Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 842: We are not strong enough

It's not walking, not snow, it's more like extreme sports.

This rural mountain village is rarely visited, and some of the footprints you can see are going up the mountain to catch pheasants. If someone didn't open the road in front of you, you might step on the 20 cm of snow from time to time. It feels like, It's sour. If you're not careful, you will become unstable and come into close contact with the snow on the ground.

Ye Qing was sweaty, and Wangshan ran to death. He looked at the low mountain of several hundred meters and walked for more than 30 minutes. Following the gap in the collar of the neck, the sweaty heat in the clothes began to communicate with the outside. When cold air came into contact, Ye Qing didn't need to speak, and she could see hot air coming out of her head.

Gritting her teeth, yoga exercises and running on weekdays are not enough to support Ye Qing in this environment. She just doesn't want to speak. The stubbornness in the bottom of her heart matches this situation and looks at the future with a glance. In her life, her cold state was even more chill, and her grief was a little bit more than her dead heart. Her body was cold, and she did not know how long she had fallen asleep last night. When dreams came one after another, when she woke up in the morning, I felt my body cold and cold, and when I touched it, my skin was cold.

For a moment, she felt that her mood would not fluctuate too much in the future. This is what happened in life. After that, I would have time to hang out with my donkey friends. Perhaps I can feel my existence by looking at this world.

In her mind, she didn't believe she would coincide with Chen Hao. When she walked on the snow, her sweat had penetrated the clothes inside, and she felt her own temperature again. She was holding his hand. The strength passed on made her feel at ease, don't worry that she won't be able to move. Is he there?

in case……

Thinking of this, Ye Qing's eyes dimmed again. There is no if in life. The first one if it is Chen Hao. If anything can happen to him, no matter whether it is a big star or a girlfriend. In the end, she doesn't mind persisting. love.

It is not love, and there is no if. Maybe, give yourself to him, that is, if there is no regret in this life, let him own him once, even if only once.

"Okay, here it is."

The destination is a distance of tens of meters from the foot of the dwarf mountain. There is a mountain stream that blocks the snow and wind outside. When I turn around, I see that there is a cave that does not look like a natural formation. It is more like an artificial excavation. .

When I walked in, I realized that it was really artificial. There were shelters to protect it from falling down, and there were wooden pillars in the cave to support it.

"This is our base when we were young. There are too many things that children can play now. There are fewer and fewer people who come here to play for a day. Even if they come, they will not choose to come over in winter."

Inside the mountain cave, some branches have been piled up in front of the cave. In the distance, you can see Chen Gang transporting branches here, while Kang Yanren disappeared.

In the cave, Chen Hao easily set off a pile of fire, the sound of creaking and creaking, and the ice and snow on the branches made this flame burn. It always felt lack of strength.

"Come on, sit for a while, this is our homemade warm stone." A piece of large bluestone, Chen Hao spread a piece of fur from his backpack on the bluestone, Ye Qing couldn't care about the cold, and sat down when he was exhausted. The neckband and hat are unbuttoned. People always like to reduce their burdens on their bodies. They don't like wearing a lot of clothes, and they feel they can't breathe.

The fire was filled with Chen Hao, and he then took out a worn iron bucket from the cave. No, it was an iron stove made of iron buckets. He opened Chen Gang and Kang Yan's backpack in the cave. One of them It also contains a lot of charcoal.

I couldn't feel the coolness under me, Ye Qing stood up and touched Qingshi. Besides the smoothness, there was a sense of warmth. When I was unknown, I came to the front of the fire to realize it. This Qingshi didn't know how to get it. A deep edge was cut out below, and the fire was right next to the blue stone. A certain amount of heat rolled into the deep edge. Although it would not heat the blue stone, it was still possible to let it dry and conduct a little heat.

There are meat, fish, pots, field utensils, and a mountain-wild-chicken that Kang Yan touched. As a landlord, regarding whether or not to eat, Chen Hao and Chen Gang did not eat less anyway. , I never feel that there is anything wrong with eating. It is said that it is delicious or not, and I enjoy the feeling of this game.

After Chen Gang and Kang Yan brought enough branches to serve as firewood, the two returned first. Ye Qing walked for more than thirty minutes, and it was more than ten minutes for the two of them.

"Just don't make the fish, stew a mountain-wild-chicken, put some potato mushrooms, wear a big beef skewer, and we grill it for fun?"

Faced with such an environment, Ye Qing was intrigued. After taking a break, she followed the busy schedule. When Chen Hao took out a small jug and took a sip, she snatched it, and took a sip of the spicy little shochu. I felt like I was being burned, and a little bit of coolness left before was completely dispelled by this little shochu.

