Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 843: Beauty heroes and chai

The price of pretending X is that the fat meat in the mouth is not eaten, and he is pretending to be a gentleman.

The corners of his mouth twitched with a bitter smile, and Chen Hao started the car to return home. This was a good start and two unknown stories yesterday. I spent a few hours with Ye Zihua to completely release his time. He felt that he had fully interpreted the message sent by the three women to himself during dinner last night, and he was tangled with whether he should do it. After coming up, the remaining two made a saint on their own, there was nothing to regret, but there was no sense of accomplishment.

All he knew was that Ye Zichen had begun the overall plan for the second phase of Amethyst City. She seemed to have started her road to becoming a strong woman. Even if she wanted to play in the future, she would have her fate in her own hands.

Jiao Jiao still has no heart or lungs all day. Chen Hao didn't know whether the suitcase in her house was thrown or not, but received a message from Jiao Jiao many days later: "He is gone."

Ye Qing left Meicheng, or she no longer resides in Meicheng, many people have returned to her to get engaged, and she has also met the man in her circle of friends. The door is right, not high or low, not fat or not Thin, there is nothing suitable or inappropriate, it is appropriate to exist. Ye Ziyi told Chen Hao that Ye Qing began to participate in some outdoor exercises. Years ago, she would travel to Sanya by car. It was regarded as the first departure station of her own travel, and she first experienced the fun of traveling by car.

One more thing, in the five live broadcast rooms, the three earliest consortiums of Haomen, leaves, beauty, not discount, Jiao Jiao, after a long time, as a real friend, online consumption has become happy immediately, want The top page of the contribution list for the last five or five weeks is also very difficult, and the old one has not been listed. This time, three people have reappeared on the top page of the contribution list.

This contribution list was brushed out by Chen Hao when there was no live broadcast. He got the message to log in to the account and entered five five. Seeing the contribution value that can be brushed out by the hundreds of thousands of RMB, he touched his nose and wanted to give the three. Send a message: "Don't do this well, so I will feel like I'm eating soft rice."


"Come here for my mother."

On the sunny day when filming in the south, I rarely called Chen Hao. She rarely sent messages. In her cognition, this kind of dialogue is weak and lacks subjective initiative. When you have a problem, you call and say, why? How can you reduce your courage by transmitting information?

"Hey." Chen Hao didn't hesitate, and he went to a mountain town in the south with his arrogant status. There is a location here.

When he didn't come, he guessed why Master Sunny had a bad tone. When he came to see the film being shot, he confirmed his conjecture. It is no longer a short-haired version of the Witch's Wife, but the concubine of the Holy Lady of Cihang Jingzhai.

With the concerted efforts of the crew to create a large production, everything from clothing to modeling to scene shooting is based on film standards. Even if it is not sunny, change to a costume and overall shape prepared for the concubine. Definitely worthy of the description of this beauty field.

Sunny, that almost makes everyone think that 绾 绾 should be like this. Some crudely made versions are not worth mentioning at all. Those **** fans of Huang Yi and even Datang have the image of 绾 绾 in their minds. It was directly replaced by the sunny version, and even some of the supporting comics began to accept short haircuts.

Sunny Concubine, how do you say? It's still sunny. The three words, Shi Feiyi, failed to obliterate the existence of sunny days. The costume highlights her tall figure. Although she is dressed in plain clothes, she has a different feeling. You ca n’t tell it is British spirit. Anyway, if it is British gas, it is more suitable for Li Xiu Niang or Song Yuzhi. As a director, Huang Kailun gave his opinion after being filmed for two days, and it was widely recognized by everyone. As the sage of the world, Master Concubine came out with a pair of states that I would choose Mingjun for the world. In the past, there is a feeling of transcendence and extraterrestrial. In the present, when the network is so developed and the network has covered many people's lives, such a person is her saint BIAO, but there is no way to destroy this image No, there is a kind of indifference between the concubine and sister-in-law on sunny days. It is both indifference to others and indifference to themselves, not to mention, don't have a taste.

In the RV, Chen Hao saw her come up, did not give her a chance to speak, went directly to hug, pressed her on the dining table, turned her back on herself, in this way, very simple and rude to do something.

The sunny day is strong, but sometimes I also like to try something new. I tried a role by myself, and this role gave this man a lot of people outside this day, watching the car, not controlling himself, man Ah, there is a desire to conquer a goddess. For him, it is not difficult to conquer, and a woman with an untouchable image in it is equally powerfully attractive.

After a long time, Sunny sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs up and glanced at Chen Hao: "Say, what about this role, did you propose it?"

