’t really see it and understand it. As a fan, all of a sudden I can hear that the points won by the fans are likely to be lost.

At this time Qiu Yu logged into his account and entered the Lele Five Five Live Room. When he entered, he subconsciously glanced at the number of people at the top of the room. After that, he blinked and looked again, shaking his head and looking closely. After looking at it, I finally confirmed that the numbers shown above are real and not wrong.


With more than 3.8 million people, in a live broadcast room where the anchor did not start, can you imagine that the speed of swiping the screen in such a live room is still unclear?

Qiu Yu showed Chen Hao his mobile phone, and he nodded: "You make the device."

Qiu Yu did everything well. The final fingerprint authentication made Chen Hao a bit. He opened his account in five live broadcast rooms, and was immediately held above Mai Xu, and the live broadcast room exploded. Within two or three minutes, another five or six hundred thousand people came in, apparently some people were calling friends.

The second son called the phone, Qiu Yu confirmed that he could announce to everyone in the live broadcast room, and Hao Zi would broadcast to you later.

This is a mode that everyone is accustomed to. The second child will confirm the live broadcast to the live broadcaster. Later, this is also an interval quantifier. The upper limit is half an hour. Within half an hour, the old conference will start live broadcast.


At the end of the game, Chen Hao changed a set of clothes, and his hair was slightly trimmed. Qiu Yu knew his habits. Everything that should be placed next to the live broadcast equipment was put in place, and everything that should be put away was also put away.

Chen Hao is not a person who likes housework, and can even be said to not do it. He is not a very clean person when the conditions are not good, but he has a few requirements for neatness and neatness. During live broadcasting, many people have cameras. Many other things don't care, he can't, whether it is live broadcast using computer equipment or mobile phone equipment, it must be placed in a good manner, the desktop must be neat, and it can't be messed up. A large cup of warm water, a piece of fruit, an ashtray, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a paper pump on hand, and a trash can with a garbage bag by the foot. Most of the time now, he basically does not smoke, and his addiction is getting smaller and smaller, but sometimes if the live broadcast is chatting or interacting with people, he will ignite one and occasionally take a sip outside the camera, just for fun.

Every time Qiu Yu or whoever cleans up during his live broadcast, it will not be very strenuous, it will basically remain the same, just clean up the trash can and ashtray near his feet. In terms of keeping clean and tidy, Chen Hao can be regarded as very 'picky', he will keep it, and at the same time he can't get used to a good environment being messed up.

Chen Hao took a sip of water and adjusted the state. He didn't need to worry about equipment, lights, angles, etc. The people around him were all familiar with the light car. They would make it for him. Move the mouse and put it on according to his ear comfort High-end monitor headphones, looked at the number of people in the live room at this moment.


Before the live broadcast, more than 5 million people, this number is no longer a measure of Lele or even the entire live broadcast industry. Before any standard is set, the platform will have a comment, this standard is not applicable to Haozi.

Lele will continue to make great strides in development. This group of anchors is better connected with reality. There are more reality stars. At present, the peak of normal live broadcast is 2 million. It is still the first online show of some well-known and popular stars. Lele will do the overall publicity only in the first few live broadcasts and maintain more than one million live broadcast viewers. If it becomes the anchor of daily live broadcasts, it will slowly slip to hundreds of thousands.

The freshness of watching stars has passed. Many artists are not yet suitable for the Internet. It should be better in the future. Now it takes a long time to adapt and learn.

The anchors are not well-known, and there is really no way to attract more people to watch the live broadcast. Sunny Keer, a group of people, has prepared some good programs for some time, and advertises in advance. You can invite certain guests to do this. Million popularity.

In this data, the gap between Chen Hao and Chen Hao has not narrowed because of their efforts and the development of Lele. Twenty minutes after his broadcast, many anchors feel that the distance seems to be widening.

During the morning hours in Huaxia time, the live broadcast period was not very good. When the live broadcast was started for more than ten minutes, the popularity reached the first peak and 11 million people watched it. This data scared the official real-time data monitoring staff of Lele. The organizer checked the data in the background and found that many users' IP addresses are from abroad. This number is large and must be reported. It is not the limit until Vice President Lang Kuan. Finally, the big BOSS Duan Chun opened videos in the office. The meeting receives the latest information.

Lele ’s overseas business department is busy this time. For the past few months, it has been struggling to develop difficult overseas businesses ~ ~ ushering in a period of rapid development, the data is relatively double than before Turning up, it is also a high peak tonight, and nearly 200,000 foreign users have registered with Lele. At present, 99.9% of online foreign users are concentrated in five five live broadcast rooms.

From Duan Chun to Lang Kuan, from Lele's board of directors to the following departments, from overseas business units to domestic middle-level management personnel, they all have an accurate understanding. A man supports the current overseas strategic development of Lele.

Lang Kuan and the big boss looked at each other, there is something that does not need to speak, there is this tacit understanding.

Duan Chun took out his mobile phone and dialed directly: "Sorry, Mr. Joseph, I think we may have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

The words are very straightforward, but there is some room for attitude. This is a bit dissatisfied to the side of Lang Kuan, but it is understandable that at this level, who will be desperate to put all future chips in the hands of Chen Hao People must always give themselves room for manoeuvre and retreat. It is already amazing that they can open their doors and refuse to be offended.

In the northeast of the ice and snow, there are blizzards, and the city is better known as the silver-clad plain wrap. From the macro landscape to the onlookers, the silver-clad plain wrap is four characters. You can't say it clearly.

Carroll hung up the phone, through the open window, in the cold wind crowded in, looking at the villa hidden in the small town in the quiet district, looking calm, and rejected Lele, He can understand that he did not deliberately say on the phone just now that he hopes that Mr. Duan and the directors will consider it carefully. MOUSE is really a powerful guy. One person can drive the project industry of a listed company. He dashed all the way to the sky.

There are a few knots of this ladder that I will give you. When I want to take it off, you will be more hurt when you are in the cloud.

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