Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 830: I go first

"Well, you go on."

The small steel cannon lit a cigarette and listened very carefully. He also wrote something on the script to provide memory.

Without destroying the skeleton, of course, it is the most ideal. He is the director, and he does not want his work to be altered sharply by others. On the surface, it will be very uncomfortable.

Chen Hao took a sip of tea, picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth. The sweet feeling filled the mouth of Yuxiang after the tea, cleared his throat and then said, "In me, the character is cold and the image is positive or negative. There is a lot of room for readers to judge for themselves. I think it ’s in place for you to change. The information that a movie can carry is limited. The audience will not give too much tolerance to slowly dig deeper into the film. Follow-up is a completely different matter. Since you have decided to obscure the good and evil of the characters, create a beautiful individual in the audience and a collective that needs to be confronted, the image of Ning Political Commissar is already very negative, and there is still a bottom line. "

Being praised, the small steel cannon is very useful. He is confident that the beautiful things will be recognized by the audience, because this era is such an exaggerated era. Things that are too sharp are okay in the film, and they are not suitable in the movie. This is him. I was worried that it would be difficult to resonate with Chen Hao, and I didn't expect the other party to understand themselves so well.

Chen Hao also lit a cigarette and then said, "Lin Dingding's admiration vanity faded very well, and other dramas do not need to be changed. In the end, when Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi ran into a chat at the Haikou Bookstore, they substituted for it. One or two sentences, talk about Lin Dingding ’s experience, do n’t just go to the United States, take out photos that are too fat to recognize, you can add some euphemisms, a total of two or three sentences, even the picture in my mind When Feng rides his bicycle to ask for his own car, the two of them appear in the form of voice-over voice chat. This will not take up the length of the video. The picture shows Lin Feng riding to the destination. Putting down the car and entering the car. This time should be before the person starts talking. It is enough for Hao Shuwen to describe Lin Dingding's many twists and turns in two or three sentences. "

The small steel cannon was sitting there with his eyes narrowed and unfocused. The smoke had burned to the end. He forgot to bounce it off, without even realizing it. All of his mind and body were immersed in the movie picture in his mind. Chen Hao said about Lin Dingding The richness of this role is a good ending here. The role may have been a bit thin during the Cultural Regiment, but here, everything she showed in previous plays has been completed. The girl in the magic city is more practical. In that big era, it was also the forefront of the trend. What she wanted was to go abroad to enjoy life and to make her material life higher than her spiritual life, and she realized it.

Xiao Suizi is from Yanjing. Her path is also more orthodox, and she has become a well-known writer, which accords with the urban regional characteristics.

Hao Shuwen is a child of Gao Qian. She wants a marriage that is a household match. She also thinks about how to follow the trend of the times. If she opens, she will make money and make her life better.

He Xiaoping is the epitome of the bitter life of that era, so her ending is the worst at the material level, but the most noble at the spiritual level. She lives more true to her inner heart than anyone else.

Xiao Gang Can's mind also thought of Hao Shuwen's swearing curse, he could let the whole show remove the swearing, but in that position, when she lifted Liu Feng, she should grit her teeth and call me cnm, you dare to hit the disabled Soldier, you dare to fight fighting heroes!

Let Lin Dingding's affairs end here. Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen talked about her. The voice was neutralized as a plot of the whole play. It was possible that they would be willing to use a little tone change for Liu Feng in those years. The meaning of dealing with grievances.

After the injustice, many years of comrades-in-arms arrived in the frontier, participated in the battle, and lost an arm. When she is Mrs. Kuo and Xiao Suizi is a well-known writer, both fame and fortune are not lacking, look at the man who paid the most, but now Bullied by several officials, Hao Shuwen's line must be performed in place, who will come?

The more I thought about it, it took a few minutes before Xiao Gangpao remembered to applaud Chen Hao: "Hurry up, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi? Don't tell me that your boy has no idea, there is no set of ideas that will not affect the plot, You wouldn't be so happy to say someone, I'll invite you to dinner at night. "

"Daoer, are all the movie pictures in my head now?"

As a director, Chen Hao too can understand what Xiao Gang Can ’s thoughts at this moment. Before the filming started, he already had a nearly complete movie picture based on the script. He smiled and was about to open the door. The door of the conference room was knocked. A few times, it was heavy, and then I opened the door. Obviously, the knocks on the door were to remind the people inside. Now something is happening, and I want to come in. Otherwise, it will be directly in the state of fruit delivery, open the door and come in, and close the door after putting it out.

"Mr. Chen, a guest is looking for you."

Come again?

Xiao Gang Cannon didn't care too much, and felt that he was a friend or something. Chen Hao saw someone here, but before he had time to know the identity of the other party, the other party had introduced himself first.