Chen Hao cut an apple to Sunny with a knife-like approach, and passed it, his face was full of satisfaction: "I have always played the role of Master Shi Fei. There is no accurate picture in my mind. I see you. , I think this is a concubine. In the future, this role is doomed to be surpassed. Sunny star, you must be fired. In the film and television industry, you will be the public enemy of everyone. "

Because you are powerful, because you have different talents, and because you are destined to attract attention, you are destined to be a public enemy.

"Well, what about your little Di?"


In front of the sunny sky, Chen Hao will not be a bit embarrassed. Between the two, they are more like a kind of fighting partners in the world. There is no fighting. Some only challenge the freedom of survival. There is someone who can let you rest assured that you give him your back completely. When you are tired, your two hearts can warm each other. We are not husband and wife, we are partners, we can fight together, and we can live together in the fight. If not, After the battle, if you surrender to the current social form to survive, the two will not get along with each other. Strong and strong, it is destined to be suitable in the continuous fire, but not suitable for chai oil and salt.

Before the founding of Xinhuaxia, countless fighting heroes captured the hearts of outstanding women, beautiful women loved heroes, blood and tears of war, making these beautiful women willing to be the most tranquil harbor to appease the hero ’s heart, and willing to stand behind when her husband was on the march. He was worried about praying for him.

There is no war, there is peace, and heroes and beauties are about to start ordinary ordinary people's lives, not the level of material standards, but the change of living conditions. Don't worry about the war, don't worry about the hero's return on the battlefield tomorrow. Every day we discuss what to eat in the evening and what will happen to our children?

Heroes may not like to take a shower, and do not like to take a shower every day. It used to be a masculinity, a heroic mix of **** tastes, but today, it is an unbearable behavior.

Chen Hao and Qing Qing are beautiful heroes of the war era. They share the same belief. Looking at each other is full of appreciation and worship.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di have such a taste of chai rice soy sauce, vinegar tea, you let Sunny be with him in a room, cook, watch movies, shop online, clean the bowls together, and clean up the house. It ’s not their happiness. Yes, at that time, the two went to Everest to climb together and explore around Shennongjia. That was the life of the two of them.

Just like this moment, Chen Hao came and left here after staying for less than a day. Neither he nor Sunny felt that there was anything, this should be the case. They had the idea of ​​meeting each other in heart. As far as I can see, it ’s good to see each other. I ’ve seen it, and whoever should have lived his own life, our lives will not become a **** to each other.

The shooting of Datang Shuanglong Biography is getting better and better, and everyone ’s feelings are getting better and better, and the crew ’s life is getting better. The more you shoot, the more confident you are. If this movie is not hot, it ’s really unreasonable. With such self-confidence, everyone ’s performance is getting better and better. Chen Hao watched a few scenes and left immediately. It was not time to leave. He believed that this film would become an annual drama. The small cost is a big hit, but there will be great productions that meet the expectations of the audience.

On the way to the Magic City, Chen Hao received a call from Jing Tianlin. The content was simple: "One has been formally investigated. Sun Lingqun has been fined for several counts and has no term. No one will come to you again ..."

Chen Hao himself took the following words: "What I need to do here is to make all the investment and all subsequent accounts ~ ~ perfect, without being attacked, right?"

The two sides smiled very tacitly and hung up the phone. In this respect, Chen Hao has always done a good job. In the era of reunion, Tiange prepared a best team to do a complete process account in this area. All processes, all accounts, are all open and transparent. Not only that, each publicity is supported by the corresponding evidence. All the bills for the flow of funds are backed up in several copies. You are not afraid to lose them to be seen by others. You are afraid of yourself. I don't have it in my hand. I made it for the outside.

On his own side, Chen Hao specially hired a world-leading large-scale commercial financial consulting company in the United States. He asked for a very luxurious team and also conducted a comprehensive financial management of all Chen Hao's personal capital flows in a more international way. At the same time, he has performed legal counsel and financial advisors on all his investment projects, so as to ensure that every detail can withstand all scrutiny.

Once something happens in the future, the domestic certification is restricted and cannot be taken out at the first time, and the team from the international will appear in front of the public in a more open manner to explain the accounts effectively.

Jing Tianlin didn't care about this, and Chen Hao was concerned. They all knew that there would be a day. All they could do was to make sure that Chen Hao would not fall into the whirlpool, to be more straightforward. By that time, Quickly withdraw without being caught in the vortex. Who dares to say that in the future Jingtianlin will not one day get the same end as Sun Lingqun. Some struggles are cruel?

Jing Tianlin has no way to retreat. Chen Hao now spends a lot of money each year to support such a team, just in case, he has a way to retreat.

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