Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 841: impermanence of life

When the day didn't dawn, Ye Ziyu left, Chen Hao didn't pretend to be still asleep, opened his eyes to turn on the bedside lamp, looked at the graceful posture with his back to his clothes, and stepped forward and held it in his arms. "Why be so harsh on yourself."

Ye Zi turned his head, smiled gently, and kissed Chen Hao's face lightly: "This is good, remind me that I can have a moment, not a little harsh, I'm afraid I can't help but rob someone, like that , I'm afraid I will never see the tenderness in your eyes again. "

Chen Hao said nothing, only the warmest hug, what was obtained and what was not obtained? In terms of Confucian thoughts and ethics in the past five thousand years, this has already been the case, and it is naturally obtained; but if we use the thinking mode of modern people in modern society, Ye Ziye will take his boyfriend to Chen Hao tomorrow or she will see Xiaodidu. To pretend nothing happened, naturally nothing.

What is lost is just the patriarchal social thinking that is still persisting.

Ye Ziyi went away, and the two had talked for more than 20 minutes. She was different from Ye Qing. She had a choice, but this choice did n’t make much sense to her. Maybe one of them was together because of marriage. Marriage, they can no longer live under the same roof, but when needed, they appear as husband and wife on certain occasions. On weekdays you are your life, I am my life, our two families have It ’s just a matter of contact. Plainness is just a marriage without facts. Without a so-called lover who wants to look good, Ye Ziyi does not exclude that she can pay for her excellent life of more than 20 years before, and then she You can look up proudly, everything I get is obtained by myself.

Chen Hao gave an evaluation of such thinking: "This is not arrogant."

"Jiaojiao is all right, Ye Qing, it's better not to touch, I'm afraid ..."

Chen Hao put a finger between her lips: "Don't make me feel too guilty."

Ye Zi laughed, and turned his hands and squeezed his nose: "Aren't all men like this? It ’s like incompetence if you do n’t eat more and eat more. Is n’t there how many people cut it? Are you all proud? "

Speaking these words when pinching his nose, the words fell, and his hand was gently stroking his cheek. She knew what he said was true. If he wanted to, it would have been a long time ago. A man who grew up in a wealthy family, grew up Seeing a girl who is used to many things, she has seen her father have a woman outside, and she has also seen a sister-in-law outside with a man. Of the default.

With this guilt and cherishment, Ye Ziyi felt that he had nothing to pursue, and kissed Chen Hao's forehead, let him lie down and sleep, and he should leave.

"I see you off."

adhere to.


No longer insist.

He took Ye Zi to the residence in Meicheng, and before the car returned to the studio, he saw the prominent Cayenne behind his car late at night.

When parking, the Cayenne also stopped at the side of the road, turned off the lights, the door opened, and the gas filled the space along with the visitor, but you could not recognize the drunken person. She just drank a lot of alcohol It's not drunk.

"How about little leaves?" Jiaojiao was always the boldest of the three.

"I don't deny that at this moment, there will be many exciting pictures in your mind, and you will definitely bring me those stimuli." With Chen Hao's words, Jiaojiao's charming smile appeared on her face, and her body was already pasted The excitement is indeed what she likes.

Chen Hao didn't move, but just said a word lightly: "This stimulus, stay for the time being, now, you need to rest."

Jiao Jiao froze, staring at Chen Hao for a long time, her charming face dissipated, and she sat back to the position of the co-pilot, with a tired tired face on her face: "Going to XX district, I have a house there . "

Chen Hao even believed that she was definitely the third person to come in after the formal check-in. The three people who came in, Ye Ziyi and Ye Qing, had never been here. Even they might not know it.

The second person is the nominal male host here.

Yes, this girl has a mysterious lover, or a lover who can't see the light and she is physically and mentally exhausted. From the moment they first met in reality, Chen Hao has a faint feeling that she is There are good feelings and impulse, but that is more of a physical attraction. In spirit, she has a place of her own.

Here, this two-bedroom should be the reality of that place.

On the right side of the entrance door, there is a suitcase, new.

There was only one pair of slippers in the room. What Jiaojiao could do was to let Chen Hao barefoot in. Chen Hao felt that if he had guessed correctly, there was a pair of slippers, the same model as the lady, which should be in that suitcase at this moment.