At a height of about seventeen-five, Dan Fengyan is a feature of facial features. Hair styles with long hair in the middle and half-length hair are all exquisite and carefully treated.

What he said was not disgusting. The only thing that was uncomfortable was the habit of his nostrils to people. Perhaps it was the same throughout the year. He didn't feel that this state was disrespectful and easy. Leave an impression of resistance to disgust at the first meeting.

"My name is Sun Lingqun, and Yan Jing is here. I always admire you. I want to invite you for a meal. Can you appreciate it?"

Chen Hao knows who the other party is, is it crazy? I didn't see it for the time being.

"Will Mr. Sun choose the time and place?"

"What else to choose, let's go now."

"Okay, I say hello to the director."

Half an hour later, Chen Hao and the crazy dog ​​Mr. Sun Lingqun in Jing Tianlin's mouth sat at a table. You know, he was separated from the group in the morning. This guy came in the evening, I do n’t know What would it look like if both of them met in this city?

Thinking about it, Chen Hao doesn't want to make himself the core character of the event. Once they can't resist the start of the showdown, they will inevitably make a world upset. At a sufficiently high level, the event will be simplified to the following sentence, not Intentionally, what seems to be a big thing is still a house for children in some aspects. The only reason I reported above is to allow parents to see their children ’s behavior. Where does the impression come from? Kind of 'trivial matter'.

"Because of Chen Hao, Jing Tianlin and Sun Lingqun flicked their wrists for a while. They ..."

Who did they find and what relationship did they use? The big brothers saw it. They need to know the specific abilities of these children, and to provoke things outside to settle this is a manifestation of abilities. As for Chen Hao, seeing the name, he frowned slightly. Head, the disgusting feeling left in my mind about this name can not be erased in a short time.

"Come on, let's have a drink first, I'll take the business seriously." Sun Lingqun raised his glass, bumped into a glass with Chen Hao, took a big sip of wine, and it was bright and light to be a man.

Chen Hao took a sip, and Sun Lingqun clapped his hands. Everyone in the room quietly retreated. Kang Yan didn't move. Chen Gang went out. Sun Lingqun didn't care about it. Then several people came in the room, first two. The changed man, one carrying a large one small two boxes, one holding a delicate box, followed by them, and two girls, both about 170 cm tall, young and beautiful, They are also beautiful. The main thing is that they are a pair of twins. If one is taken out at ninety points, it will be more than ninety-five minutes.

The box is placed on the table, and the box is placed between two people and opened.

Inside the box, the big one is full of money, there are gold bars, US dollars, euros, and Huaxia coins, a full box; the small ones are a few document bags, and a delicate revolver, with some bullets scattered in the box. The attraction of this stuff to men is stronger than many things. You don't need to put it in your drawer to look at it from time to time. That is also a kind of enjoyment.

In the box on the table, there are two kinds of sponge pads that are shock-proof. There are two things, one is a rhino horn cup and the other is a blue and white porcelain bowl. Chen Hao, who is so famous for two types of collections, still knows ~ ~ In the showcase at home, it is worth showing off with any friends. Of course, that must be true, of course. Now that Sun Lingqun has taken it out, it cannot be fake.

Sun Lingqun waved with a big hand: "You do n’t need to worry about things in Jing Tianlin. As long as you cooperate with me, these are all yours. Coming out is nothing more than asking for money. We can give you more and let you Get more assistance in your career, you need money, things, and women. It's all yours. "The twins walked carefully to Chen Hao, so that he could look more realistically, although he was not very revealing, so At a close distance, the scent is fragrant, and the figure looks real.

Chen Hao smiled and leaned back to the chair: "Respectfully call you Mr. Sun, do you think you can hit me with money?"

Sun Lingqun looked right, with a little seriousness: "What do you want?"

Chen Hao stood up gently: "You treat me, I'm here, I've exhausted all the courtesies, Mr. Sun, I'll go first."

Before the two men who took the box, each of them was half a step forward. They hadn't moved yet. Kang Yan moved first, while Chen Hao took the steps he wanted to take at the door, always keeping a pace, and didn't change his walking frequency because of the surrounding changes. , Direction, and destination.

There was a flash of light in the room, and Kang Yan had rushed through between them, and then rushed back again, as if they felt that they were blocking the boss's way, one person kicked away, and then stood behind Chen Hao, facing his back. Facing Sun Lingqun and the twins, they walked backwards.

When Chen Hao was three steps away from the door, the door was pulled open from the outside. Chen Gang stood at the door and opened the door for the boss so that the boss could walk outside without stopping.

At any time, Chen Hao will not regret his unswerving choice of standing. It is not important to be right or wrong. A man, how can he even believe that he cannot go the way he is!

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