Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 832: This is perfect i would not want

Both Kang Yan and Chen Gang know that Chen Hao has never been a flower in a greenhouse. Since he has this strength, it may be better to fight together.

"Keep running, come back around." This time, Chen Gang and Chen Hao ran. Kang Yan, like a ghost, lay directly in the wet grass, motionless, and the sound of breathing disappeared.

A few minutes later, Chen Gang and Chen Hao circled back. They had already fought here, Kang Yan had a gun in his hand, and they also provided a dagger to the two.


Chen Gang was short and rushed forward with a dagger. The opponent had limited guns and guns. After being knocked down by Kang Yan, the flash of light when the gun was fired was gone. At the same time, a dozen meters away rang. From the sound of fighting, the screams made this almost silent battle lively.

Kang Yan threw his gun at Chen Hao, and rushed down with a bow. Chen Hao was not willing to show weakness, but he really looked at the strength of the other side and underestimated the strength of Kang Yan and Chen Gang. A small fish is a whip leg up. The opponent raises his arms to defend. It is a normal defensive strategy. The other side has a lot of power. I step back a few steps.

Chen Hao, who had nowhere to vent his strength, suffocated his strength. He usually used strength and explosive power that nobody dare to use. Today, when he took it out, he heard a muffled click, and then his opponent was directly pinned. On the ground, the flesh of both forearms was blurred. At a glance, I knew that this was absolutely a brutal force brought by a strong external force to break the bone, which was worse than smashing a fracture. Even if this person is alive, this life is also No hands are available.

Kang Yan is full of murderous anger. He collects the weapons that can be used at the scene as fast as possible. He spends half of his energy on observing all around. There is no live mouth in front of him. He is alive when he walks by. Any enemy does not need to ask the other party any questions. It doesn't make any sense. If you really kill it, you will kill it.

Chen Gang didn't stop him. He just stunned the guy who just fainted when Chen Hao whipped his leg. He raised his hand with two shots and directly hit the opponent's knee. Do n’t say it ’s a hand. No longer needed.

The three guns are relatively professional daggers. These people are not ordinary rivers and lakes. They are professional players. Ten people are chased after the death. Nine deaths are the only one breath.

Kang Yan and Chen Gang looked at Chen Hao, and with the moonlight transmitted through the gaps in the trees overhead, Chen Hao pointed the way.

Should we continue to enter the mountain and find a safe place to go out, or return to the original road if the enemy should continue to do it?

Chen Hao's choice is to go back. The real warrior is faced with any situation. Ten people are not enough. If he didn't make the choice of Chen Gang's car skills and danger, he would not choose this situation. At this time, At this moment, Chen Hao no longer remembers what Jing Tianlin said, that's not important anymore, what he has to do is go back to Sun Lingqun, what he will not know is what will happen.

With hot weapons, for Kang Yan and Chen Gang, there is basically no place to go. This is the land of Huaxia. The probability of the occurrence of weapons of mass destruction is almost equal to zero. It can take decades to encounter an assault rifle. Unexpected robbers, there is nothing they can't go, nothing exists that can make them fear.

After Chen Hao came out, he saw the wound on Chen Gang's body. He just rolled over and made a few cuts on his body.

Chen Gang looked at him and shook his head. This injury was okay, and he was scabbed after a while.

The bodies of the three people were stained with blood in addition to muddy water. It was not so embarrassed for a long time. After coming out, they saw several off-road vehicles parked not far from the dirt road. Dizzy, throw the bundle directly into the ditch.

Driving an off-road vehicle, Kang Yan was holding a cell phone from these people and flipping the information inside. Chen Gang drove and pulled Chen Hao back to the hotel where he lived. The three people ’s phones were not squeezed. If it is broken, it will be lost, and there is no plan to find it.

Chen Gang took Chen Hao directly from the back door of the hotel, took the fire passage, walked all the way to the living floor, knocked on Qiuyu's room door and got their room card. After entering, Chen Gang changed a suit. Chen Hao nodded at him. This one disappeared without a trace along the way. He also held a suit in his hand for Kang Yan. Tonight, the two of them still have some work to do, if not for the two of them. Chen Hao was persuaded that he would not return and would go with them. Where is his temper if he has no revenge?

Qiu Yu was frightened. I do n’t know what happened. No wonder from the beginning, all the calls came to him. While the boss was taking a shower, he took out the mobile phone card in the crushed mobile phone and put it in another mobile phone in his hand. The phone came in just after turning on the phone.

"Hey. Haozi!"

Chen Hao came out around the towel, picked up the phone, and wiped his hair with a towel: "I'm fine, but you have to do the aftermath."