Yesterday's Jiao Jiao, which is different from the madness in daily life, is only displayed in the lines of WeChat. She is still her after everyone, and Ye Ziyi has not seen it. If you think about it, how can you hide two girlfriends for so long, how can they be easily seen.

"It's nothing, very cliché. My university teacher, a well-known scholar, and no one knows. I still have some talents in this area, don't I?" Jiaojiao went straight into the bathroom, and walked on his body while walking. Taking off her clothes and being able to bring Chen Hao here, it touched her deepest than **** in front of him.

The shower turned on, hot water poured on the body, and the sound came from the sound of the bathing water: "It ’s going to leave. I chose to retire at the age of 55. I went to New Zealand with my wife to accompany her daughter there. His Daughter, I used to be behind me like a bug ... "What to say later, Chen Hao didn't hear clearly, he didn't listen to it deliberately, Jiao Jiao lowered his voice, and murmured to himself.

What he can do is to wrap the curvy body with a thick bath towel, and dry his hair a little with a towel. In the process, no one speaks, so quietly, in the room in the early morning, When the sky was a little bright, Chen Hao turned off the lights in the house, and also blown Jiao Jiao's hair with a hair dryer, took off her coat, held her in her arms, and then felt a strong woman unloading With all the cowardice after the defense, the silent cry, the trembling body.

Chen Hao couldn't say anything, and couldn't do anything. He temporarily played the role of spare tire and male girlfriend. He felt a little incredible. He just found a big man with the confidence of Ye Ziyi, and felt that his charm was endless. . Then, in front of a woman who should best reflect herself as an excellent luminous body to attract all opposite sex, she was met with Waterloo in some aspects of self-confidence.

The depth of love, the pain.

While crying, Jiao Jiao vented all the pain at once. The man beside her gave her a sense of warmth and security. After falling asleep, there were still tears on her face. Chen Hao sighed, covered her with a quilt, and then left A note was affixed to the suitcase at the door: "If you can't forget it, just throw the box away. If you forget it, you will stay. After all, this is part of your life."

Good thing? bad thing?

The night passed, and Chen Hao didn't know how to define it. Good times were mixed with bad, and bad times were mixed with good. Throwing good and bad away was an end, about the end of the relationship; it was another Start, the beginning of a new relationship between each other.

Facing it face to face, it turned out to be secondary. Chen Hao didn't regret everything he did, including crossing the line with Ye Zi, including not being in danger in a relationship with Jiao Jiao.

For these three girls, Chen Hao has a different kind of emotional sustenance. At the beginning of the live broadcast, it was their support that gave them their initial motivation. It was also their support that allowed more people to know themselves. Today, from The network has come to reality and cooperation. In fact, they have not brought them anything, and they have not become the so-called good friends in everyone's mouth ~ ~ Perhaps, after this night, the relationship between them really has a long-term positioning. What you want, what I ask, you know where the boundary is, and I know where the bottom line is.

I wanted to find a breakfast shop for breakfast. The car stopped at the door. Chen Hao remembered that he was not the little boy from Meicheng in the past. Now he walked out of the car and walked into the breakfast shop. There are no guests in it. It is only in the breakfast shop. People will make their whereabouts known in the shortest time.

He smiled and shook his head. Chen Hao started the car home. Parents and grandparents had already got up in the house. The habit developed for decades was a despised behavior in the countryside.

"Mom, I'm hungry."


At nine in the morning, Ye Qing's car stopped at the second-hand car trading center. Chen Hao picked her up and saw her in professional outdoor equipment. She smiled and gave her thumbs up, and drove the car all the way to the village. In the back, Chen Gang and Kang Yan's car followed, and they reached the area where the car was no longer able to drive. The two got off first, as pioneers of the road, along the snow-covered agricultural land and mountain packs, and walked towards the low hills inside. Chen Hao and Ye Qing came out of a 'road'.

Ye Qing didn't ask what it was to step on the snow, nor did she feel that she wanted to talk to her about being chosen such a place. She just followed Chen Hao, was held by him, and faced the dwarf mountain with scattered footprints and traces. Each of the previous footprints of Kang Yan and Chen Gang had a thickness of nearly ten centimeters, which made it very difficult for Ye Qing to walk even with the footprints of his predecessors.

In a short time, she was able to feel a lot of sweat and heat, and pulled the hat up subconsciously to untie the neckline a little to allow the cool wind to pass in.

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