Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 831: Dude is a real version of superman

Sun Lingqun's eyes twitched, and the two people who had been opened by Kang Yan fell to the ground, and some areas of his body began to show red blood. Just a short moment ago, the light cut off the two people. The non-fatal wound weapon, how to do it, may be seen at the scene except Sun Lingqun.

Outside the box, a few meters away in a safe passage, seven or eight strong men were pinched to the corner of the staircase between the two floors, rolled up half a staircase, and fell together.

After the three Chen Hao left, Sun Lingqun held the mobile phone gloomily and hesitated to press it. After a while, put down the mobile phone: "Are you two unsure?"

The expressions of a pair of young and beautiful twins also changed. They squatted and bandaged the two men's wounds temporarily. When they heard Sun Lingqun's words, they shook their heads: "That Chen Hao has seen us through."

Suddenly Sun Lingqun laughed, horribly smiling: "Don't give face."

The phone was picked up again, but the number was not the one that I wanted to call before. I changed the number and dialed it in the past: "Go ahead, the two around him, both hands and feet will be discarded. If Chen Hao has an accident, then we will tomorrow Be an ordinary fan and mourn for him. "

The reason why a crazy dog ​​is called a crazy dog ​​is not that he is stupid when he is crazy. It is because he advocates the easiest way to get what he wants. For this reason, he always has a second false name on his body. Mobile phone, and this phone is equipped with a sound-changing device, after the settlement, they also use foreign accounts to trade with them overseas. If something goes wrong, even if everyone knows that it was his Sun Lingqun, there is no evidence.

Whatever conspiracy and conspiracy he finds troublesome here, the world is still the easiest way to solve problems by force, which makes people fear and surrender, which is the best in his heart. There is a tough guy in front, and kneeling and crying in front of himself, Sun Lingqun has seen more these years.

If you are in a metropolis like Yanjing or Modu, you still have to be taboo. If you are abroad, you can play even better. This big island is still a little meaningless, but it is enough.


The car had just reached the expressway, and a crazy large truck suddenly accelerated at a short distance and ran into the car of Chen Hao's three.

Chen Gang, who had been careful for a long time, relied on skilled car skills to avoid the frontal impact, but the rear of the car was scratched heavily. The car was shaking on the road and it was difficult to control. At the same time, there were two business cars. Driven retrograde from the front, the speed is very fast. Seeing this posture is also the rhythm of crashing the car completely.

There was nothing to hide. Chen Gang rushed the car towards the buffer zone on the roadside. The car was in a tumbling posture. The three people had already done a self-defense posture. The car turned behind the buffer zone. The fastest speed came out of the car. Chen Hao and Kang Yan opened the door. Chen Gang's door was pressed underneath. He pushed the sunroof open before rolling. At this moment, he just flipped out of the sunroof. It hurts the body due to the broken glass. He didn't care, and to the heart, he didn't expect that a well-known cricket would play so much. It was directly on the highway in the suburbs and played a non-car accident battlefield. If there is only one big truck, it can be explained For a car accident, now two cars are driving fast in the retrograde direction. The only explanation you can do is that they want the lives of three of them.

Chen Hao slurped his lips, crazy dog, well-deserved reputation.

"Go, play street fighting with them. Pay attention to guns." Kang Yan took the current situation as a danger facing him abroad, and he did not want to rule out the fact that the other party might have a gun, even if it was not in the urban area. He dare to imagine that the other party has heavy urban weapons such as grenade explosives and submachine guns.

Chen Hao never thought of running to a lively place to show his face, let countless people surround himself, and put himself in the spotlight before leaving.

Everyone has a spirit of adventure in seeking excitement. The difference is when you inspire such emotions. In this situation, Chen Hao feels that the speed of secretion of his cues has accelerated. For the possible stimulus, he is not thinking about how dangerous it is, but he hopes that the stimulus will be more violent and let him play one at a time.

Enjoying excitement is also a way to enjoy life.

Because of being a trapeze with Chen Hao all year round, Chen Gang and Kang Yan no longer have weapons on them. Kang Yan has two small blades. Chen Gang does not even have a blade, but this does not prevent the two people from taking materials on the spot. On the way, pick up some stones. When necessary, this thing is a weapon for long-range attacks.

The outskirts of the suburbs make the idea of ​​street fighting frustrated. The scattered residential buildings and living areas in the distance are dark before ten o'clock. In addition to the occasional grocery stores and small restaurants on the road, the lights are on. Almost no light can be seen.