While dealing with all the ingredients familiarly, Chen Hao was thinking in disbelief, saying something that he did n’t know whether others loved or not. He said that he was very hi, remember the past, anyone can talk about the past that they think is interesting. It's gonna be endless.

"When I was young, Gangzi and I sometimes broke away from my friends around me, and brought my second son. They were able to make some game, get some wine from home, eat and drink, the stone was warm, and I took a nap. It ’s really not for a fairy. "

"Later, with the game hall and the Internet cafe, fewer and fewer people came here, and I didn't want to come anymore. The older sister just went to work to make some money, and she sneaked up to me every month. I have always been tolerant enough. I ’m not rich in my pocket but I ’m not short of money. The child just left, and Aunt Dongmei took the second child away. Many young people in the village have left. I also spend all day in Internet cafes. I thought about what would happen in the future. I ate instant noodles and sat cross-legged on the sofa to watch a movie and play games. I've thought about it, occasionally an idea pops up-play first, then talk. "

"Do you know? Before that happened, I would have the same dream every day when I played in an Internet cafe or went to bed after going home. At that time, I explained to myself that I watched too many movies and always thought that I could be one day. Actors are so addictive, they can experience different lives in different films, from time to time, they can also be ancient, and also can go to the war years. At that time, I think being an actor is the best job in the world, maybe from that time From then on, I was a dream. "

"After the accident, the family lost everything, and no one said about me, and some people praised me, saying that there is a man in the family who will not be bullied in the future. When I go to the Internet cafe to play, someone will give me It ’s smoking, and someone will call me brother. Even the owner of the Internet cafe will call me from time to time during lunch and dinner. I do n’t want to go home for many days, I do n’t want to see my parents ’pretending to be disguised, Unwilling to accept that my elder sister went on a blind date with a man whom everyone said she didn't deserve her.

"I went to Yanjing. My name is chasing dreams. Actually, I just want to avoid and want to sleep peacefully. I don't think I have done anything wrong. If I didn't chop down those people, It will be bullied our family after being shot away, but the price of the cut will be to make our family poor and poor. I did n’t understand it for a long time. Even in Yanjing for more than three years, I did n’t turn around until this time. One day I felt like I was getting started, and I knew what was going on. No one was wrong. Only because I was not strong enough, I encountered things that made me feel helpless. "

Chen Hao packs mountain-wild-chicken from boiling water, plucks hair, cuts it, cleans it up, puts it in a pot and stews it.

From cutting the beef up, putting it on with a large sign, and handing it to Ye Qing to let her bake on the shelf, the process lasted for half an hour, and he was always talking about it. Ye Qing always said what he wanted to say. Listening quietly, after he took over the barbecue, Ye Qing sat on the bluestone with his chin resting on his knees, watching him intently from the side, listening to his broken thoughts, without focusing on the cold eyes. Gradually there is some clear color.

Do I have no hope for the future?

Am I afraid of facing the present situation?

Do I want to escape the future?

Yes ~ ~ What is the reason, he already said that we are not strong enough ourselves. He became an internet anchor, became a big star, and became more and more powerful. This power is reflected in the outside. And me? As long as I strengthen my heart, the future will not be chai mei vinegar tea, nor will the whole person be unhappy because of pure marriage and freedom. Perhaps, I really should live for myself once, and the leaves do not owe the family. I don't owe it.

"I want to walk through every corner of the world."

Ye Qing finally spoke.

"Then you need to have a healthy body and a certain degree of self-protection. The rest is to learn how to become a senior tourist. Apart from that, all other problems are not a problem for you."

There is another sentence, Chen Hao feels that he should say it, but as a man, facing a girl who has a good opinion of himself and is even willing to make himself a lover, if you say that sentence, I am afraid that I will feel myself-a bird- The beast-no-like that.

Until eating, drinking, and sitting side by side on Qingshi together, Chen Hao told her story of traveling, Ye Qing listened, and from time to time asked questions she didn't understand, and the sky darkened. After Chen Gang and Kang Yan came to pick them up.

Chen Hao still spoke up: "How do you know that your future, the person who will become part of your future life, will not give up all your choices and go with you?"

Ye Qing froze, and after a long time, a bright smile appeared, and there was a bit of playfulness in this smile: "You know, don't know, being a saint, then there is no chance tonight, I am the first time , Thinking that only giving you is not a loss, now, well, okay, 88, saint. "

Touching the cheek that was kissed, Chen Hao patted his cheek gently with the palm of his hand: "Let you pretend."

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