Half an hour later, the public phone was called into Qiu Yu's cell phone. It was Chen Gang's voice. Qiu Yu quickly passed the call to the boss.

"We are late, Sun Lingqun has been taken away, it is a formal arrest mode for major suspects, handcuffs are put on, Lao Kang goes to load the living and corpses, and he will wait there for an hour, After an hour, he would even throw a car into the mountains. "

Unexpectedly, Chen Hao's action was so decisive and decisive: "It doesn't take an hour, someone will pass by. Come back, prepare some supper, and wait for Lao Kang to come back."

Put on a piece of silk pajamas and put on a white cotton t-shirt, Chen Hao poured himself a glass of vodka, opened the door of the hotel living room balcony, stood inside the fence and watched the lights of the city in the distance, drinking a lot Speaking, the mouth filled with spicy, light a cigarette, he asked himself a question, thought for a while before answering.

"If I were just star Chen Hao, what would it look like tonight? Would it still be so active?"

If it was just an ordinary person, facing the money beauty offensive of Sun Lingqun, it would be false and indifferent, or he would refuse to be humiliated. The latter things would definitely not happen, but the humiliation is certain, and he can't think of any kind of insult. Because he is not a person who can bear the thing in his bones, even if he hurts his opponent by a thousand, he will abide by his heart in the face of major choices, even if he pays everything he has.

Endure, and then wait for Jing Tianlin to take action. Big deal, leave the film commune side, hide abroad, and participate in the Hollywood Awards season. You ca n’t reach the other side of the ocean with the strength of your grandson. When will Tian Tianlin solve this problem? Thing before coming back. Perhaps this is the most sensible choice under normal thinking, and it would be perfect if you could leave without shame.

Take a big sip of the wine in the glass again, drink it, and raise the corners of your mouth slightly, whispering, "But this is perfect, I don't want it."

The cigarette in my hand was bounced out with my index finger, and a little bit of light was drawn in the air. It was immoral because I wanted to appreciate this different 'firework'.

Chen Gang and Kang Yan came back one after another. Without bandaging the wound, Chen Gang stiffened and took a shower, then disinfected and disinfected the wound. After a brief treatment, he did not care about holding the chopsticks and began to face the table full of dishes.

Hao Zi is all right, even if it collapses on that day, the two don't care. Although there are family members involved, it is a big deal to take their family members to find a good country to continue living. It ’s time to eat, drink, do n’t know if you ’re the taller one, it does n’t matter if the sky collapses.

Kang Yan ate a reassurance pill, but the effect was only useful to Qiuyu. The rest of the people didn't care if the reassurance pill was available.

"It was one of their bodyguards who took over with the police-chat, and I simply made a transcript of them at the scene."

After having dinner, I sent Qiuyu back to sleep. Chen Hao took the mobile phone and went into the house to play the card-operated mobile game. Once recharged 100,000, after entering, he constantly bought expensive props to enhance his strength ~ www.NovelMTL .com ~ Recharge 100,000 after spending 100,000, repeat this process, and you can see that the players in the game are shouting while being dumbfounded.

The reason I did n’t play and eat -chicken- and lyil was that it would be more comfortable to play with my mobile phone in bed.

In the living room, Kang Yan leaned on the floor-to-ceiling window, moved a single sofa and sat there, watching the TV program, and narrowed his eyes from time to time to sleep. In fact, any wind and grass on this side could instantly enter the fighting state. Although the items handed in from the opponent were just given to the police-chat, but now he has a dozen fruit knives bought from the supermarket downstairs, and he and Chen Gang have more than a dozen bullets.

Chen Gang was sitting near the door of the room, forming an angle with Kang Yan. He was sitting directly in a single sofa, lying down, legs on a sofa pier, watching TV in a comfortable posture, TV The sound is not loud. If outsiders come in, it will be difficult to understand what these two people are watching. The angle is not good and the sound is still low. Fortunately, the two people also know that the TV station is tuned to the sports channel. At least there are TV programs that can be watched overnight. .

Chen Hao didn't come out, and they didn't go in either. Until dawn, none of the three had slept, and some tacit understanding had already formed between the three.

After washing, the three still left the room with a tacit understanding. At dawn, Chen Gang and Kang Yan did not continue to stay in Chen Hao's suite.

Qiu Yu was in a state of ordering food to the room. Chen Hao patted his shoulder with a smile: "Why, the hotel's buffet breakfast is not delicious?"

"No, I ..." Qiuyu said to her mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Let's go and eat. I won't go to the Movie Commune today and rest in the hotel."

Just walking to the elevator entrance, with the elevator doors opening, Jing Tianlin, Huang Zhonghai, Tang Feng and Haihai appeared in front of Chen Hao, and the intact Chen Hao also came into their sights ...

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