Chen Hao pointed to the mountain forest in the distance. On this big island, except for the city, you can see the undeveloped areas of the undulating mountain and forest land. Kang Yan and Chen Gang hesitated slightly. They are confident to deal with it. The enemy does not want to fight in the no man's land at the cost of the boss's possible danger.

Without waiting for them to reflect, Chen Hao ran there first, and the years of training in weekdays at this moment received the best returns. No one felt the fatigue of the three men who ran in stride. Otherwise, if there was a chaser behind with an unknown number and unknown strength, This seems to be their normal training subject every day. It must be said that running is enough to run and is not willing to be included in daily training.

In the wilderness, there are too many weapons that can be used. Chen Gang picked up a rusty iron rod, which was still next to the garbage dump, and it smelled sticky in his hand. This is not The important thing is that Chen Gang, who received the weapon, has a destructive force that increases exponentially.


With this subtle sound and the state of being hit on the ground, he told the three clearly that the other party really had a gun or a silenced gun, which was equivalent to the other party firing without fear.

The three changed their running style. The s-shaped running between the three positions in a small area, the three covered each other. The speed did not slow down much, and they got into the mountainside by the road within a few minutes.


After receiving the news, Jing Tianlin, who was about to make final adjustments, had a shock that had not been seen for a long time. He flew to the SAR in the morning and just finished talking. He didn't plan to go out for dinner. He called to the hotel and just got ready to eat. .

"Crazy dog ​​started to Hao Zi, right on the street."

This news made Jing Tianlin feel completely furious afterwards. For a long time, he and his father have been learning the word 'making anger'. This is a brave tiger, so why think about it at the top of this pyramid? One step closer, step by step, like this step, including this time, Jing Tianlin talked to his father as a team leader, not many of them can have such a thorough chat between father and son, until the end On the contrary, the person who should have sought stability has been radical, leaving a sentence for his son: "It is not bad for Lulu to be able to withstand the test of the sun. We must also let people feel a sense of existence, rest assured, at last Controlled within a very small area. "

Jing Tianlin thought that it was a ten percent chance. Without his father's words, he had arranged everything, there was no possibility of failure, and if he got solid things in his hands, it would depend on how to play.

It can be said that he came to the south with Shang Fang's sword, and he didn't feel that this matter had anything to do with Chen Hao. In the end, it was the game of the upper man. The younger generation below was just a river soldier. The promise to Chen Hao is that he has always been accustomed to not speak for one point, and he is clearly overflowing, and he has to take back some.

I never expected that this crazy dog ​​really couldn't see the situation? Or is there just a person out there to bite and confuse the situation? Anyway, when the message that Chen Hao may be in danger came, Jing Tianlin thought that he could still see Taishan's collapse and his heart was still unshakable. He throbbed a few times and got angry in his heart. Afterwards, he thought about what was there. How much is it because of his relationship with Chen Hao? Can't figure it out, but a hundred percent is sure.

"You call Zhuang Xueqing ~ ~ and tell her, get started." Jing Tianlin didn't have time to call Zhuang Xueqing, let Fang Caier make the call, and he called another phone.

Looking at his expression, Fang Caier said nothing and silently dialed the phone number that she thought she didn't need to call in her life, secretly in her heart, fool, didn't you believe in the so-called friendship? What are you doing now?


There was a bunker in the mountains. Under the dark night, the tension between Kang Yan and Chen Gang disappeared. Neither of them needed to look at each other to know what to do next. Kang Yan guarded Chen Hao and went on, Chen Gang stayed. Obstruct and obtain counter-attack capital.

Why is Chen Gang?

Obviously stronger and more secure is Kang Yan.

Because the safety of the men around them is the most important in the hearts of the two, one is the relationship between life and death brothers, and the other is the relationship between the future sister-in-law, and the employer-employee relationship is not worth mentioning at this time.

Chen Hao didn't leave, but stopped: "Look at me, there must be a limit. Bullets don't hit the point, it's not a serious injury."

His words reassured the two of them, and at the same time the heart beating a bit, the talents were so strange that they could both sigh God's injustice. Unexpectedly, he had reached this point unknowingly. The kid's physical limit was in the end where? Previously, I have been discussing whether the muscles can respond to the instantaneous tightening of the muscles to defend the bullets. The answer is yes. When the bullets hit the body, the muscles are tight and block the movement of the bullets. The lethality is transformed into a shallow wound on the skin surface.

Chen Hao would like to say that the toughness of the system boss is in the transformation of individual bodies. It is really a trivial branch. He is healthy and healthy and eats. He usually practiced in a planned way. Apart from not flying, buddies The red-pants-women wore outside, which is the realistic version of Superman.

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